import React from 'react' import Head from '../shared/lib/head' import { toBase64 } from '../shared/lib/to-base-64' import { ImageConfig, imageConfigDefault, LoaderValue, VALID_LOADERS, } from '../server/image-config' import { useIntersection } from './use-intersection' const loadedImageURLs = new Set() if (typeof window === 'undefined') { ;(global as any).__NEXT_IMAGE_IMPORTED = true } const VALID_LOADING_VALUES = ['lazy', 'eager', undefined] as const type LoadingValue = typeof VALID_LOADING_VALUES[number] export type ImageLoader = (resolverProps: ImageLoaderProps) => string export type ImageLoaderProps = { src: string width: number quality?: number } type DefaultImageLoaderProps = ImageLoaderProps & { root: string } const loaders = new Map< LoaderValue, (props: DefaultImageLoaderProps) => string >([ ['default', defaultLoader], ['imgix', imgixLoader], ['cloudinary', cloudinaryLoader], ['akamai', akamaiLoader], ['custom', customLoader], ]) const VALID_LAYOUT_VALUES = [ 'fill', 'fixed', 'intrinsic', 'responsive', undefined, ] as const type LayoutValue = typeof VALID_LAYOUT_VALUES[number] type PlaceholderValue = 'blur' | 'empty' type OnLoadingComplete = (result: { naturalWidth: number naturalHeight: number }) => void type ImgElementStyle = NonNullable interface StaticRequire { default: StaticImageData } type StaticImport = StaticRequire | StaticImageData function isStaticRequire( src: StaticRequire | StaticImageData ): src is StaticRequire { return (src as StaticRequire).default !== undefined } function isStaticImageData( src: StaticRequire | StaticImageData ): src is StaticImageData { return (src as StaticImageData).src !== undefined } function isStaticImport(src: string | StaticImport): src is StaticImport { return ( typeof src === 'object' && (isStaticRequire(src as StaticImport) || isStaticImageData(src as StaticImport)) ) } export type ImageProps = Omit< JSX.IntrinsicElements['img'], 'src' | 'srcSet' | 'ref' | 'width' | 'height' | 'loading' | 'style' > & { src: string | StaticImport width?: number | string height?: number | string layout?: LayoutValue loader?: ImageLoader quality?: number | string priority?: boolean loading?: LoadingValue lazyBoundary?: string placeholder?: PlaceholderValue blurDataURL?: string unoptimized?: boolean objectFit?: ImgElementStyle['objectFit'] objectPosition?: ImgElementStyle['objectPosition'] onLoadingComplete?: OnLoadingComplete } const { deviceSizes: configDeviceSizes, imageSizes: configImageSizes, loader: configLoader, path: configPath, domains: configDomains, } = ((process.env.__NEXT_IMAGE_OPTS as any) as ImageConfig) || imageConfigDefault // sort smallest to largest const allSizes = [...configDeviceSizes, ...configImageSizes] configDeviceSizes.sort((a, b) => a - b) allSizes.sort((a, b) => a - b) function getWidths( width: number | undefined, layout: LayoutValue, sizes: string | undefined ): { widths: number[]; kind: 'w' | 'x' } { if (sizes && (layout === 'fill' || layout === 'responsive')) { // Find all the "vw" percent sizes used in the sizes prop const viewportWidthRe = /(^|\s)(1?\d?\d)vw/g const percentSizes = [] for (let match; (match = viewportWidthRe.exec(sizes)); match) { percentSizes.push(parseInt(match[2])) } if (percentSizes.length) { const smallestRatio = Math.min(...percentSizes) * 0.01 return { widths: allSizes.filter( (s) => s >= configDeviceSizes[0] * smallestRatio ), kind: 'w', } } return { widths: allSizes, kind: 'w' } } if ( typeof width !== 'number' || layout === 'fill' || layout === 'responsive' ) { return { widths: configDeviceSizes, kind: 'w' } } const widths = [ Set( // > This means that most OLED screens that say they are 3x resolution, // > are actually 3x in the green color, but only 1.5x in the red and // > blue colors. Showing a 3x resolution image in the app vs a 2x // > resolution image will be visually the same, though the 3x image // > takes significantly more data. Even true 3x resolution screens are // > wasteful as the human eye cannot see that level of detail without // > something like a magnifying glass. // [width, width * 2 /*, width * 3*/].map( (w) => allSizes.find((p) => p >= w) || allSizes[allSizes.length - 1] ) ), ] return { widths, kind: 'x' } } type GenImgAttrsData = { src: string unoptimized: boolean layout: LayoutValue loader: ImageLoader width?: number quality?: number sizes?: string } type GenImgAttrsResult = { src: string srcSet: string | undefined sizes: string | undefined } function generateImgAttrs({ src, unoptimized, layout, width, quality, sizes, loader, }: GenImgAttrsData): GenImgAttrsResult { if (unoptimized) { return { src, srcSet: undefined, sizes: undefined } } const { widths, kind } = getWidths(width, layout, sizes) const last = widths.length - 1 return { sizes: !sizes && kind === 'w' ? '100vw' : sizes, srcSet: widths .map( (w, i) => `${loader({ src, quality, width: w })} ${ kind === 'w' ? w : i + 1 }${kind}` ) .join(', '), // It's intended to keep `src` the last attribute because React updates // attributes in order. If we keep `src` the first one, Safari will // immediately start to fetch `src`, before `sizes` and `srcSet` are even // updated by React. That causes multiple unnecessary requests if `srcSet` // and `sizes` are defined. // This bug cannot be reproduced in Chrome or Firefox. src: loader({ src, quality, width: widths[last] }), } } function getInt(x: unknown): number | undefined { if (typeof x === 'number') { return x } if (typeof x === 'string') { return parseInt(x, 10) } return undefined } function defaultImageLoader(loaderProps: ImageLoaderProps) { const load = loaders.get(configLoader) if (load) { return load({ root: configPath, ...loaderProps }) } throw new Error( `Unknown "loader" found in "next.config.js". Expected: ${VALID_LOADERS.join( ', ' )}. Received: ${configLoader}` ) } // See for why we use this ref // handler instead of the img's onLoad attribute. function handleLoading( img: HTMLImageElement | null, src: string, placeholder: PlaceholderValue, onLoadingComplete?: OnLoadingComplete ) { if (!img) { return } const handleLoad = () => { if (!img.src.startsWith('data:')) { const p = 'decode' in img ? img.decode() : Promise.resolve() p.catch(() => {}).then(() => { if (placeholder === 'blur') { = 'none' = 'none' = 'none' } loadedImageURLs.add(src) if (onLoadingComplete) { const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = img // Pass back read-only primitive values but not the // underlying DOM element because it could be misused. onLoadingComplete({ naturalWidth, naturalHeight }) } }) } } if (img.complete) { // If the real image fails to load, this will still remove the placeholder. // This is the desired behavior for now, and will be revisited when error // handling is worked on for the image component itself. handleLoad() } else { img.onload = handleLoad } } export default function Image({ src, sizes, unoptimized = false, priority = false, loading, lazyBoundary = '200px', className, quality, width, height, objectFit, objectPosition, onLoadingComplete, loader = defaultImageLoader, placeholder = 'empty', blurDataURL, ...all }: ImageProps) { let rest: Partial = all let layout: NonNullable = sizes ? 'responsive' : 'intrinsic' if ('layout' in rest) { // Override default layout if the user specified one: if (rest.layout) layout = rest.layout // Remove property so it's not spread into image: delete rest['layout'] } let staticSrc = '' if (isStaticImport(src)) { const staticImageData = isStaticRequire(src) ? src.default : src if (!staticImageData.src) { throw new Error( `An object should only be passed to the image component src parameter if it comes from a static image import. It must include src. Received ${JSON.stringify( staticImageData )}` ) } blurDataURL = blurDataURL || staticImageData.blurDataURL staticSrc = staticImageData.src if (!layout || layout !== 'fill') { height = height || staticImageData.height width = width || staticImageData.width if (!staticImageData.height || !staticImageData.width) { throw new Error( `An object should only be passed to the image component src parameter if it comes from a static image import. It must include height and width. Received ${JSON.stringify( staticImageData )}` ) } } } src = typeof src === 'string' ? src : staticSrc const widthInt = getInt(width) const heightInt = getInt(height) const qualityInt = getInt(quality) let isLazy = !priority && (loading === 'lazy' || typeof loading === 'undefined') if (src.startsWith('data:')) { // unoptimized = true isLazy = false } if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && loadedImageURLs.has(src)) { isLazy = false } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (!src) { throw new Error( `Image is missing required "src" property. Make sure you pass "src" in props to the \`next/image\` component. Received: ${JSON.stringify( { width, height, quality } )}` ) } if (!VALID_LAYOUT_VALUES.includes(layout)) { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" has invalid "layout" property. Provided "${layout}" should be one of ${ String ).join(',')}.` ) } if ( (typeof widthInt !== 'undefined' && isNaN(widthInt)) || (typeof heightInt !== 'undefined' && isNaN(heightInt)) ) { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" has invalid "width" or "height" property. These should be numeric values.` ) } if (layout === 'fill' && (width || height)) { console.warn( `Image with src "${src}" and "layout='fill'" has unused properties assigned. Please remove "width" and "height".` ) } if (!VALID_LOADING_VALUES.includes(loading)) { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" has invalid "loading" property. Provided "${loading}" should be one of ${ String ).join(',')}.` ) } if (priority && loading === 'lazy') { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" has both "priority" and "loading='lazy'" properties. Only one should be used.` ) } if (placeholder === 'blur') { if (layout !== 'fill' && (widthInt || 0) * (heightInt || 0) < 1600) { console.warn( `Image with src "${src}" is smaller than 40x40. Consider removing the "placeholder='blur'" property to improve performance.` ) } if (!blurDataURL) { const VALID_BLUR_EXT = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp'] // should match next-image-loader throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" has "placeholder='blur'" property but is missing the "blurDataURL" property. Possible solutions: - Add a "blurDataURL" property, the contents should be a small Data URL to represent the image - Change the "src" property to a static import with one of the supported file types: ${VALID_BLUR_EXT.join( ',' )} - Remove the "placeholder" property, effectively no blur effect Read more:` ) } } if ('ref' in rest) { console.warn( `Image with src "${src}" is using unsupported "ref" property. Consider using the "onLoadingComplete" property instead.` ) } if ('style' in rest) { console.warn( `Image with src "${src}" is using unsupported "style" property. Please use the "className" property instead.` ) } const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 100 if ( !unoptimized && !loader({ src, width: rand, quality: 75 }).includes(rand.toString()) ) { console.warn( `Image with src "${src}" has a "loader" property that does not implement width. Please implement it or use the "unoptimized" property instead.` + `\nRead more:` ) } } const [setRef, isIntersected] = useIntersection({ rootMargin: lazyBoundary, disabled: !isLazy, }) const isVisible = !isLazy || isIntersected let wrapperStyle: JSX.IntrinsicElements['div']['style'] | undefined let sizerStyle: JSX.IntrinsicElements['div']['style'] | undefined let sizerSvg: string | undefined let imgStyle: ImgElementStyle | undefined = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, boxSizing: 'border-box', padding: 0, border: 'none', margin: 'auto', display: 'block', width: 0, height: 0, minWidth: '100%', maxWidth: '100%', minHeight: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', objectFit, objectPosition, } const blurStyle = placeholder === 'blur' ? { filter: 'blur(20px)', backgroundSize: objectFit || 'cover', backgroundImage: `url("${blurDataURL}")`, backgroundPosition: objectPosition || '0% 0%', } : {} if (layout === 'fill') { // wrapperStyle = { display: 'block', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, boxSizing: 'border-box', margin: 0, } } else if ( typeof widthInt !== 'undefined' && typeof heightInt !== 'undefined' ) { // const quotient = heightInt / widthInt const paddingTop = isNaN(quotient) ? '100%' : `${quotient * 100}%` if (layout === 'responsive') { // wrapperStyle = { display: 'block', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative', boxSizing: 'border-box', margin: 0, } sizerStyle = { display: 'block', boxSizing: 'border-box', paddingTop } } else if (layout === 'intrinsic') { // wrapperStyle = { display: 'inline-block', maxWidth: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative', boxSizing: 'border-box', margin: 0, } sizerStyle = { boxSizing: 'border-box', display: 'block', maxWidth: '100%', } sizerSvg = `` } else if (layout === 'fixed') { // wrapperStyle = { overflow: 'hidden', boxSizing: 'border-box', display: 'inline-block', position: 'relative', width: widthInt, height: heightInt, } } } else { // if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" must use "width" and "height" properties or "layout='fill'" property.` ) } } let imgAttributes: GenImgAttrsResult = { src: '', srcSet: undefined, sizes: undefined, } if (isVisible) { imgAttributes = generateImgAttrs({ src, unoptimized, layout, width: widthInt, quality: qualityInt, sizes, loader, }) } let srcString: string = src return (
{sizerStyle ? (
{sizerSvg ? ( ) : null}
) : null} {!isVisible && ( )} { setRef(img) handleLoading(img, srcString, placeholder, onLoadingComplete) }} style={{ ...imgStyle, ...blurStyle }} /> {priority ? ( // Note how we omit the `href` attribute, as it would only be relevant // for browsers that do not support `imagesrcset`, and in those cases // it would likely cause the incorrect image to be preloaded. // // ) : null}
) } function normalizeSrc(src: string): string { return src[0] === '/' ? src.slice(1) : src } function imgixLoader({ root, src, width, quality, }: DefaultImageLoaderProps): string { // Demo: const url = new URL(`${root}${normalizeSrc(src)}`) const params = url.searchParams params.set('auto', params.get('auto') || 'format') params.set('fit', params.get('fit') || 'max') params.set('w', params.get('w') || width.toString()) if (quality) { params.set('q', quality.toString()) } return url.href } function akamaiLoader({ root, src, width }: DefaultImageLoaderProps): string { return `${root}${normalizeSrc(src)}?imwidth=${width}` } function cloudinaryLoader({ root, src, width, quality, }: DefaultImageLoaderProps): string { // Demo:,c_limit,q_auto/turtles.jpg const params = ['f_auto', 'c_limit', 'w_' + width, 'q_' + (quality || 'auto')] let paramsString = params.join(',') + '/' return `${root}${paramsString}${normalizeSrc(src)}` } function customLoader({ src }: DefaultImageLoaderProps): string { throw new Error( `Image with src "${src}" is missing "loader" prop.` + `\nRead more:` ) } function defaultLoader({ root, src, width, quality, }: DefaultImageLoaderProps): string { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const missingValues = [] // these should always be provided but make sure they are if (!src) missingValues.push('src') if (!width) missingValues.push('width') if (missingValues.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Next Image Optimization requires ${missingValues.join( ', ' )} to be provided. Make sure you pass them as props to the \`next/image\` component. Received: ${JSON.stringify( { src, width, quality } )}` ) } if (src.startsWith('//')) { throw new Error( `Failed to parse src "${src}" on \`next/image\`, protocol-relative URL (//) must be changed to an absolute URL (http:// or https://)` ) } if (!src.startsWith('/') && configDomains) { let parsedSrc: URL try { parsedSrc = new URL(src) } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw new Error( `Failed to parse src "${src}" on \`next/image\`, if using relative image it must start with a leading slash "/" or be an absolute URL (http:// or https://)` ) } if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && !configDomains.includes(parsedSrc.hostname) ) { throw new Error( `Invalid src prop (${src}) on \`next/image\`, hostname "${parsedSrc.hostname}" is not configured under images in your \`next.config.js\`\n` + `See more info:` ) } } } return `${root}?url=${encodeURIComponent(src)}&w=${width}&q=${quality || 75}` }