import retry from 'next/dist/compiled/async-retry' import { randomBytes } from 'crypto' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import * as Log from '../../../build/output/log' let traceId = process.env.TRACE_ID let batch: ReturnType | undefined const localEndpoint = { serviceName: 'nextjs', ipv4: '', port: 9411, } const zipkinUrl = `http://${localEndpoint.ipv4}:${localEndpoint.port}` const zipkinAPI = `${zipkinUrl}/api/v2/spans` type Event = { traceId: string parentId?: string name: string id: string timestamp: number duration: number localEndpoint: typeof localEndpoint tags?: Object } // Batch events as zipkin allows for multiple events to be sent in one go export function batcher(reportEvents: (evts: Event[]) => Promise) { const events: Event[] = [] // Promise queue to ensure events are always sent on flushAll const queue = new Set() return { flushAll: async () => { await Promise.all(queue) if (events.length > 0) { await reportEvents(events) events.length = 0 } }, report: (event: Event) => { events.push(event) if (events.length > 100) { const report = reportEvents(events.slice()) events.length = 0 queue.add(report) report.then(() => queue.delete(report)) } }, } } const reportToLocalHost = ( name: string, duration: number, timestamp: number, id: string, parentId?: string, attrs?: Object ) => { if (!traceId) { traceId = process.env.TRACE_ID = randomBytes(8).toString('hex') `Zipkin trace will be available on ${zipkinUrl}/zipkin/traces/${traceId}` ) } if (!batch) { batch = batcher((events) => { // Ensure ECONNRESET error is retried 3 times before erroring out return retry( () => // Send events to zipkin fetch(zipkinAPI, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(events), }), { minTimeout: 500, retries: 3, factor: 1 } ).catch(console.log) }) }{ traceId, parentId, name, id, timestamp, duration, localEndpoint, tags: attrs, }) } export default { flushAll: () => (batch ? batch.flushAll() : undefined), report: reportToLocalHost, }