import type { Key } from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp' import { pathToRegexp } from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp' import { regexpToFunction } from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp' interface Options { /** * A transformer function that will be applied to the regexp generated * from the provided path and path-to-regexp. */ regexModifier?: (regex: string) => string /** * When true the function will remove all unnamed parameters * from the matched parameters. */ removeUnnamedParams?: boolean /** * When true the regexp won't allow an optional trailing delimiter * to match. */ strict?: boolean } /** * Generates a path matcher function for a given path and options based on * path-to-regexp. By default the match will be case insesitive, non strict * and delimited by `/`. */ export function getPathMatch(path: string, options?: Options) { const keys: Key[] = [] const regexp = pathToRegexp(path, keys, { delimiter: '/', sensitive: false, strict: options?.strict, }) const matcher = regexpToFunction( options?.regexModifier ? new RegExp(options.regexModifier(regexp.source), regexp.flags) : regexp, keys ) /** * A matcher function that will check if a given pathname matches the path * given in the builder function. When the path does not match it will return * `false` but if it does it will return an object with the matched params * merged with the params provided in the second argument. */ return ( pathname?: string | null, params?: any ): false | T => { const res = pathname == null ? false : matcher(pathname) if (!res) { return false } /** * If unnamed params are not allowed they must be removed from * the matched parameters. path-to-regexp uses "string" for named and * "number" for unnamed parameters. */ if (options?.removeUnnamedParams) { for (const key of keys) { if (typeof === 'number') { delete (res.params as any)[] } } } return { ...params, ...res.params } } }