--- title: Google Font Display --- > Enforce font-display behavior with Google Fonts. ## Why This Error Occurred For a Google Font, the font-display descriptor was either missing or set to `auto`, `block`, or `fallback`, which are not recommended. ## Possible Ways to Fix It For most cases, the best font display strategy for custom fonts is `optional`. ```jsx filename="pages/index.js" import Head from 'next/head' export default function IndexPage() { return (
) } ``` Specifying `display=optional` minimizes the risk of invisible text or layout shift. If swapping to the custom font after it has loaded is important to you, then use `display=swap` instead. ### When Not To Use It If you want to specifically display a font using an `auto`, `block`, or `fallback` strategy, then you can disable this rule. ## Useful Links - [Controlling Font Performance with font-display](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/font-display/) - [Google Fonts API Docs](https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/css2#use_font-display) - [CSS `font-display` property](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-display-desc)