/* eslint-disable */ import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import {htmlEscapeJsonString} from '../server/htmlescape' import flush from 'styled-jsx/server' const Fragment = React.Fragment || function Fragment ({ children }) { return
} export default class Document extends Component { static childContextTypes = { _documentProps: PropTypes.any } static getInitialProps ({ renderPage }) { const { html, head } = renderPage() const styles = flush() return { html, head, styles } } getChildContext () { return { _documentProps: this.props } } render () { return
} } export class Head extends Component { static contextTypes = { _documentProps: PropTypes.any } static propTypes = { nonce: PropTypes.string, crossOrigin: PropTypes.string } getCssLinks () { const { assetPrefix, files } = this.context._documentProps if(!files || files.length === 0) { return null } return files.map((file) => { // Only render .css files here if(!/\.css$/.exec(file)) { return null } return }) } getPreloadDynamicChunks () { const { dynamicImports, assetPrefix } = this.context._documentProps return dynamicImports.map((bundle) => { return }) } getPreloadMainLinks () { const { assetPrefix, files } = this.context._documentProps if(!files || files.length === 0) { return null } return files.map((file) => { // Only render .js files here if(!/\.js$/.exec(file)) { return null } return }) } render () { const { head, styles, assetPrefix, __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps const { page, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__ const pagePathname = getPagePathname(page) let children = this.props.children // show a warning if Head contains (only in development) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { children = React.Children.map(children, (child) => { if (child && child.type === 'title') { console.warn("Warning: <title> should not be used in _document.js's <Head>. https://err.sh/next.js/no-document-title") } return child }) if (this.props.crossOrigin) console.warn('Warning: `Head` attribute `crossOrigin` is deprecated. https://err.sh/next.js/doc-crossorigin-deprecated') } return <head {...this.props}> {children} {head} {page !== '/_error' && <link rel='preload' href={`${assetPrefix}/_next/static/${buildId}/pages${pagePathname}`} as='script' nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} />} <link rel='preload' href={`${assetPrefix}/_next/static/${buildId}/pages/_app.js`} as='script' nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} /> {this.getPreloadDynamicChunks()} {this.getPreloadMainLinks()} {this.getCssLinks()} {styles || null} </head> } } export class Main extends Component { static contextTypes = { _documentProps: PropTypes.any } render () { const { html } = this.context._documentProps return ( <div id='__next' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} /> ) } } export class NextScript extends Component { static contextTypes = { _documentProps: PropTypes.any } static propTypes = { nonce: PropTypes.string, crossOrigin: PropTypes.string } getDynamicChunks () { const { dynamicImports, assetPrefix } = this.context._documentProps return dynamicImports.map((bundle) => { return <script async key={bundle.file} src={`${assetPrefix}/_next/${bundle.file}`} nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} /> }) } getScripts () { const { assetPrefix, files } = this.context._documentProps if(!files || files.length === 0) { return null } return files.map((file) => { // Only render .js files here if(!/\.js$/.exec(file)) { return null } return <script key={file} src={`${assetPrefix}/_next/${file}`} nonce={this.props.nonce} async crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} /> }) } static getInlineScriptSource (documentProps) { const {__NEXT_DATA__} = documentProps try { const data = JSON.stringify(__NEXT_DATA__) return htmlEscapeJsonString(data) } catch(err) { if(err.message.indexOf('circular structure')) { throw new Error(`Circular structure in "getInitialProps" result of page "${__NEXT_DATA__.page}". https://err.sh/zeit/next.js/circular-structure`) } throw err } } render () { const { staticMarkup, assetPrefix, devFiles, __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps const { page, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__ const pagePathname = getPagePathname(page) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (this.props.crossOrigin) console.warn('Warning: `NextScript` attribute `crossOrigin` is deprecated. https://err.sh/next.js/doc-crossorigin-deprecated') } return <Fragment> {devFiles ? devFiles.map((file) => <script key={file} src={`${assetPrefix}/_next/${file}`} nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} />) : null} {staticMarkup ? null : <script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json" nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: NextScript.getInlineScriptSource(this.context._documentProps) }} />} {page !== '/_error' && <script async id={`__NEXT_PAGE__${page}`} src={`${assetPrefix}/_next/static/${buildId}/pages${pagePathname}`} nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} />} <script async id={`__NEXT_PAGE__/_app`} src={`${assetPrefix}/_next/static/${buildId}/pages/_app.js`} nonce={this.props.nonce} crossOrigin={this.props.crossOrigin || process.crossOrigin} /> {staticMarkup ? null : this.getDynamicChunks()} {staticMarkup ? null : this.getScripts()} </Fragment> } } function getPagePathname (page) { if (page === '/') { return '/index.js' } return `${page}.js` }