import type { IncomingMessage } from 'http' import type { BaseNextRequest } from '../base-http' import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from '../../shared/lib/utils' export type NextApiRequestCookies = { [key: string]: string } export type NextApiRequestQuery = { [key: string]: string | string[] } export type __ApiPreviewProps = { previewModeId: string previewModeEncryptionKey: string previewModeSigningKey: string } /** * Parse cookies from the `headers` of request * @param req request object */ export function getCookieParser(headers: { [key: string]: undefined | string | string[] }): () => NextApiRequestCookies { return function parseCookie(): NextApiRequestCookies { const header: undefined | string | string[] = headers.cookie if (!header) { return {} } const { parse: parseCookieFn } = require('next/dist/compiled/cookie') return parseCookieFn(Array.isArray(header) ? header.join(';') : header) } } /** * * @param res response object * @param statusCode `HTTP` status code of response */ export function sendStatusCode( res: NextApiResponse, statusCode: number ): NextApiResponse { res.statusCode = statusCode return res } /** * * @param res response object * @param [statusOrUrl] `HTTP` status code of redirect * @param url URL of redirect */ export function redirect( res: NextApiResponse, statusOrUrl: string | number, url?: string ): NextApiResponse { if (typeof statusOrUrl === 'string') { url = statusOrUrl statusOrUrl = 307 } if (typeof statusOrUrl !== 'number' || typeof url !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Invalid redirect arguments. Please use a single argument URL, e.g. res.redirect('/destination') or use a status code and URL, e.g. res.redirect(307, '/destination').` ) } res.writeHead(statusOrUrl, { Location: url }) res.write(url) res.end() return res } export const PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_HEADER = 'x-prerender-revalidate' export const PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_ONLY_GENERATED_HEADER = 'x-prerender-revalidate-if-generated' export function checkIsManualRevalidate( req: IncomingMessage | BaseNextRequest, previewProps: __ApiPreviewProps ): { isManualRevalidate: boolean revalidateOnlyGenerated: boolean } { return { isManualRevalidate: req.headers[PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_HEADER] === previewProps.previewModeId, revalidateOnlyGenerated: !!req.headers[PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_ONLY_GENERATED_HEADER], } } export const COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS = `__prerender_bypass` export const COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA = `__next_preview_data` export const RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 4 * 1024 * 1024 export const SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA = Symbol(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA) export const SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES = Symbol(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS) export function clearPreviewData( res: NextApiResponse ): NextApiResponse { if (SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES in res) { return res } const { serialize } = require('next/dist/compiled/cookie') as typeof import('cookie') const previous = res.getHeader('Set-Cookie') res.setHeader(`Set-Cookie`, [ ...(typeof previous === 'string' ? [previous] : Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : []), serialize(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS, '', { // To delete a cookie, set `expires` to a date in the past: // // `Max-Age: 0` is not valid, thus ignored, and the cookie is persisted. expires: new Date(0), httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' ? 'none' : 'lax', secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', path: '/', }), serialize(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA, '', { // To delete a cookie, set `expires` to a date in the past: // // `Max-Age: 0` is not valid, thus ignored, and the cookie is persisted. expires: new Date(0), httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' ? 'none' : 'lax', secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', path: '/', }), ]) Object.defineProperty(res, SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES, { value: true, enumerable: false, }) return res } /** * Custom error class */ export class ApiError extends Error { readonly statusCode: number constructor(statusCode: number, message: string) { super(message) this.statusCode = statusCode } } /** * Sends error in `response` * @param res response object * @param statusCode of response * @param message of response */ export function sendError( res: NextApiResponse, statusCode: number, message: string ): void { res.statusCode = statusCode res.statusMessage = message res.end(message) } interface LazyProps { req: NextApiRequest } /** * Execute getter function only if its needed * @param LazyProps `req` and `params` for lazyProp * @param prop name of property * @param getter function to get data */ export function setLazyProp( { req }: LazyProps, prop: string, getter: () => T ): void { const opts = { configurable: true, enumerable: true } const optsReset = { ...opts, writable: true } Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...opts, get: () => { const value = getter() // we set the property on the object to avoid recalculating it Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...optsReset, value }) return value }, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...optsReset, value }) }, }) }