import path from 'path' import { promises as fs } from 'fs' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import { APP_DIR_ALIAS } from './constants' const globOrig = require('next/dist/compiled/glob') as typeof import('next/dist/compiled/glob') const glob = (cwd: string, pattern: string): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { globOrig(pattern, { cwd }, (err, files) => { if (err) { return reject(err) } resolve(files) }) }) } function getRootLayout(isTs: boolean) { if (isTs) { return `export default function RootLayout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( {children} ) } ` } return `export default function RootLayout({ children }) { return ( {children} ) } ` } function getHead() { return `export default function Head() { return ( <> ) } ` } export async function verifyRootLayout({ dir, appDir, tsconfigPath, pagePath, pageExtensions, }: { dir: string appDir: string tsconfigPath: string pagePath: string pageExtensions: string[] }) { try { const layoutFiles = await glob( appDir, `**/layout.{${pageExtensions.join(',')}}` ) const normalizedPagePath = pagePath.replace(`${APP_DIR_ALIAS}/`, '') const pagePathSegments = normalizedPagePath.split('/') // Find an available dir to place the layout file in, the layout file can't affect any other layout. // Place the layout as close to app/ as possible. let availableDir: string | undefined if (layoutFiles.length === 0) { // If there's no other layout file we can place the layout file in the app dir. // However, if the page is within a route group directly under app (e.g. app/(routegroup)/page.js) // prefer creating the root layout in that route group. const firstSegmentValue = pagePathSegments[0] availableDir = firstSegmentValue.startsWith('(') ? firstSegmentValue : '' } else { pagePathSegments.pop() // remove the page from segments let currentSegments: string[] = [] for (const segment of pagePathSegments) { currentSegments.push(segment) // Find the dir closest to app/ where a layout can be created without affecting other layouts. if ( !layoutFiles.some((file) => file.startsWith(currentSegments.join('/')) ) ) { availableDir = currentSegments.join('/') break } } } if (typeof availableDir === 'string') { const resolvedTsConfigPath = path.join(dir, tsconfigPath) const hasTsConfig = await fs.access(resolvedTsConfigPath).then( () => true, () => false ) const rootLayoutPath = path.join( appDir, availableDir, `layout.${hasTsConfig ? 'tsx' : 'js'}` ) await fs.writeFile(rootLayoutPath, getRootLayout(hasTsConfig)) const headPath = path.join( appDir, availableDir, `head.${hasTsConfig ? 'tsx' : 'js'}` ) const hasHead = await fs.access(headPath).then( () => true, () => false ) if (!hasHead) { await fs.writeFile(headPath, getHead()) } console.log( `\nYour page ${chalk.bold( `app/${normalizedPagePath}` )} did not have a root layout. We created ${chalk.bold( `app${rootLayoutPath.replace(appDir, '')}` )}${ !hasHead ? ` and ${chalk.bold(`app${headPath.replace(appDir, '')}`)}` : '' } for you.` ) + '\n' ) // Created root layout return true } } catch (error) { Log.error('Failed to create root layout', error) } // Didn't create root layout return false }