#!/usr/bin/env node import chalk from 'chalk' import Commander from 'commander' import path from 'path' import prompts from 'prompts' import checkForUpdate from 'update-check' import { createApp } from './create-app' import { validateNpmName } from './helpers/validate-pkg' import packageJson from './package.json' import { shouldUseYarn } from './helpers/should-use-yarn' let projectPath: string = '' const program = new Commander.Command(packageJson.name) .version(packageJson.version) .arguments('') .usage(`${chalk.green('')} [options]`) .action(name => { projectPath = name }) .option('--use-npm') .option( '-e, --example ', 'an example to bootstrap the app with' ) .allowUnknownOption() .parse(process.argv) async function run() { if (typeof projectPath === 'string') { projectPath = projectPath.trim() } if (!projectPath) { const res = await prompts({ type: 'text', name: 'path', message: 'What is your project named?', initial: 'my-app', validate: name => { const validation = validateNpmName(path.basename(path.resolve(name))) if (validation.valid) { return true } return 'Invalid project name: ' + validation.problems![0] }, }) if (typeof res.path === 'string') { projectPath = res.path.trim() } } if (!projectPath) { console.log() console.log('Please specify the project directory:') console.log( ` ${chalk.cyan(program.name())} ${chalk.green('')}` ) console.log() console.log('For example:') console.log(` ${chalk.cyan(program.name())} ${chalk.green('my-next-app')}`) console.log() console.log( `Run ${chalk.cyan(`${program.name()} --help`)} to see all options.` ) process.exit(1) } const resolvedProjectPath = path.resolve(projectPath) const projectName = path.basename(resolvedProjectPath) const { valid, problems } = validateNpmName(projectName) if (!valid) { console.error( `Could not create a project called ${chalk.red( `"${projectName}"` )} because of npm naming restrictions:` ) problems!.forEach(p => console.error(` ${chalk.red.bold('*')} ${p}`)) process.exit(1) } await createApp({ appPath: resolvedProjectPath, useNpm: !!program.useNpm, example: (typeof program.example === 'string' && program.example.trim()) || undefined, }) } const update = checkForUpdate(packageJson).catch(() => null) async function notifyUpdate() { try { const res = await update if (res?.latest) { const isYarn = shouldUseYarn() console.log() console.log( chalk.yellow.bold('A new version of `create-next-app` is available!') ) console.log( 'You can update by running: ' + chalk.cyan( isYarn ? 'yarn global add create-next-app' : 'npm i -g create-next-app' ) ) console.log() } } catch { // ignore error } } run() .then(notifyUpdate) .catch(async reason => { console.log() console.log('Aborting installation.') if (reason.command) { console.log(` ${chalk.cyan(reason.command)} has failed.`) } else { console.log(chalk.red('Unexpected error. Please report it as a bug:')) console.log(reason) } console.log() await notifyUpdate() process.exit(1) })