--- title: Re-exporting all exports from a page is disallowed --- ## Why This Error Occurred The following export can potentially break Next.js' compilation of pages: ```jsx filename="pages/example.js" export * from '...' ``` This is because Node.js code may be leaked to the browser build, causing an error. For example, the following two pages: ```jsx filename="pages/example-a.js" import fs from 'fs' export default function A() { return
} export function getStaticProps() { fs return { props: {} } } ``` ```jsx filename="pages/example-b.js" export * from './example-a' ``` Would cause the following error: ```txt Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' in './pages/example-b.js' ``` ## Possible Ways to Fix It Update your page to re-export the default component only: ```jsx filename="pages/example-a.js" export { default } from './example-b' ``` If the other page uses `getServerSideProps` or `getStaticProps`, you can re-export those individually too: ```jsx filename="pages/example-a.js" export { default, getServerSideProps } from './example-b' // or export { default, getStaticProps } from './example-b' // or export { default, getStaticProps, getStaticPaths } from './example-b/[dynamic]' ```