--- title: No Before Interactive Script Outside Document --- > Prevent usage of `next/script`'s `beforeInteractive` strategy outside of `pages/_document.js`. ## Why This Error Occurred You cannot use the `next/script` component with the `beforeInteractive` strategy outside `pages/_document.js`. That's because `beforeInteractive` strategy only works inside **`pages/_document.js`** and is designed to load scripts that are needed by the entire site (i.e. the script will load when any page in the application has been loaded server-side). ## Possible Ways to Fix It If you want a global script, move the script inside `pages/_document.js`. ```jsx filename="pages/_document.js" import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document' import Script from 'next/script' export default function Document() { return (
) } ``` - [next-script](/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/scripts)