import DynamicEntryPlugin from 'webpack/lib/DynamicEntryPlugin' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { join, posix } from 'path' import { parse } from 'url' import { pageNotFoundError } from '../next-server/server/require' import { normalizePagePath } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path' import { ROUTE_NAME_REGEX, IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX } from '../next-server/lib/constants' import { stringify } from 'querystring' import { findPageFile } from './lib/find-page-file' import { isWriteable } from '../build/is-writeable' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import { API_ROUTE } from '../lib/constants' const ADDED = Symbol('added') const BUILDING = Symbol('building') const BUILT = Symbol('built') // Based on function addEntry (compilation, context, name, entry) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const dep = DynamicEntryPlugin.createDependency(entry, name) compilation.addEntry(context, dep, name, err => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } export default function onDemandEntryHandler ( devMiddleware, multiCompiler, { buildId, dir, reload, pageExtensions, maxInactiveAge, pagesBufferLength } ) { const pagesDir = join(dir, 'pages') const { compilers } = multiCompiler const invalidator = new Invalidator(devMiddleware, multiCompiler) let entries = {} let lastAccessPages = [''] let doneCallbacks = new EventEmitter() let reloading = false let stopped = false let reloadCallbacks = new EventEmitter() let lastEntry = null for (const compiler of compilers) { compiler.hooks.make.tapPromise('NextJsOnDemandEntries', compilation => { invalidator.startBuilding() const allEntries = Object.keys(entries).map(async page => { if ( === 'client' && page.match(API_ROUTE)) { return } const { name, absolutePagePath } = entries[page] const pageExists = await isWriteable(absolutePagePath) if (!pageExists) { Log.event('page was removed', page) delete entries[page] return } entries[page].status = BUILDING return addEntry(compilation, compiler.context, name, [ === 'client' ? `next-client-pages-loader?${stringify({ page, absolutePagePath })}!` : absolutePagePath ]) }) return Promise.all(allEntries).catch(err => console.error(err)) }) } function findHardFailedPages (errors) { return errors .filter(e => { // Make sure to only pick errors which marked with missing modules const hasNoModuleFoundError = /ENOENT/.test(e.message) || /Module not found/.test(e.message) if (!hasNoModuleFoundError) return false // The page itself is missing. So this is a failed page. if (IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test( return true // No dependencies means this is a top level page. // So this is a failed page. return e.module.dependencies.length === 0 }) .map(e => e.module.chunks) .reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], []) .map(c => { const pageName = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec([1] return normalizePage(`/${pageName}`) }) } function getPagePathsFromEntrypoints (entrypoints) { const pagePaths = [] for (const [, entrypoint] of entrypoints.entries()) { const result = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec( if (!result) { continue } const pagePath = result[1] if (!pagePath) { continue } pagePaths.push(pagePath) } return pagePaths } multiCompiler.hooks.done.tap('NextJsOnDemandEntries', multiStats => { const [clientStats, serverStats] = multiStats.stats const hardFailedPages = [ Set([ ...findHardFailedPages(clientStats.compilation.errors), ...findHardFailedPages(serverStats.compilation.errors) ]) ] const pagePaths = new Set([ ...getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(clientStats.compilation.entrypoints), ...getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(serverStats.compilation.entrypoints) ]) // compilation.entrypoints is a Map object, so iterating over it 0 is the key and 1 is the value for (const pagePath of pagePaths) { const page = normalizePage('/' + pagePath) const entry = entries[page] if (!entry) { continue } if (entry.status !== BUILDING) { continue } entry.status = BUILT entry.lastActiveTime = doneCallbacks.emit(page) } invalidator.doneBuilding() if (hardFailedPages.length > 0 && !reloading) { console.log( `> Reloading webpack due to inconsistant state of pages(s): ${hardFailedPages.join( ', ' )}` ) reloading = true reload() .then(() => { console.log('> Webpack reloaded.') reloadCallbacks.emit('done') stop() }) .catch(err => { console.error(`> Webpack reloading failed: ${err.message}`) console.error(err.stack) process.exit(1) }) } }) const disposeHandler = setInterval(function () { if (stopped) return disposeInactiveEntries( devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge ) }, 5000) disposeHandler.unref() function stop () { clearInterval(disposeHandler) stopped = true doneCallbacks = null reloadCallbacks = null } function handlePing (pg) { const page = normalizePage(pg) const entryInfo = entries[page] let toSend // If there's no entry, it may have been invalidated and needs to be re-built. if (!entryInfo) { if (page !== lastEntry) { Log.event(`client pings, but there's no entry for page: ${page}`) } lastEntry = page return { invalid: true } } // 404 is an on demand entry but when a new page is added we have to refresh the page if (page === '/_error') { toSend = { invalid: true } } else { toSend = { success: true } } // We don't need to maintain active state of anything other than BUILT entries if (entryInfo.status !== BUILT) return // If there's an entryInfo if (!lastAccessPages.includes(page)) { lastAccessPages.unshift(page) // Maintain the buffer max length if (lastAccessPages.length > pagesBufferLength) { lastAccessPages.pop() } } entryInfo.lastActiveTime = return toSend } return { waitUntilReloaded () { if (!reloading) return Promise.resolve(true) return new Promise(resolve => { reloadCallbacks.once('done', function () { resolve() }) }) }, async ensurePage (page) { await this.waitUntilReloaded() let normalizedPagePath try { normalizedPagePath = normalizePagePath(page) } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath) } let pagePath = await findPageFile( pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions ) // Default the /_error route to the Next.js provided default page if (page === '/_error' && pagePath === null) { pagePath = 'next/dist/pages/_error' } if (pagePath === null) { throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath) } let pageUrl = `/${pagePath .replace(new RegExp(`\\.+(?:${pageExtensions.join('|')})$`), '') .replace(/\\/g, '/')}`.replace(/\/index$/, '') pageUrl = pageUrl === '' ? '/' : pageUrl const bundleFile = pageUrl === '/' ? '/index.js' : `${pageUrl}.js` const name = join('static', buildId, 'pages', bundleFile) const absolutePagePath = pagePath.startsWith('next/dist/pages') ? require.resolve(pagePath) : join(pagesDir, pagePath) page = posix.normalize(pageUrl) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Makes sure the page that is being kept in on-demand-entries matches the webpack output const normalizedPage = normalizePage(page) const entryInfo = entries[normalizedPage] if (entryInfo) { if (entryInfo.status === BUILT) { resolve() return } if (entryInfo.status === BUILDING) { doneCallbacks.once(normalizedPage, handleCallback) return } } Log.event(`build page: ${normalizedPage}`) entries[normalizedPage] = { name, absolutePagePath, status: ADDED } doneCallbacks.once(normalizedPage, handleCallback) invalidator.invalidate() function handleCallback (err) { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() } }) }, middleware () { return (req, res, next) => { if (stopped) { // If this handler is stopped, we need to reload the user's browser. // So the user could connect to the actually running handler. res.statusCode = 302 res.setHeader('Location', req.url) res.end('302') } else if (reloading) { // Webpack config is reloading. So, we need to wait until it's done and // reload user's browser. // So the user could connect to the new handler and webpack setup. this.waitUntilReloaded().then(() => { res.statusCode = 302 res.setHeader('Location', req.url) res.end('302') }) } else { if (!/^\/_next\/webpack-hmr/.test(req.url)) return next() const { query } = parse(req.url, true) const page = if (!page) return next() const runPing = () => { const data = handlePing( if (!data) return res.write('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data) + '\n\n') } const pingInterval = setInterval(() => runPing(), 5000) req.on('close', () => { clearInterval(pingInterval) }) // Do initial ping right after EventSource is finished being set up setImmediate(() => runPing()) next() } } } } } function disposeInactiveEntries ( devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge ) { const disposingPages = [] Object.keys(entries).forEach(page => { const { lastActiveTime, status } = entries[page] // This means this entry is currently building or just added // We don't need to dispose those entries. if (status !== BUILT) return // We should not build the last accessed page even we didn't get any pings // Sometimes, it's possible our XHR ping to wait before completing other requests. // In that case, we should not dispose the current viewing page if (lastAccessPages.includes(page)) return if ( - lastActiveTime > maxInactiveAge) { disposingPages.push(page) } }) if (disposingPages.length > 0) { disposingPages.forEach(page => { delete entries[page] }) Log.event(`disposing inactive page(s): ${disposingPages.join(', ')}`) devMiddleware.invalidate() } } // /index and / is the same. So, we need to identify both pages as the same. // This also applies to sub pages as well. export function normalizePage (page) { const unixPagePath = page.replace(/\\/g, '/') if (unixPagePath === '/index' || unixPagePath === '/') { return '/' } return unixPagePath.replace(/\/index$/, '') } // Make sure only one invalidation happens at a time // Otherwise, webpack hash gets changed and it'll force the client to reload. class Invalidator { constructor (devMiddleware, multiCompiler) { this.multiCompiler = multiCompiler this.devMiddleware = devMiddleware // contains an array of types of compilers currently building this.building = false this.rebuildAgain = false } invalidate () { // If there's a current build is processing, we won't abort it by invalidating. // (If aborted, it'll cause a client side hard reload) // But let it to invalidate just after the completion. // So, it can re-build the queued pages at once. if (this.building) { this.rebuildAgain = true return } this.building = true // Work around a bug in webpack, calling `invalidate` on Watching.js // doesn't trigger the invalid call used to keep track of the `.done` hook on multiCompiler for (const compiler of this.multiCompiler.compilers) { } this.devMiddleware.invalidate() } startBuilding () { this.building = true } doneBuilding () { this.building = false if (this.rebuildAgain) { this.rebuildAgain = false this.invalidate() } } }