--- description: Next.js has built-in support for internationalized routing and language detection. Learn more here. --- # Internationalized Routing
Next.js has built-in support for internationalized ([i18n](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalization_and_localization#Naming)) routing since `v10.0.0`. You can provide a list of locales, the default locale, and domain-specific locales and Next.js will automatically handle the routing. The i18n routing support is currently meant to complement existing i18n library solutions like [`react-intl`](https://formatjs.io/docs/getting-started/installation), [`react-i18next`](https://react.i18next.com/), [`lingui`](https://lingui.js.org/), [`rosetta`](https://github.com/lukeed/rosetta), [`next-intl`](https://github.com/amannn/next-intl) and others by streamlining the routes and locale parsing. ## Getting started To get started, add the `i18n` config to your `next.config.js` file. Locales are [UTS Locale Identifiers](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-59/tr35.html#Identifiers), a standardized format for defining locales. Generally a Locale Identifier is made up of a language, region, and script separated by a dash: `language-region-script`. The region and script are optional. An example: - `en-US` - English as spoken in the United States - `nl-NL` - Dutch as spoken in the Netherlands - `nl` - Dutch, no specific region If user locale is `nl-BE` and it is not listed in your configuration, they will be redirected to `nl` if available, or to the default locale otherwise. If you don't plan to support all regions of a country, it is therefore a good practice to include country locales that will act as fallbacks. ```js // next.config.js module.exports = { i18n: { // These are all the locales you want to support in // your application locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL'], // This is the default locale you want to be used when visiting // a non-locale prefixed path e.g. `/hello` defaultLocale: 'en-US', // This is a list of locale domains and the default locale they // should handle (these are only required when setting up domain routing) // Note: subdomains must be included in the domain value to be matched e.g. "fr.example.com". domains: [ { domain: 'example.com', defaultLocale: 'en-US', }, { domain: 'example.nl', defaultLocale: 'nl-NL', }, { domain: 'example.fr', defaultLocale: 'fr', // an optional http field can also be used to test // locale domains locally with http instead of https http: true, }, ], }, } ``` ## Locale Strategies There are two locale handling strategies: Sub-path Routing and Domain Routing. ### Sub-path Routing Sub-path Routing puts the locale in the url path. ```js // next.config.js module.exports = { i18n: { locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL'], defaultLocale: 'en-US', }, } ``` With the above configuration `en-US`, `fr`, and `nl-NL` will be available to be routed to, and `en-US` is the default locale. If you have a `pages/blog.js` the following urls would be available: - `/blog` - `/fr/blog` - `/nl-nl/blog` The default locale does not have a prefix. ### Domain Routing By using domain routing you can configure locales to be served from different domains: ```js // next.config.js module.exports = { i18n: { locales: ['en-US', 'fr', 'nl-NL', 'nl-BE'], defaultLocale: 'en-US', domains: [ { // Note: subdomains must be included in the domain value to be matched // e.g. www.example.com should be used if that is the expected hostname domain: 'example.com', defaultLocale: 'en-US', }, { domain: 'example.fr', defaultLocale: 'fr', }, { domain: 'example.nl', defaultLocale: 'nl-NL', // specify other locales that should be redirected // to this domain locales: ['nl-BE'], }, ], }, } ``` For example if you have `pages/blog.js` the following urls will be available: - `example.com/blog` - `www.example.com/blog` - `example.fr/blog` - `example.nl/blog` - `example.nl/nl-BE/blog` ## Automatic Locale Detection When a user visits the application root (generally `/`), Next.js will try to automatically detect which locale the user prefers based on the [`Accept-Language`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Language) header and the current domain. If a locale other than the default locale is detected, the user will be redirected to either: - **When using Sub-path Routing:** The locale prefixed path - **When using Domain Routing:** The domain with that locale specified as the default When using Domain Routing, if a user with the `Accept-Language` header `fr;q=0.9` visits `example.com`, they will be redirected to `example.fr` since that domain handles the `fr` locale by default. When using Sub-path Routing, the user would be redirected to `/fr`. ### Prefixing the Default Locale With Next.js 12 and [Middleware](/docs/middleware.md), we can add a prefix to the default locale with a [workaround](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/18419). For example, here's a `next.config.js` file with support for a few languages. Note the `"default"` locale has been added intentionally. ```js // next.config.js module.exports = { i18n: { locales: ['default', 'en', 'de', 'fr'], defaultLocale: 'default', localeDetection: false, }, trailingSlash: true, } ``` Next, we can use [Middleware](/docs/middleware.md) to add custom routing rules: ```js // middleware.ts import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server' const PUBLIC_FILE = /\.(.*)$/ export async function middleware(req: NextRequest) { if ( req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/_next') || req.nextUrl.pathname.includes('/api/') || PUBLIC_FILE.test(req.nextUrl.pathname) ) { return } if (req.nextUrl.locale === 'default') { const locale = req.cookies.get('NEXT_LOCALE') || 'en' return NextResponse.redirect( new URL(`/${locale}${req.nextUrl.pathname}${req.nextUrl.search}`, req.url) ) } } ``` This [Middleware](/docs/middleware.md) skips adding the default prefix to [API Routes](/docs/api-routes/introduction.md) and [public](/docs/basic-features/static-file-serving.md) files like fonts or images. If a request is made to the default locale, we redirect to our prefix `/en`. ### Disabling Automatic Locale Detection The automatic locale detection can be disabled with: ```js // next.config.js module.exports = { i18n: { localeDetection: false, }, } ``` When `localeDetection` is set to `false` Next.js will no longer automatically redirect based on the user's preferred locale and will only provide locale information detected from either the locale based domain or locale path as described above. ## Accessing the locale information You can access the locale information via the Next.js router. For example, using the [`useRouter()`](/docs/api-reference/next/router.md#userouter) hook the following properties are available: - `locale` contains the currently active locale. - `locales` contains all configured locales. - `defaultLocale` contains the configured default locale. When [pre-rendering](/docs/basic-features/pages.md#static-generation-recommended) pages with `getStaticProps` or `getServerSideProps`, the locale information is provided in [the context](/docs/basic-features/data-fetching/get-static-props.md) provided to the function. When leveraging `getStaticPaths`, the configured locales are provided in the context parameter of the function under `locales` and the configured defaultLocale under `defaultLocale`. ## Transition between locales You can use `next/link` or `next/router` to transition between locales. For `next/link`, a `locale` prop can be provided to transition to a different locale from the currently active one. If no `locale` prop is provided, the currently active `locale` is used during client-transitions. For example: ```jsx import Link from 'next/link' export default function IndexPage(props) { return ( To /fr/another ) } ``` When using the `next/router` methods directly, you can specify the `locale` that should be used via the transition options. For example: ```jsx import { useRouter } from 'next/router' export default function IndexPage(props) { const router = useRouter() return (
{ router.push('/another', '/another', { locale: 'fr' }) }} > to /fr/another
) } ``` Note that to handle switching only the `locale` while preserving all routing information such as [dynamic route](/docs/routing/dynamic-routes.md) query values or hidden href query values, you can provide the `href` parameter as an object: ```jsx import { useRouter } from 'next/router' const router = useRouter() const { pathname, asPath, query } = router // change just the locale and maintain all other route information including href's query router.push({ pathname, query }, asPath, { locale: nextLocale }) ``` See [here](/docs/api-reference/next/router.md#with-url-object) for more information on the object structure for `router.push`. If you have a `href` that already includes the locale you can opt-out of automatically handling the locale prefixing: ```jsx import Link from 'next/link' export default function IndexPage(props) { return ( To /fr/another ) } ``` ## Leveraging the NEXT_LOCALE cookie Next.js supports overriding the accept-language header with a `NEXT_LOCALE=the-locale` cookie. This cookie can be set using a language switcher and then when a user comes back to the site it will leverage the locale specified in the cookie when redirecting from `/` to the correct locale location. For example, if a user prefers the locale `fr` in their accept-language header but a `NEXT_LOCALE=en` cookie is set the `en` locale when visiting `/` the user will be redirected to the `en` locale location until the cookie is removed or expired. ## Search Engine Optimization Since Next.js knows what language the user is visiting it will automatically add the `lang` attribute to the `` tag. Next.js doesn't know about variants of a page so it's up to you to add the `hreflang` meta tags using [`next/head`](/docs/api-reference/next/head.md). You can learn more about `hreflang` in the [Google Webmasters documentation](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/189077). ## How does this work with Static Generation? > Note that Internationalized Routing does not integrate with [`next export`](/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export.md) as `next export` does not leverage the Next.js routing layer. Hybrid Next.js applications that do not use `next export` are fully supported. ### Dynamic Routes and `getStaticProps` Pages For pages using `getStaticProps` with [Dynamic Routes](/docs/routing/dynamic-routes.md), all locale variants of the page desired to be prerendered need to be returned from [`getStaticPaths`](/docs/basic-features/data-fetching/get-static-paths.md). Along with the `params` object returned for `paths`, you can also return a `locale` field specifying which locale you want to render. For example: ```js // pages/blog/[slug].js export const getStaticPaths = ({ locales }) => { return { paths: [ // if no `locale` is provided only the defaultLocale will be generated { params: { slug: 'post-1' }, locale: 'en-US' }, { params: { slug: 'post-1' }, locale: 'fr' }, ], fallback: true, } } ``` For [Automatically Statically Optimized](/docs/advanced-features/automatic-static-optimization.md) and non-dynamic `getStaticProps` pages, **a version of the page will be generated for each locale**. This is important to consider because it can increase build times depending on how many locales are configured inside `getStaticProps`. For example, if you have 50 locales configured with 10 non-dynamic pages using `getStaticProps`, this means `getStaticProps` will be called 500 times. 50 versions of the 10 pages will be generated during each build. To decrease the build time of dynamic pages with `getStaticProps`, use a [`fallback` mode](/docs/api-reference/data-fetching/get-static-paths#fallback-true). This allows you to return only the most popular paths and locales from `getStaticPaths` for prerendering during the build. Then, Next.js will build the remaining pages at runtime as they are requested. ### Automatically Statically Optimized Pages For pages that are [automatically statically optimized](/docs/advanced-features/automatic-static-optimization.md), a version of the page will be generated for each locale. ### Non-dynamic getStaticProps Pages For non-dynamic `getStaticProps` pages, a version is generated for each locale like above. `getStaticProps` is called with each `locale` that is being rendered. If you would like to opt-out of a certain locale from being pre-rendered, you can return `notFound: true` from `getStaticProps` and this variant of the page will not be generated. ```js export async function getStaticProps({ locale }) { // Call an external API endpoint to get posts. // You can use any data fetching library const res = await fetch(`https://.../posts?locale=${locale}`) const posts = await res.json() if (posts.length === 0) { return { notFound: true, } } // By returning { props: posts }, the Blog component // will receive `posts` as a prop at build time return { props: { posts, }, } } ``` ## Limits for the i18n config - `locales`: 100 total locales - `domains`: 100 total locale domain items > **Note:** These limits have been added initially to prevent potential [performance issues at build time](#dynamic-routes-and-getStaticProps-pages). You can workaround these limits with custom routing using [Middleware](/docs/middleware.md) in Next.js 12.