import { promises } from 'fs' import '../server/node-polyfill-fetch' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' /** * Attempts to patch npm package-lock.json when it * fails to include optionalDependencies for other platforms * this can occur when the package-lock is rebuilt from a current * node_modules install instead of pulling fresh package data */ export async function patchIncorrectLockfile(dir: string) { const lockfilePath = await findUp('package-lock.json', { cwd: dir }) if (!lockfilePath) { // if no lockfile present there is no action to take return } const content = await promises.readFile(lockfilePath, 'utf8') const lockfileParsed = JSON.parse(content) const foundSwcPkgs = new Set() const nextPkg = lockfileParsed.packages?.['node_modules/next'] // if we don't find next in the package-lock we can't continue if (!nextPkg) { return } const nextVersion = nextPkg.version const packageKeys = Object.keys(lockfileParsed.dependencies || {}) const expectedSwcPkgs = Object.keys(nextPkg?.optionalDependencies).filter( (pkg) => pkg.startsWith('@next/swc-') ) packageKeys.forEach((pkgKey) => { const swcIndex = pkgKey.indexOf('@next/swc-') if (swcIndex > -1) { foundSwcPkgs.add(pkgKey.substring(swcIndex)) } }) // if swc package keys are missing manually populate them // so installs on different platforms can succeed // user will need to run npm i after to ensure it's corrected if (foundSwcPkgs.size !== expectedSwcPkgs.length) { Log.warn(`Found lockfile missing swc dependencies, patching..`) try { // populate fields for each missing swc pkg for (const pkg of expectedSwcPkgs) { if (!foundSwcPkgs.has(pkg)) { const res = await fetch(`${pkg}`) if (!res.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to fetch registry info for ${pkg}, got status ${res.status}` ) } const data = await res.json() const version = data.versions[nextVersion] if (!version) { throw new Error( `Failed to find matching version for ${pkg} at ${nextVersion}` ) } if (lockfileParsed.dependencies) { lockfileParsed.dependencies[pkg] = { version: nextVersion, resolved: version.dist.tarball, integrity: version.dist.integrity, optional: true, } } lockfileParsed.packages[`node_modules/${pkg}`] = { version: nextVersion, resolved: version.dist.tarball, integrity: version.dist.integrity, cpu: version.cpu, optional: true, os: version.os, engines: version.engines, } } } await promises.writeFile( lockfilePath, `${JSON.stringify(lockfileParsed, null, 2)}\n` ) Log.warn( 'Lockfile was successfully patched, please run "npm install" to ensure @next/swc dependencies are downloaded' ) } catch (err) { Log.error( `Failed to patch lockfile, please try uninstalling and reinstalling next in this workspace` ) console.error(err) } } }