# Built-in CSS Support
We bundle [styled-jsx](https://github.com/zeit/styled-jsx) to provide support for isolated scoped CSS. The aim is to support "shadow CSS" similar to Web Components, which unfortunately [do not support server-rendering and are JS-only](https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/71). A component using `styled-jsx` looks like this: ```jsx function HelloWorld() { return (
Hello world


) } export default HelloWorld ``` Please see the [styled-jsx documentation](https://github.com/zeit/styled-jsx) for more examples. ## CSS-in-JS
It's possible to use any existing CSS-in-JS solution. The simplest one is inline styles: ```jsx function HiThere() { return

hi there

} export default HiThere ``` ## CSS Plugins To support importing `.css`, `.scss`, `.less` or `.styl` files you can use the following modules, which configure sensible defaults for server rendered applications: - [@zeit/next-css](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-css) - [@zeit/next-sass](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-sass) - [@zeit/next-less](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-less) - [@zeit/next-stylus](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-stylus)