import { createNext } from 'e2e-utils' import { NextInstance } from 'test/lib/next-modes/base' import { renderViaHTTP } from 'next-test-utils' import cheerio from 'cheerio' import webdriver from 'next-webdriver' describe('Dynamic Route Interpolation', () => { let next: NextInstance beforeAll(async () => { next = await createNext({ files: { 'pages/blog/[slug].js': ` import Link from "next/link" import { useRouter } from "next/router" export function getServerSideProps({ params }) { return { props: { slug: params.slug, now: } } } export default function Page(props) { const router = useRouter() return ( <>


{} ) } `, 'pages/api/dynamic/[slug].js': ` export default function Page(req, res) { const { slug } = req.query res.end('slug: ' + slug) } `, }, dependencies: {}, }) }) afterAll(() => next.destroy()) it('should work', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/blog/a') const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('a') }) it('should work with parameter itself', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/blog/[slug]') const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('[slug]') }) it('should work with brackets', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/blog/[abc]') const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('[abc]') }) it('should work with parameter itself in API routes', async () => { const text = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/api/dynamic/[slug]') expect(text).toBe('slug: [slug]') }) it('should work with brackets in API routes', async () => { const text = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/api/dynamic/[abc]') expect(text).toBe('slug: [abc]') }) it('should bust data cache', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, '/blog/login') await browser.elementById('now').click() // fetch data once const text = await browser.elementById('now').text() await browser.elementById('now').click() // fetch data again await browser.waitForElementByCss(`#now:not(:text("${text}"))`) await browser.close() }) it('should bust data cache with symbol', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, '/blog/@login') await browser.elementById('now').click() // fetch data once const text = await browser.elementById('now').text() await browser.elementById('now').click() // fetch data again await browser.waitForElementByCss(`#now:not(:text("${text}"))`) await browser.close() }) })