//@ts-check const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const _glob = require('glob') const { existsSync } = require('fs') const fsp = require('fs/promises') const nodeFetch = require('node-fetch') const vercelFetch = require('@vercel/fetch') // @ts-expect-error const fetch = vercelFetch(nodeFetch) const { promisify } = require('util') const { Sema } = require('async-sema') const { spawn, exec: execOrig } = require('child_process') const { createNextInstall } = require('./test/lib/create-next-install') const glob = promisify(_glob) const exec = promisify(execOrig) const core = require('@actions/core') const { getTestFilter } = require('./test/get-test-filter') let argv = require('yargs/yargs')(process.argv.slice(2)) .string('type') .string('test-pattern') .boolean('timings') .boolean('write-timings') .number('retries') .boolean('debug') .string('g') .alias('g', 'group') .number('c') .boolean('related') .alias('r', 'related') .alias('c', 'concurrency').argv function escapeRegexp(str) { return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') } /** * @typedef {{ file: string, excludedCases: string[] }} TestFile */ const GROUP = process.env.CI ? '##[group]' : '' const ENDGROUP = process.env.CI ? '##[endgroup]' : '' const externalTestsFilter = getTestFilter() const timings = [] const DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES = os.platform() === 'win32' ? 2 : 1 const DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 2 const RESULTS_EXT = `.results.json` const isTestJob = !!process.env.NEXT_TEST_JOB // Check env to see if test should continue even if some of test fails const shouldContinueTestsOnError = !!process.env.NEXT_TEST_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR // Check env to load a list of test paths to skip retry. This is to be used in conjunction with NEXT_TEST_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, // When try to run all of the tests regardless of pass / fail and want to skip retrying `known` failed tests. // manifest should be a json file with an array of test paths. const skipRetryTestManifest = process.env.NEXT_TEST_SKIP_RETRY_MANIFEST ? require(process.env.NEXT_TEST_SKIP_RETRY_MANIFEST) : [] const TIMINGS_API = `https://api.github.com/gists/4500dd89ae2f5d70d9aaceb191f528d1` const TIMINGS_API_HEADERS = { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', ...(process.env.TEST_TIMINGS_TOKEN ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TEST_TIMINGS_TOKEN}`, } : {}), } const testFilters = { development: new RegExp( '^(test/(development|e2e)|packages/.*/src/.*)/.*\\.test\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$' ), production: new RegExp( '^(test/(production|e2e))/.*\\.test\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$' ), unit: new RegExp( '^test/unit|packages/.*/src/.*/.*\\.test\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$' ), examples: 'examples/', integration: 'test/integration/', e2e: 'test/e2e/', } const mockTrace = () => ({ traceAsyncFn: (fn) => fn(mockTrace()), traceFn: (fn) => fn(mockTrace()), traceChild: () => mockTrace(), }) // which types we have configured to run separate const configuredTestTypes = Object.values(testFilters) const errorsPerTests = new Map() async function maybeLogSummary() { if (process.env.CI && errorsPerTests.size > 0) { const outputTemplate = ` ${Array.from(errorsPerTests.entries()) .map(([test, output]) => { return `
${test} \`\`\` ${output} \`\`\`
` }) .join('\n')}` await core.summary .addHeading('Tests failures') .addTable([ [ { data: 'Test suite', header: true, }, ], ...Array.from(errorsPerTests.entries()).map(([test]) => { return [ `${test}`, ] }), ]) .addRaw(outputTemplate) .write() } } let exiting = false const cleanUpAndExit = async (code) => { if (exiting) { return } exiting = true console.log(`exiting with code ${code}`) if (process.env.NEXT_TEST_STARTER) { await fsp.rm(process.env.NEXT_TEST_STARTER, { recursive: true, force: true, }) } if (process.env.NEXT_TEST_TEMP_REPO) { await fsp.rm(process.env.NEXT_TEST_TEMP_REPO, { recursive: true, force: true, }) } if (process.env.CI) { await maybeLogSummary() } process.exit(code) } const isMatchingPattern = (pattern, file) => { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { return pattern.test(file) } else { return file.startsWith(pattern) } } async function getTestTimings() { let timingsRes const doFetch = () => fetch(TIMINGS_API, { headers: { ...TIMINGS_API_HEADERS, }, }) timingsRes = await doFetch() if (timingsRes.status === 403) { const delay = 15 console.log(`Got 403 response waiting ${delay} seconds before retry`) await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay * 1000)) timingsRes = await doFetch() } if (!timingsRes.ok) { throw new Error(`request status: ${timingsRes.status}`) } const timingsData = await timingsRes.json() return JSON.parse(timingsData.files['test-timings.json'].content) } async function main() { // Ensure we have the arguments awaited from yargs. argv = await argv const options = { concurrency: argv.concurrency || DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY, debug: argv.debug ?? false, timings: argv.timings ?? false, writeTimings: argv.writeTimings ?? false, group: argv.group ?? false, testPattern: argv.testPattern ?? false, type: argv.type ?? false, related: argv.related ?? false, retries: argv.retries ?? DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES, } let numRetries = options.retries const hideOutput = !options.debug let filterTestsBy switch (options.type) { case 'unit': { numRetries = 0 filterTestsBy = testFilters.unit break } case 'all': { filterTestsBy = 'none' break } default: { filterTestsBy = testFilters[options.type] break } } console.log('Running tests with concurrency:', options.concurrency) /** @type TestFile[] */ let tests = argv._.filter((arg) => arg.toString().match(/\.test\.(js|ts|tsx)/) ).map((file) => ({ file: file.toString(), excludedCases: [] })) let prevTimings if (tests.length === 0) { /** @type {RegExp | undefined} */ let testPatternRegex if (options.testPattern && typeof options.testPattern === 'string') { testPatternRegex = new RegExp(options.testPattern) } if (options.related) { const { getRelatedTests } = await import('./scripts/run-related-test.mjs') const tests = await getRelatedTests() if (tests.length) testPatternRegex = new RegExp(tests.map(escapeRegexp).join('|')) if (testPatternRegex) { console.log('Running related tests:', testPatternRegex.toString()) } else { console.log('No matching related tests, exiting.') process.exit(0) } } tests = ( await glob('**/*.test.{js,ts,tsx}', { nodir: true, cwd: __dirname, ignore: '**/node_modules/**', }) ) .filter((file) => { if (testPatternRegex) { return testPatternRegex.test(file) } if (filterTestsBy) { // only include the specified type if (filterTestsBy === 'none') { return true } return isMatchingPattern(filterTestsBy, file) } // include all except the separately configured types return !configuredTestTypes.some((type) => isMatchingPattern(type, file) ) }) .map((file) => ({ file, excludedCases: [], })) } if (options.timings && options.group) { console.log('Fetching previous timings data') try { const timingsFile = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test-timings.json') try { prevTimings = JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(timingsFile, 'utf8')) console.log('Loaded test timings from disk successfully') } catch (_) { console.error('failed to load from disk', _) } if (!prevTimings) { prevTimings = await getTestTimings() console.log('Fetched previous timings data successfully') if (options.writeTimings) { await fsp.writeFile(timingsFile, JSON.stringify(prevTimings)) console.log('Wrote previous timings data to', timingsFile) await cleanUpAndExit(0) } } } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to fetch timings data`, err) await cleanUpAndExit(1) } } // If there are external manifest contains list of tests, apply it to the test lists. if (externalTestsFilter) { tests = externalTestsFilter(tests) } let testSet = new Set() tests = tests .map((test) => { test.file = test.file.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/test$/, '') return test }) .filter((test) => { if (testSet.has(test.file)) return false testSet.add(test.file) return true }) if (options.group && typeof options.group === 'string') { const groupParts = options.group.split('/') const groupPos = parseInt(groupParts[0], 10) const groupTotal = parseInt(groupParts[1], 10) if (prevTimings) { /** @type {TestFile[][]} */ const groups = [[]] const groupTimes = [0] for (const test of tests) { let smallestGroup = groupTimes[0] let smallestGroupIdx = 0 // get the smallest group time to add current one to for (let i = 1; i < groupTotal; i++) { if (!groups[i]) { groups[i] = [] groupTimes[i] = 0 } const time = groupTimes[i] if (time < smallestGroup) { smallestGroup = time smallestGroupIdx = i } } groups[smallestGroupIdx].push(test) groupTimes[smallestGroupIdx] += prevTimings[test.file] || 1 } const curGroupIdx = groupPos - 1 tests = groups[curGroupIdx] console.log( 'Current group previous accumulated times:', Math.round(groupTimes[curGroupIdx]) + 's' ) } else { const numPerGroup = Math.ceil(tests.length / groupTotal) let offset = (groupPos - 1) * numPerGroup tests = tests.slice(offset, offset + numPerGroup) console.log('Splitting without timings') } } if (!tests) { tests = [] } if (tests.length === 0) { console.log('No tests found for', options.type, 'exiting..') } console.log(`${GROUP}Running tests: ${tests.map((t) => t.file).join('\n')} ${ENDGROUP}`) console.log(`total: ${tests.length}`) const hasIsolatedTests = tests.some((test) => { return configuredTestTypes.some( (type) => type !== testFilters.unit && test.file.startsWith(`test/${type}`) ) }) if ( process.platform !== 'win32' && process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE !== 'deploy' && ((options.type && options.type !== 'unit') || hasIsolatedTests) ) { // for isolated next tests: e2e, dev, prod we create // a starter Next.js install to re-use to speed up tests // to avoid having to run yarn each time console.log(`${GROUP}Creating Next.js install for isolated tests`) const reactVersion = process.env.NEXT_TEST_REACT_VERSION || 'beta' const { installDir, pkgPaths, tmpRepoDir } = await createNextInstall({ parentSpan: mockTrace(), dependencies: { react: reactVersion, 'react-dom': reactVersion, }, keepRepoDir: true, }) const serializedPkgPaths = [] for (const key of pkgPaths.keys()) { serializedPkgPaths.push([key, pkgPaths.get(key)]) } process.env.NEXT_TEST_PKG_PATHS = JSON.stringify(serializedPkgPaths) process.env.NEXT_TEST_TEMP_REPO = tmpRepoDir process.env.NEXT_TEST_STARTER = installDir console.log(`${ENDGROUP}`) } const sema = new Sema(options.concurrency, { capacity: tests.length }) const outputSema = new Sema(1, { capacity: tests.length }) const children = new Set() const jestPath = path.join( __dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', `jest${process.platform === 'win32' ? '.CMD' : ''}` ) let firstError = true let killed = false const runTest = (/** @type {TestFile} */ test, isFinalRun, isRetry) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const start = new Date().getTime() let outputChunks = [] const shouldRecordTestWithReplay = process.env.RECORD_REPLAY && isRetry const args = [ ...(shouldRecordTestWithReplay ? [`--config=jest.replay.config.js`] : []), ...(process.env.CI ? ['--ci'] : []), '--runInBand', '--forceExit', '--verbose', '--silent', ...(isTestJob ? ['--json', `--outputFile=${test.file}${RESULTS_EXT}`] : []), test.file, ...(test.excludedCases.length === 0 ? [] : [ '--testNamePattern', `^(?!(?:${test.excludedCases.map(escapeRegexp).join('|')})$).`, ]), ] const env = { IS_RETRY: isRetry ? 'true' : undefined, RECORD_REPLAY: shouldRecordTestWithReplay, // run tests in headless mode by default HEADLESS: 'true', TRACE_PLAYWRIGHT: 'true', NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED: '1', // unset CI env so CI behavior is only explicitly // tested when enabled CI: '', CIRCLECI: '', GITHUB_ACTIONS: '', CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION: '', RUN_ID: '', BUILD_NUMBER: '', // Format the output of junit report to include the test name // For the debugging purpose to compare actual run list to the generated reports // [NOTE]: This won't affect if junit reporter is not enabled // @ts-expect-error .replaceAll() does exist. Follow-up why TS is not recognizing it JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME: test.file.replaceAll('/', '_'), // Specify suite name for the test to avoid unexpected merging across different env / grouped tests // This is not individual suites name (corresponding 'describe'), top level suite name which have redundant names by default // [NOTE]: This won't affect if junit reporter is not enabled JEST_SUITE_NAME: [ `${process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE ?? 'default'}`, options.group, options.type, test.file, ] .filter(Boolean) .join(':'), ...(isFinalRun ? { // Events can be finicky in CI. This switches to a more // reliable polling method. // CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING: 'true', // CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL: 500, // WATCHPACK_POLLING: 500, } : {}), } const handleOutput = (type) => (chunk) => { if (hideOutput) { outputChunks.push({ type, chunk }) } else { process.stdout.write(chunk) } } const stdout = handleOutput('stdout') stdout( [ ...Object.entries(env).map((e) => `${e[0]}=${e[1]}`), jestPath, ...args.map((a) => `'${a}'`), ].join(' ') + '\n' ) const child = spawn(jestPath, args, { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], env: { ...process.env, ...env, }, // See: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/april-2024-security-releases-2 shell: process.platform === 'win32', }) child.stdout.on('data', stdout) child.stderr.on('data', handleOutput('stderr')) children.add(child) child.on('exit', async (code, signal) => { children.delete(child) const isChildExitWithNonZero = code !== 0 || signal !== null if (isChildExitWithNonZero) { if (hideOutput) { await outputSema.acquire() const isExpanded = firstError && !killed && !shouldContinueTestsOnError if (isExpanded) { firstError = false process.stdout.write(`❌ ${test.file} output:\n`) } else if (killed) { process.stdout.write(`${GROUP}${test.file} output (killed)\n`) } else { process.stdout.write(`${GROUP}❌ ${test.file} output\n`) } let output = '' // limit out to last 64kb so that we don't // run out of log room in CI for (const { chunk } of outputChunks) { process.stdout.write(chunk) output += chunk.toString() } if (process.env.CI && !killed) { errorsPerTests.set(test.file, output) } if (isExpanded) { process.stdout.write(`end of ${test.file} output\n`) } else { process.stdout.write(`end of ${test.file} output\n${ENDGROUP}\n`) } outputSema.release() } const err = new Error( code ? `failed with code: ${code}` : `failed with signal: ${signal}` ) // @ts-expect-error err.output = outputChunks .map(({ chunk }) => chunk.toString()) .join('') return reject(err) } // If environment is CI and if this test execution is failed after retry, preserve test traces // to upload into github actions artifacts for debugging purpose const shouldPreserveTracesOutput = (process.env.CI && isRetry && isChildExitWithNonZero) || process.env.PRESERVE_TRACES_OUTPUT if (!shouldPreserveTracesOutput) { await fsp .rm( path.join( __dirname, 'test/traces', path .relative(path.join(__dirname, 'test'), test.file) .replace(/\//g, '-') ), { recursive: true, force: true } ) .catch(() => {}) } resolve(new Date().getTime() - start) }) }) const directorySemas = new Map() const originalRetries = numRetries await Promise.all( tests.map(async (test) => { const dirName = path.dirname(test.file) let dirSema = directorySemas.get(dirName) // we only restrict 1 test per directory for // legacy integration tests if (test.file.startsWith('test/integration') && dirSema === undefined) { directorySemas.set(dirName, (dirSema = new Sema(1))) } if (dirSema) await dirSema.acquire() await sema.acquire() let passed = false const shouldSkipRetries = skipRetryTestManifest.find((t) => t.includes(test.file) ) const numRetries = shouldSkipRetries ? 0 : originalRetries if (shouldSkipRetries) { console.log( `Skipping retry for ${test.file} due to skipRetryTestManifest` ) } for (let i = 0; i < numRetries + 1; i++) { try { console.log(`Starting ${test.file} retry ${i}/${numRetries}`) const time = await runTest( test, shouldSkipRetries || i === numRetries, shouldSkipRetries || i > 0 ) timings.push({ file: test.file, time, }) passed = true console.log( `Finished ${test.file} on retry ${i}/${numRetries} in ${ time / 1000 }s` ) break } catch (err) { if (i < numRetries) { try { let testDir = path.dirname(path.join(__dirname, test.file)) // if test is nested in a test folder traverse up a dir to ensure // we clean up relevant test files if (testDir.endsWith('/test') || testDir.endsWith('\\test')) { testDir = path.join(testDir, '../') } console.log('Cleaning test files at', testDir) await exec(`git clean -fdx "${testDir}"`) await exec(`git checkout "${testDir}"`) } catch (err) {} } else { console.error(`${test.file} failed due to ${err}`) } } } if (!passed) { console.error( `${test.file} failed to pass within ${numRetries} retries` ) if (!shouldContinueTestsOnError) { killed = true children.forEach((child) => child.kill()) cleanUpAndExit(1) } else { console.log( `CONTINUE_ON_ERROR enabled, continuing tests after ${test.file} failed` ) } } // Emit test output if test failed or if we're continuing tests on error if ((!passed || shouldContinueTestsOnError) && isTestJob) { try { const testsOutput = await fsp.readFile( `${test.file}${RESULTS_EXT}`, 'utf8' ) const obj = JSON.parse(testsOutput) obj.processEnv = { NEXT_TEST_MODE: process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE, HEADLESS: process.env.HEADLESS, } await outputSema.acquire() if (GROUP) console.log(`${GROUP}Result as JSON for tooling`) console.log( `--test output start--`, JSON.stringify(obj), `--test output end--` ) if (ENDGROUP) console.log(ENDGROUP) outputSema.release() } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to load test output`, err) } } sema.release() if (dirSema) dirSema.release() }) ) if (options.timings) { const curTimings = {} // let junitData = `` /* */ for (const timing of timings) { const timeInSeconds = timing.time / 1000 curTimings[timing.file] = timeInSeconds // junitData += ` // // // // ` } // junitData += `` // console.log('output timing data to junit.xml') if (prevTimings && process.env.TEST_TIMINGS_TOKEN) { try { const newTimings = { ...(await getTestTimings()), ...curTimings, } for (const test of Object.keys(newTimings)) { if (!existsSync(path.join(__dirname, test))) { console.log('removing stale timing', test) delete newTimings[test] } } const timingsRes = await fetch(TIMINGS_API, { method: 'PATCH', headers: { ...TIMINGS_API_HEADERS, }, body: JSON.stringify({ files: { 'test-timings.json': { content: JSON.stringify(newTimings), }, }, }), }) if (!timingsRes.ok) { throw new Error(`request status: ${timingsRes.status}`) } const result = await timingsRes.json() console.log( `Sent updated timings successfully. API URL: "${result?.url}" HTML URL: "${result?.html_url}"` ) } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to update timings data', err) } } } } main() .then(() => cleanUpAndExit(0)) .catch((err) => { console.error(err) cleanUpAndExit(1) })