import chalk from 'chalk' import createStore from 'next/dist/compiled/unistore' import readline from 'readline' import { onExit } from './exit' import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi' export type OutputState = | { bootstrap: true; appUrl: string | null } | ({ bootstrap: false; appUrl: string | null } & ( | { loading: true } | { loading: false errors: string[] | null warnings: string[] | null })) export const store = createStore({ appUrl: null, bootstrap: true }) process.stdout.write('\n'.repeat(process.stdout.rows || 1)) process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25l') onExit(() => { process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25h') }) store.subscribe(state => { if (process.stdout.isTTY) { readline.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0, 0) readline.clearScreenDown(process.stdout) } if (state.bootstrap) { console.log(chalk.cyan('Starting the development server ...')) if (state.appUrl) { console.log() console.log(` > Waiting on ${state.appUrl!}`) } return } if (state.loading) { console.log('Compiling ...') return } if (state.errors) { console.log('Failed to compile.')) console.log() const cleanError = stripAnsi(state.errors[0]) if (cleanError.indexOf('SyntaxError') > -1) { const matches = cleanError.match(/\[.*\]=/) if (matches) { for (const match of matches) { const prop = (match.split(']').shift() || '').substr(1) console.log(`AMP bind syntax [${prop}]='' is not supported in JSX, use 'data-amp-bind-${prop}' instead.`) } console.log() return } } console.log(state.errors[0]) return } if (state.warnings) { console.log(chalk.yellow('Compiled with warnings.')) console.log() console.log(state.warnings.join('\n\n')) return } console.log('Compiled successfully!')) if (state.appUrl) { console.log() console.log(` > Ready on ${state.appUrl!}`) } console.log() console.log('Note that pages will be compiled when you first load them.') })