import { NodePath, PluginObj, types as BabelTypes } from '@babel/core' import { PageConfig } from 'next/types' const STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE = '__NEXT_DROP_CLIENT_FILE__' // replace program path with just a variable with the drop identifier function replaceBundle(path: any, t: typeof BabelTypes): void { path.parentPath.replaceWith( t.program( [ t.variableDeclaration('const', [ t.variableDeclarator( t.identifier('config'), t.assignmentExpression( '=', t.identifier(STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE), t.stringLiteral(`${STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE} ${}`) ) ), ]), ], [] ) ) } function errorMessage(state: any, details: string): string { const pageName = (state.filename || '').split(state.cwd || '').pop() || 'unknown' return `Invalid page config export found. ${details} in file ${pageName}. See:` } interface ConfigState { bundleDropped?: boolean } // config to parsing pageConfig for client bundles export default function nextPageConfig({ types: t, }: { types: typeof BabelTypes }): PluginObj { return { visitor: { Program: { enter(path, state: ConfigState) { path.traverse( { ExportNamedDeclaration( path: NodePath, state: any ) { if (state.bundleDropped || !path.node.declaration) { return } if (!BabelTypes.isVariableDeclaration(path.node.declaration)) { return } const { declarations } = path.node.declaration const config: PageConfig = {} for (const declaration of declarations) { if ( !BabelTypes.isIdentifier(, { name: 'config' }) ) { continue } if (!BabelTypes.isObjectExpression(declaration.init)) { const got = declaration.init ? declaration.init.type : 'undefined' throw new Error( errorMessage(state, `Expected object but got ${got}`) ) } for (const prop of { if (BabelTypes.isSpreadElement(prop)) { throw new Error( errorMessage(state, `Property spread is not allowed`) ) } const { name } = prop.key if (BabelTypes.isIdentifier(prop.key, { name: 'amp' })) { if (!BabelTypes.isObjectProperty(prop)) { throw new Error( errorMessage(state, `Invalid property "${name}"`) ) } if ( !BabelTypes.isBooleanLiteral(prop.value) && !BabelTypes.isStringLiteral(prop.value) ) { throw new Error( errorMessage(state, `Invalid value for "${name}"`) ) } config.amp = prop.value.value as PageConfig['amp'] } } } if (config.amp === true) { if (!state.file?.opts?.caller.isDev) { // don't replace bundle in development so HMR can track // dependencies and trigger reload when they are changed replaceBundle(path, t) } state.bundleDropped = true return } }, }, state ) }, }, }, } }