import express from 'express' import { existsSync, readFileSync, unlinkSync, writeFileSync, createReadStream, } from 'fs' import { promisify } from 'util' import http from 'http' import path from 'path' import spawn from 'cross-spawn' import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra' import getPort from 'get-port' import { getRandomPort } from 'get-port-please' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import qs from 'querystring' import treeKill from 'tree-kill' import { once } from 'events' import server from 'next/dist/server/next' import _pkg from 'next/package.json' import type { SpawnOptions, ChildProcess } from 'child_process' import type { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch' import type { NextServer } from 'next/dist/server/next' import type { BrowserInterface } from './browsers/base' import { getTurbopackFlag, shouldRunTurboDevTest } from './turbo' import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi' export { shouldRunTurboDevTest } export const nextServer = server export const pkg = _pkg export function initNextServerScript( scriptPath: string, successRegexp: RegExp, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, failRegexp?: RegExp, opts?: { cwd?: string nodeArgs?: string[] onStdout?: (data: any) => void onStderr?: (data: any) => void } ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const instance = spawn( 'node', [...((opts && opts.nodeArgs) || []), '--no-deprecation', scriptPath], { env, cwd: opts && opts.cwd, } ) function handleStdout(data) { const message = data.toString() if (successRegexp.test(message)) { resolve(instance) } process.stdout.write(message) if (opts && opts.onStdout) { opts.onStdout(message.toString()) } } function handleStderr(data) { const message = data.toString() if (failRegexp && failRegexp.test(message)) { instance.kill() return reject(new Error('received failRegexp')) } process.stderr.write(message) if (opts && opts.onStderr) { opts.onStderr(message.toString()) } } instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout) instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr) instance.on('close', () => { instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout) instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr) }) instance.on('error', (err) => { reject(err) }) }) } export function getFullUrl( appPortOrUrl: string | number, url?: string, hostname?: string ) { let fullUrl = typeof appPortOrUrl === 'string' && appPortOrUrl.startsWith('http') ? appPortOrUrl : `http://${hostname ? hostname : 'localhost'}:${appPortOrUrl}${url}` if (typeof appPortOrUrl === 'string' && url) { const parsedUrl = new URL(fullUrl) const parsedPathQuery = new URL(url, fullUrl) parsedUrl.hash = parsedPathQuery.hash = parsedUrl.pathname = parsedPathQuery.pathname if (hostname && parsedUrl.hostname === 'localhost') { parsedUrl.hostname = hostname } fullUrl = parsedUrl.toString() } return fullUrl } /** * Appends the querystring to the url * * @param pathname the pathname * @param query the query object to add to the pathname * @returns the pathname with the query */ export function withQuery( pathname: string, query: Record | string ) { const querystring = typeof query === 'string' ? query : qs.stringify(query) if (querystring.length === 0) { return pathname } // If there's a `?` between the pathname and the querystring already, then // don't add another one. if (querystring.startsWith('?') || pathname.endsWith('?')) { return `${pathname}${querystring}` } return `${pathname}?${querystring}` } export function fetchViaHTTP( appPort: string | number, pathname: string, query?: Record | string | null | undefined, opts?: RequestInit ): Promise { const url = query ? withQuery(pathname, query) : pathname return fetch(getFullUrl(appPort, url), opts) } export function renderViaHTTP( appPort: string | number, pathname: string, query?: Record | string | undefined, opts?: RequestInit ) { return fetchViaHTTP(appPort, pathname, query, opts).then((res) => res.text()) } export function findPort() { // [NOTE] What are we doing here? // There are some flaky tests failures caused by `No available ports found` from 'get-port'. // This may be related / fixed by upstream, // however it happened after get-port switched to pure esm which is not easy to adapt by bump. // get-port-please seems to offer the feature parity so we'll try to use it, and leave get-port as fallback // for a while until we are certain to switch to get-port-please entirely. try { return getRandomPort() } catch (e) { require('console').warn('get-port-please failed, falling back to get-port') return getPort() } } export interface NextOptions { cwd?: string env?: NodeJS.Dict nodeArgs?: string[] spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions instance?: (instance: ChildProcess) => void stderr?: true | 'log' stdout?: true | 'log' ignoreFail?: boolean onStdout?: (data: any) => void onStderr?: (data: any) => void } export function runNextCommand( argv: string[], options: NextOptions = {} ): Promise<{ code: number signal: NodeJS.Signals stdout: string stderr: string }> { const nextDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package')) const nextBin = path.join(nextDir, 'dist/bin/next') const cwd = options.cwd || nextDir // Let Next.js decide the environment const env = { ...process.env, NODE_ENV: undefined, __NEXT_TEST_MODE: 'true', ...options.env, } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Running command "next ${argv.join(' ')}"`) const instance = spawn( 'node', [...(options.nodeArgs || []), '--no-deprecation', nextBin, ...argv], { ...options.spawnOptions, cwd, env, stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], } ) if (typeof options.instance === 'function') { options.instance(instance) } let mergedStdio = '' let stderrOutput = '' if (options.stderr || options.onStderr) { instance.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) { mergedStdio += chunk stderrOutput += chunk if (options.stderr === 'log') { console.log(chunk.toString()) } if (typeof options.onStderr === 'function') { options.onStderr(chunk.toString()) } }) } else { instance.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) { mergedStdio += chunk }) } let stdoutOutput = '' if (options.stdout || options.onStdout) { instance.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { mergedStdio += chunk stdoutOutput += chunk if (options.stdout === 'log') { console.log(chunk.toString()) } if (typeof options.onStdout === 'function') { options.onStdout(chunk.toString()) } }) } else { instance.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { mergedStdio += chunk }) } instance.on('close', (code, signal) => { if ( !options.stderr && !options.stdout && !options.ignoreFail && (code !== 0 || signal) ) { return reject( new Error( `command failed with code ${code} signal ${signal}\n${mergedStdio}` ) ) } if (code || signal) { console.error(`process exited with code ${code} and signal ${signal}`) } resolve({ code, signal, stdout: stdoutOutput, stderr: stderrOutput, }) }) instance.on('error', (err) => { err['stdout'] = stdoutOutput err['stderr'] = stderrOutput reject(err) }) }) } export interface NextDevOptions { cwd?: string env?: NodeJS.Dict nodeArgs?: string[] nextBin?: string bootupMarker?: RegExp nextStart?: boolean turbo?: boolean stderr?: false stdout?: false onStdout?: (data: any) => void onStderr?: (data: any) => void } export function runNextCommandDev( argv: string[], stdOut?: boolean, opts: NextDevOptions = {} ): Promise<(typeof stdOut extends true ? string : ChildProcess) | undefined> { const nextDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package')) const nextBin = opts.nextBin || path.join(nextDir, 'dist/bin/next') const cwd = opts.cwd || nextDir const env = { ...process.env, NODE_ENV: undefined, __NEXT_TEST_MODE: 'true', ...opts.env, } const nodeArgs = opts.nodeArgs || [] return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const instance = spawn( 'node', [...nodeArgs, '--no-deprecation', nextBin, ...argv], { cwd, env, } ) let didResolve = false const bootType = opts.nextStart || stdOut ? 'start' : opts?.turbo ? 'turbo' : 'dev' function handleStdout(data) { const message = data.toString() const bootupMarkers = { dev: /✓ ready/i, turbo: /✓ ready/i, start: /✓ ready/i, } const strippedMessage = stripAnsi(message) as any if ( (opts.bootupMarker && opts.bootupMarker.test(strippedMessage)) || bootupMarkers[bootType].test(strippedMessage) ) { if (!didResolve) { didResolve = true // Pass down the original message resolve(stdOut ? message : instance) } } if (typeof opts.onStdout === 'function') { opts.onStdout(message) } if (opts.stdout !== false) { process.stdout.write(message) } } function handleStderr(data) { const message = data.toString() if (typeof opts.onStderr === 'function') { opts.onStderr(message) } if (opts.stderr !== false) { process.stderr.write(message) } } instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr) instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout) instance.on('close', () => { instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr) instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout) if (!didResolve) { didResolve = true resolve(undefined) } }) instance.on('error', (err) => { reject(err) }) }) } // Launch the app in dev mode. export function launchApp( dir: string, port: string | number, opts?: NextDevOptions ) { const options = opts ?? {} const useTurbo = shouldRunTurboDevTest() return runNextCommandDev( [ useTurbo ? getTurbopackFlag() : undefined, dir, '-p', port as string, ].filter(Boolean), undefined, { ...options, turbo: useTurbo, } ) } export function nextBuild( dir: string, args: string[] = [], opts: NextOptions = {} ) { return runNextCommand(['build', dir, ...args], opts) } export function nextLint( dir: string, args: string[] = [], opts: NextOptions = {} ) { return runNextCommand(['lint', dir, ...args], opts) } export function nextStart( dir: string, port: string | number, opts: NextDevOptions = {} ) { return runNextCommandDev(['start', '-p', port as string, dir], undefined, { ...opts, nextStart: true, }) } export function buildTS( args: string[] = [], cwd?: string, env?: any ): Promise { cwd = cwd || path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package')) env = { ...process.env, NODE_ENV: undefined, ...env } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const instance = spawn( 'node', ['--no-deprecation', require.resolve('typescript/lib/tsc'), ...args], { cwd, env } ) let output = '' const handleData = (chunk) => { output += chunk.toString() } instance.stdout.on('data', handleData) instance.stderr.on('data', handleData) instance.on('exit', (code) => { if (code) { return reject(new Error('exited with code: ' + code + '\n' + output)) } resolve() }) }) } export async function killProcess( pid: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals | number = 'SIGTERM' ): Promise { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { treeKill(pid, signal, (err) => { if (err) { if ( process.platform === 'win32' && typeof err.message === 'string' && (err.message.includes(`no running instance of the task`) || err.message.includes(`not found`)) ) { // Windows throws an error if the process is already dead // // Command failed: taskkill /pid 6924 /T /F // ERROR: The process with PID 6924 (child process of PID 6736) could not be terminated. // Reason: There is no running instance of the task. return resolve() } return reject(err) } resolve() }) }) } // Kill a launched app export async function killApp( instance?: ChildProcess, signal: NodeJS.Signals | number = 'SIGKILL' ) { if ( instance?.pid && instance.exitCode === null && instance.signalCode === null ) { const exitPromise = once(instance, 'exit') await killProcess(, signal) await exitPromise } } export async function startApp(app: NextServer) { // force require usage instead of dynamic import in jest // x-ref: process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE = 'jest' // TODO: tests that use this should be migrated to use // the nextStart test function instead as it tests outside // of jest's context await app.prepare() const handler = app.getRequestHandler() const server = http.createServer(handler) server['__app'] = app await promisify(server.listen).apply(server) return server } export async function stopApp(server: http.Server) { if (server['__app']) { await server['__app'].close() } await promisify(server.close).apply(server) } export function waitFor(millis: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, millis)) } export async function startStaticServer( dir: string, notFoundFile?: string, fixedPort?: number ) { const app = express() const server = http.createServer(app) app.use(express.static(dir)) if (notFoundFile) { app.use((req, res) => { createReadStream(notFoundFile).pipe(res) }) } await promisify(server.listen).call(server, fixedPort) return server } export async function startCleanStaticServer(dir: string) { const app = express() const server = http.createServer(app) app.use(express.static(dir, { extensions: ['html'] })) await promisify(server.listen).apply(server) return server } /** * Check for content in 1 second intervals timing out after 30 seconds. * * @param {() => Promise | unknown} contentFn * @param {RegExp | string | number} regex * @param {boolean} hardError * @param {number} maxRetries * @returns {Promise} */ export async function check( contentFn: () => any | Promise, regex: any, hardError = true, maxRetries = 30 ) { let content let lastErr for (let tries = 0; tries < maxRetries; tries++) { try { content = await contentFn() if (typeof regex !== typeof /regex/) { if (regex === content) { return true } } else if (regex.test(content)) { // found the content return true } await waitFor(1000) } catch (err) { await waitFor(1000) lastErr = err } } console.error('TIMED OUT CHECK: ', { regex, content, lastErr }) if (hardError) { throw new Error('TIMED OUT: ' + regex + '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' + lastErr) } return false } export class File { path: string originalContent: string constructor(path: string) { this.path = path this.originalContent = existsSync(this.path) ? readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8') : null } write(content: string) { if (!this.originalContent) { this.originalContent = content } writeFileSync(this.path, content, 'utf8') } replace(pattern: RegExp | string, newValue: string) { const currentContent = readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8') if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { if (!pattern.test(currentContent)) { throw new Error( `Failed to replace content.\n\nPattern: ${pattern.toString()}\n\nContent: ${currentContent}` ) } } else if (typeof pattern === 'string') { if (!currentContent.includes(pattern)) { throw new Error( `Failed to replace content.\n\nPattern: ${pattern}\n\nContent: ${currentContent}` ) } } else { throw new Error(`Unknown replacement attempt type: ${pattern}`) } const newContent = currentContent.replace(pattern, newValue) this.write(newContent) } prepend(str: string) { const content = readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8') this.write(str + content) } delete() { unlinkSync(this.path) } restore() { this.write(this.originalContent) } } export async function evaluate( browser: BrowserInterface, input: string | Function ) { if (typeof input === 'function') { const result = await browser.eval(input) await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 30)) return result } else { throw new Error(`You must pass a function to be evaluated in the browser.`) } } export async function retry( fn: () => T | Promise, duration: number = 3000, interval: number = 500, description?: string ): Promise { if (duration % interval !== 0) { throw new Error( `invalid duration ${duration} and interval ${interval} mix, duration must be evenly divisible by interval` ) } for (let i = duration; i >= 0; i -= interval) { try { return await fn() } catch (err) { if (i === 0) { console.error( `Failed to retry${ description ? ` ${description}` : '' } within ${duration}ms` ) throw err } console.warn( `Retrying${description ? ` ${description}` : ''} in ${interval}ms` ) await waitFor(interval) } } } export async function hasRedbox(browser: BrowserInterface): Promise { await waitFor(5000) const result = await evaluate(browser, () => { return Boolean( [].slice .call(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')) .find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector( '#nextjs__container_errors_label, #nextjs__container_build_error_label, #nextjs__container_root_layout_error_label' ) ) ) }) return result } export async function hasErrorToast( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { return browser.eval(() => { return Boolean( Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')).find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector('[data-nextjs-toast]') ) ) }) } export async function waitForAndOpenRuntimeError(browser: BrowserInterface) { return browser.waitForElementByCss('[data-nextjs-toast]').click() } export async function getRedboxHeader(browser: BrowserInterface) { return retry( () => { return evaluate(browser, () => { const portal = [].slice .call(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')) .find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector('[data-nextjs-dialog-header]') ) const root = portal?.shadowRoot return root?.querySelector('[data-nextjs-dialog-header]')?.innerText }) }, 10000, 500, 'getRedboxHeader' ) } export async function getRedboxSource(browser: BrowserInterface) { return retry( () => evaluate(browser, () => { const portal = [].slice .call(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')) .find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector( '#nextjs__container_errors_label, #nextjs__container_build_error_label, #nextjs__container_root_layout_error_label' ) ) const root = portal.shadowRoot return root.querySelector( '[data-nextjs-codeframe], [data-nextjs-terminal]' ).innerText }), 10000, 500, 'getRedboxSource' ) } export async function getRedboxDescription(browser: BrowserInterface) { return retry( () => evaluate(browser, () => { const portal = [].slice .call(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')) .find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector('[data-nextjs-dialog-header]') ) const root = portal.shadowRoot const text = root.querySelector( '#nextjs__container_errors_desc' ).innerText if (text === null) throw new Error('No redbox description found') return text }), 3000, 500, 'getRedboxDescription' ) } export async function getRedboxDescriptionWarning(browser: BrowserInterface) { return retry( () => evaluate(browser, () => { const portal = [].slice .call(document.querySelectorAll('nextjs-portal')) .find((p) => p.shadowRoot.querySelector('[data-nextjs-dialog-header]') ) const root = portal.shadowRoot const text = root.querySelector( '#nextjs__container_errors__extra' )?.innerText return text }), 3000, 500, 'getRedboxDescriptionWarning' ) } export function getBrowserBodyText(browser: BrowserInterface) { return browser.eval('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerText') } export function normalizeRegEx(src: string) { return new RegExp(src).source.replace(/\^\//g, '^\\/') } function readJson(path: string) { return JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, 'utf-8')) } export function getBuildManifest(dir: string) { return readJson(path.join(dir, '.next/build-manifest.json')) } export function getPageFileFromBuildManifest(dir: string, page: string) { const buildManifest = getBuildManifest(dir) const pageFiles = buildManifest.pages[page] if (!pageFiles) { throw new Error(`No files for page ${page}`) } const pageFile = pageFiles[pageFiles.length - 1] expect(pageFile).toEndWith('.js') if (!process.env.TURBOPACK) { expect(pageFile).toInclude(`pages${page === '' ? '/index' : page}`) } if (!pageFile) { throw new Error(`No page file for page ${page}`) } return pageFile } export function readNextBuildClientPageFile(appDir: string, page: string) { const pageFile = getPageFileFromBuildManifest(appDir, page) return readFileSync(path.join(appDir, '.next', pageFile), 'utf8') } export function getPagesManifest(dir: string) { const serverFile = path.join(dir, '.next/server/pages-manifest.json') return readJson(serverFile) } export function updatePagesManifest(dir: string, content: any) { const serverFile = path.join(dir, '.next/server/pages-manifest.json') return writeFile(serverFile, content) } export function getPageFileFromPagesManifest(dir: string, page: string) { const pagesManifest = getPagesManifest(dir) const pageFile = pagesManifest[page] if (!pageFile) { throw new Error(`No file for page ${page}`) } return pageFile } export function readNextBuildServerPageFile(appDir: string, page: string) { const pageFile = getPageFileFromPagesManifest(appDir, page) return readFileSync(path.join(appDir, '.next', 'server', pageFile), 'utf8') } function runSuite( suiteName: string, context: { env: 'prod' | 'dev'; appDir: string } & Partial<{ stderr: string stdout: string appPort: number code: number server: ChildProcess }>, options: { beforeAll?: Function afterAll?: Function runTests: Function } & NextDevOptions ) { const { appDir, env } = context describe(`${suiteName} ${env}`, () => { beforeAll(async () => { options.beforeAll?.(env) context.stderr = '' const onStderr = (msg) => { context.stderr += msg } context.stdout = '' const onStdout = (msg) => { context.stdout += msg } if (env === 'prod') { context.appPort = await findPort() const { stdout, stderr, code } = await nextBuild(appDir, [], { stderr: true, stdout: true, env: options.env || {}, nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs, }) context.stdout = stdout context.stderr = stderr context.code = code context.server = await nextStart(context.appDir, context.appPort, { onStderr, onStdout, env: options.env || {}, nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs, }) } else if (env === 'dev') { context.appPort = await findPort() context.server = await launchApp(context.appDir, context.appPort, { onStderr, onStdout, env: options.env || {}, nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs, }) } }) afterAll(async () => { options.afterAll?.(env) if (context.server) { await killApp(context.server) } }) options.runTests(context, env) }) } export function runDevSuite( suiteName: string, appDir: string, options: { beforeAll?: Function afterAll?: Function runTests: Function env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv } ) { return runSuite(suiteName, { appDir, env: 'dev' }, options) } export function runProdSuite( suiteName: string, appDir: string, options: { beforeAll?: Function afterAll?: Function runTests: Function env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv } ) { ;(process.env.TURBOPACK ? describe.skip : describe)('production mode', () => { runSuite(suiteName, { appDir, env: 'prod' }, options) }) } /** * Parse the output and return all entries that match the provided `eventName` * @param {string} output output of the console * @param {string} eventName * @returns {Array<{}>} */ export function findAllTelemetryEvents(output: string, eventName: string) { const regex = /\[telemetry\] ({.+?^})/gms // Pop the last element of each entry to retrieve contents of the capturing group const events = [...output.matchAll(regex)].map((entry) => JSON.parse(entry.pop()) ) return events.filter((e) => e.eventName === eventName).map((e) => e.payload) } type TestVariants = 'default' | 'turbo' // WEB-168: There are some differences / incompletes in turbopack implementation enforces jest requires to update // test snapshot when run against turbo. This fn returns describe, or describe.skip dependes on the running context // to avoid force-snapshot update per each runs until turbopack update includes all the changes. export function getSnapshotTestDescribe(variant: TestVariants) { const runningEnv = variant ?? 'default' if (runningEnv !== 'default' && runningEnv !== 'turbo') { throw new Error( `An invalid test env was passed: ${variant} (only "default" and "turbo" are valid options)` ) } const shouldRunTurboDev = shouldRunTurboDevTest() const shouldSkip = (runningEnv === 'turbo' && !shouldRunTurboDev) || (runningEnv === 'default' && shouldRunTurboDev) return shouldSkip ? describe.skip : describe } export async function getRedboxComponentStack( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { await browser.waitForElementByCss( '[data-nextjs-container-errors-pseudo-html]', 30000 ) // TODO: the type for elementsByCss is incorrect const componentStackFrameElements: any = await browser.elementsByCss( '[data-nextjs-container-errors-pseudo-html]' ) const componentStackFrameTexts = await Promise.all( => f.innerText()) ) return componentStackFrameTexts.join('\n').trim() } export async function toggleComponentStack( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { await browser .elementByCss('[data-nextjs-container-errors-pseudo-html-collapse]') .click() } export async function expandCallStack( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { // Open full Call Stack await browser .elementByCss('[data-nextjs-data-runtime-error-collapsed-action]') .click() } export async function getRedboxCallStack( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { await browser.waitForElementByCss('[data-nextjs-call-stack-frame]', 30000) const callStackFrameElements: any = await browser.elementsByCss( '[data-nextjs-call-stack-frame]' ) const callStackFrameTexts = await Promise.all( => f.innerText()) ) return callStackFrameTexts.join('\n').trim() } export async function getVersionCheckerText( browser: BrowserInterface ): Promise { await browser.waitForElementByCss('[data-nextjs-version-checker]', 30000) const versionCheckerElement = await browser.elementByCss( '[data-nextjs-version-checker]' ) const versionCheckerText = await versionCheckerElement.innerText() return versionCheckerText.trim() } /** * For better editor support, pass in the variants this should run on (`default` and/or `turbo`) as cases. * * This is necessary if separate snapshots are needed for next.js with webpack vs turbopack. */ export const describeVariants = { each(variants: TestVariants[]) { return (name: string, fn: (variants: TestVariants) => any) => { if ( !Array.isArray(variants) || !variants.every((val) => typeof val === 'string') ) { throw new Error('variants need to be an array of strings') } for (const variant of variants) { getSnapshotTestDescribe(variant).each([variant])(name, fn) } } }, }