--- description: Customize the pages that will be exported as HTML files when using `next export`. --- # exportPathMap > This feature is exclusive of `next export`. Please refer to [Static HTML export](/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export.md) if you want to learn more about it.
Let's start with an example, to create a custom `exportPathMap` for an app with the following pages: - `pages/index.js` - `pages/about.js` - `pages/post.js` Open `next.config.js` and add the following `exportPathMap` config: ```js module.exports = { exportPathMap: async function( defaultPathMap, { dev, dir, outDir, distDir, buildId } ) { return { '/': { page: '/' }, '/about': { page: '/about' }, '/p/hello-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'hello-nextjs' } }, '/p/learn-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'learn-nextjs' } }, '/p/deploy-nextjs': { page: '/post', query: { title: 'deploy-nextjs' } }, } }, } ``` The pages will then be exported as HTML files, for example, `/about` will become `/about.html`. `exportPathMap` is an `async` function that receives 2 arguments: the first one is `defaultPathMap`, which is the default map used by Next.js. The second argument is an object with: - `dev` - `true` when `exportPathMap` is being called in development. `false` when running `next export`. In development `exportPathMap` is used to define routes. - `dir` - Absolute path to the project directory - `outDir` - Absolute path to the `out/` directory (configurable with `-o`). When `dev` is `true` the value of `outDir` will be `null`. - `distDir` - Absolute path to the `.next/` directory (configurable with the [`distDir`](/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/setting-a-custom-build-directory.md) config) - `buildId` - The generated build id The returned object is a map of pages where the `key` is the `pathname` and the `value` is an object that accepts the following fields: - `page`: `String` - the page inside the `pages` directory to render - `query`: `Object` - the `query` object passed to `getInitialProps` when prerendering. Defaults to `{}` > The exported `pathname` can also be a filename (for example, `/readme.md`), but you may need to set the `Content-Type` header to `text/html` when serving its content if it is different than `.html`. ## Adding a trailing slash It is possible to configure Next.js to export pages as `index.html` files and require trailing slashes, `/about` becomes `/about/index.html` and is routable via `/about/`. This was the default behavior prior to Next.js 9. To switch back and add a trailing slash, open `next.config.js` and enable the `exportTrailingSlash` config: ```js module.exports = { exportTrailingSlash: true, } ``` ## Related
Introduction to next.config.js: Learn more about the configuration file used by Next.js.
Static HTML Export: Export your Next.js app to static HTML.