import { promises as fs } from 'fs' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' import os from 'os' import path from 'path' import * as CommentJson from 'next/dist/compiled/comment-json' import { ConfigAvailable } from './hasEslintConfiguration' import * as Log from '../../build/output/log' export async function writeDefaultConfig( baseDir: string, { exists, emptyEslintrc, emptyPkgJsonConfig }: ConfigAvailable, selectedConfig: any, eslintrcFile: string | null, pkgJsonPath: string | null, packageJsonConfig: { eslintConfig: any } | null ) { if (!exists && emptyEslintrc && eslintrcFile) { const ext = path.extname(eslintrcFile) let newFileContent if (ext === '.yaml' || ext === '.yml') { newFileContent = "extends: 'next'" } else { newFileContent = CommentJson.stringify(selectedConfig, null, 2) if (ext === '.js') { newFileContent = 'module.exports = ' + newFileContent } } await fs.writeFile(eslintrcFile, newFileContent + os.EOL) `We detected an empty ESLint configuration file (${chalk.bold( path.basename(eslintrcFile) )}) and updated it for you!` ) } else if (!exists && emptyPkgJsonConfig && packageJsonConfig) { packageJsonConfig.eslintConfig = selectedConfig if (pkgJsonPath) await fs.writeFile( pkgJsonPath, CommentJson.stringify(packageJsonConfig, null, 2) + os.EOL ) `We detected an empty ${chalk.bold( 'eslintConfig' )} field in package.json and updated it for you!` ) } else if (!exists) { await fs.writeFile( path.join(baseDir, '.eslintrc.json'), CommentJson.stringify(selectedConfig, null, 2) + os.EOL ) console.log( `We created the ${chalk.bold( '.eslintrc.json' )} file for you and included your selected configuration.` ) ) } }