--- title: Addressing "API Routes Response Size Limited to 4MB" Error in Next.js description: This document explains the "API Routes Response Size Limited to 4MB" error in Next.js and guides developers on how to modify response size limits. --- ## Why This Error Occurred The "API Routes Response Size Limited to 4MB" error arises when your API Route is trying to send a response larger than the allowed size of `4MB`. API Routes in Next.js are designed to deliver quick responses and are not built to support the transmission of large amounts of data. ## Possible Ways to Fix It If you are not utilizing Next.js in a serverless environment, and you're fully aware of the performance implications, you can disable this limit in your API Route. Here is how you can set `responseLimit` to `false`: ```js filename="pages/api/example.js" export const config = { api: { responseLimit: false, }, } ``` Alternatively, `responseLimit` can also accept a numeric value (in bytes) or any string format supported by the `bytes` module. This can be a value like `1000`, `'500kb'`, or `'3mb'`. This value will set the maximum response size before a warning is displayed. For example, to set the limit to 8MB: ```js filename="pages/api/example.js" export const config = { api: { responseLimit: '8mb', }, } ``` **Note:** Increasing the response limit can have significant impacts on performance and should only be done after careful consideration.