/** * This webpack resolver is largely based on TypeScript's "paths" handling * The TypeScript license can be found here: * https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/214df64e287804577afa1fea0184c18c40f7d1ca/LICENSE.txt */ import { ResolvePlugin } from 'webpack' import { join } from 'path' export interface Pattern { prefix: string suffix: string } const asterisk = 0x2a export function hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(str: string): boolean { let seenAsterisk = false for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) === asterisk) { if (!seenAsterisk) { seenAsterisk = true } else { // have already seen asterisk return false } } } return true } export function tryParsePattern(pattern: string): Pattern | undefined { // This should be verified outside of here and a proper error thrown. const indexOfStar = pattern.indexOf('*') return indexOfStar === -1 ? undefined : { prefix: pattern.substr(0, indexOfStar), suffix: pattern.substr(indexOfStar + 1), } } function isPatternMatch({ prefix, suffix }: Pattern, candidate: string) { return ( candidate.length >= prefix.length + suffix.length && candidate.startsWith(prefix) && candidate.endsWith(suffix) ) } /** Return the object corresponding to the best pattern to match `candidate`. */ export function findBestPatternMatch( values: readonly T[], getPattern: (value: T) => Pattern, candidate: string ): T | undefined { let matchedValue: T | undefined // use length of prefix as betterness criteria let longestMatchPrefixLength = -1 for (const v of values) { const pattern = getPattern(v) if ( isPatternMatch(pattern, candidate) && pattern.prefix.length > longestMatchPrefixLength ) { longestMatchPrefixLength = pattern.prefix.length matchedValue = v } } return matchedValue } /** * patternStrings contains both pattern strings (containing "*") and regular strings. * Return an exact match if possible, or a pattern match, or undefined. * (These are verified by verifyCompilerOptions to have 0 or 1 "*" characters.) */ export function matchPatternOrExact( patternStrings: readonly string[], candidate: string ): string | Pattern | undefined { const patterns: Pattern[] = [] for (const patternString of patternStrings) { if (!hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(patternString)) continue const pattern = tryParsePattern(patternString) if (pattern) { patterns.push(pattern) } else if (patternString === candidate) { // pattern was matched as is - no need to search further return patternString } } return findBestPatternMatch(patterns, _ => _, candidate) } /** * Tests whether a value is string */ export function isString(text: unknown): text is string { return typeof text === 'string' } /** * Given that candidate matches pattern, returns the text matching the '*'. * E.g.: matchedText(tryParsePattern("foo*baz"), "foobarbaz") === "bar" */ export function matchedText(pattern: Pattern, candidate: string): string { return candidate.substring( pattern.prefix.length, candidate.length - pattern.suffix.length ) } export function patternText({ prefix, suffix }: Pattern): string { return `${prefix}*${suffix}` } const NODE_MODULES_REGEX = /node_modules/ type Paths = { [match: string]: string[] } /** * Handles tsconfig.json or jsconfig.js "paths" option for webpack * Largely based on how the TypeScript compiler handles it: * https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/1a9c8197fffe3dace5f8dca6633d450a88cba66d/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts#L1362 */ export class JsConfigPathsPlugin implements ResolvePlugin { paths: Paths resolvedBaseUrl: string constructor(paths: Paths, resolvedBaseUrl: string) { this.paths = paths this.resolvedBaseUrl = resolvedBaseUrl } apply(resolver: any) { const paths = this.paths const pathsKeys = Object.keys(paths) // If no aliases are added bail out if (pathsKeys.length === 0) { return } const baseDirectory = this.resolvedBaseUrl const target = resolver.ensureHook('resolve') resolver .getHook('described-resolve') .tapPromise( 'JsConfigPathsPlugin', async (request: any, resolveContext: any) => { // Exclude node_modules from paths support (speeds up resolving) if (request.path.match(NODE_MODULES_REGEX)) { return } const moduleName = request.request // If the module name does not match any of the patterns in `paths` we hand off resolving to webpack const matchedPattern = matchPatternOrExact(pathsKeys, moduleName) if (!matchedPattern) { return } const matchedStar = isString(matchedPattern) ? undefined : matchedText(matchedPattern, moduleName) const matchedPatternText = isString(matchedPattern) ? matchedPattern : patternText(matchedPattern) let triedPaths = [] for (const subst of paths[matchedPatternText]) { const path = matchedStar ? subst.replace('*', matchedStar) : subst // Ensure .d.ts is not matched if (path.endsWith('.d.ts')) { continue } const candidate = join(baseDirectory, path) const [err, result] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const obj = Object.assign({}, request, { request: candidate, }) resolver.doResolve( target, obj, `Aliased with tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json ${matchedPatternText} to ${candidate}`, resolveContext, (err: any, result: any | undefined) => { resolve([err, result]) } ) }) // There's multiple paths values possible, so we first have to iterate them all first before throwing an error if (err || result === undefined) { triedPaths.push(candidate) continue } return result } throw new Error(` Request "${moduleName}" matched tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json "paths" pattern ${matchedPatternText} but could not be resolved. Tried paths: ${triedPaths.join(' ')} `) } ) } }