import { parse } from '../../swc' import { buildExports } from './utils' const imageExtensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'avif'] export const createClientComponentFilter = (extensions: string[]) => { // Special cases for Next.js APIs that are considered as client components: // - .client.[ext] // - next built-in client components // - .[imageExt] const regex = new RegExp( '(' + `\\.client(\\.(${extensions.join('|')}))?|` + `next/(link|image)(\\.js)?|` + `\\.(${imageExtensions.join('|')})` + ')$' ) return (importSource: string) => regex.test(importSource) } export const createServerComponentFilter = (extensions: string[]) => { const regex = new RegExp(`\\.server(\\.(${extensions.join('|')}))?$`) return (importSource: string) => regex.test(importSource) } function createFlightServerRequest(request: string, extensions: string[]) { return `next-flight-server-loader?${JSON.stringify({ extensions, })}!${request}` } function hasFlightLoader(request: string, type: 'client' | 'server') { return request.includes(`next-flight-${type}-loader`) } async function parseModuleInfo({ resourcePath, source, extensions, isClientCompilation, isServerComponent, isClientComponent, resolver, }: { resourcePath: string source: string isClientCompilation: boolean extensions: string[] isServerComponent: (name: string) => boolean isClientComponent: (name: string) => boolean resolver: (req: string) => Promise }): Promise<{ source: string imports: string[] isEsm: boolean __N_SSP: boolean pageRuntime: 'edge' | 'nodejs' | null }> { const ast = await parse(source, { filename: resourcePath, isModule: 'unknown', }) const { type, body } = ast let transformedSource = '' let lastIndex = 0 let imports = [] let __N_SSP = false let pageRuntime = null const isEsm = type === 'Module' for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { const node = body[i] switch (node.type) { case 'ImportDeclaration': const importSource = node.source.value const resolvedPath = await resolver(importSource) const isNodeModuleImport = resolvedPath.includes('/node_modules/') // matching node_module package but excluding react cores since react is required to be shared const isReactImports = [ 'react', 'react/jsx-runtime', 'react/jsx-dev-runtime', ].includes(importSource) if (!isClientCompilation) { // Server compilation for .server.js. if (isServerComponent(importSource)) { continue } const importDeclarations = source.substring( lastIndex, node.source.span.start ) if (isClientComponent(importSource)) { transformedSource += importDeclarations transformedSource += JSON.stringify( `next-flight-client-loader!${importSource}` ) imports.push(importSource) } else { // A shared component. It should be handled as a server component. const serverImportSource = isReactImports ? importSource : createFlightServerRequest(importSource, extensions) transformedSource += importDeclarations transformedSource += JSON.stringify(serverImportSource) // TODO: support handling RSC components from node_modules if (!isNodeModuleImport) { imports.push(importSource) } } } else { // For the client compilation, we skip all modules imports but // always keep client/shared components in the bundle. All client components // have to be imported from either server or client components. if ( isServerComponent(importSource) || hasFlightLoader(importSource, 'server') || // TODO: support handling RSC components from node_modules isNodeModuleImport ) { continue } imports.push(importSource) } lastIndex = node.source.span.end break case 'ExportDeclaration': if (isClientCompilation) { // Keep `__N_SSG` and `__N_SSP` exports. if (node.declaration?.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { for (const declaration of node.declaration.declarations) { if (declaration.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { if ( === 'Identifier') { const value = if (value === '__N_SSP') { __N_SSP = true } else if (value === 'config') { const props = const runtimeKeyValue = props.find( (prop: any) => prop.key.value === 'runtime' ) const runtime = runtimeKeyValue?.value?.value if (runtime === 'nodejs' || runtime === 'edge') { pageRuntime = runtime } } } } } } } break default: break } } if (!isClientCompilation) { transformedSource += source.substring(lastIndex) } return { source: transformedSource, imports, isEsm, __N_SSP, pageRuntime } } export default async function transformSource( this: any, source: string ): Promise { const { client: isClientCompilation, extensions } = this.getOptions() const { resourcePath, resolve: resolveFn, context } = this const resolver = (req: string): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolveFn(context, req, (err: any, result: string) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve(result) }) }) } if (typeof source !== 'string') { throw new Error('Expected source to have been transformed to a string.') } const isServerComponent = createServerComponentFilter(extensions) const isClientComponent = createClientComponentFilter(extensions) const hasAppliedFlightServerLoader = this.loaders.some((loader: any) => { return hasFlightLoader(loader.path, 'server') }) const isServerExt = isServerComponent(resourcePath) if (!isClientCompilation) { // We only apply the loader to server components, or shared components that // are imported by a server component. if (!isServerExt && !hasAppliedFlightServerLoader) { return source } } const { source: transformedSource, imports, isEsm, __N_SSP, pageRuntime, } = await parseModuleInfo({ resourcePath, source, extensions, isClientCompilation, isServerComponent, isClientComponent, resolver, }) /** * For .server.js files, we handle this loader differently. * * Server compilation output: * (The content of the Server Component module will be kept.) * export const __next_rsc__ = { __webpack_require__, _: () => { ... }, server: true } * * Client compilation output: * (The content of the Server Component module will be removed.) * export const __next_rsc__ = { __webpack_require__, _: () => { ... }, server: false } */ const rscExports: any = { __next_rsc__: `{ __webpack_require__, _: () => { ${imports .map( (importSource) => `import(/* webpackMode: "eager" */ ${JSON.stringify( importSource )});` ) .join('\n')} }, server: ${isServerExt ? 'true' : 'false'} }`, } if (isClientCompilation) { rscExports.default = 'function RSC() {}' if (pageRuntime === 'edge') { // Currently for the Edge runtime, we treat all RSC pages as SSR pages. rscExports.__N_SSP = 'true' } else { if (__N_SSP) { rscExports.__N_SSP = 'true' } else { // Server component pages are always considered as SSG by default because // the flight data is needed for client navigation. rscExports.__N_SSG = 'true' } } } const output = transformedSource + '\n' + buildExports(rscExports, isEsm) return output }