import { NodePath, PluginObj } from '@babel/core' import * as BabelTypes from '@babel/types' export default function({ types: t, }: { types: typeof BabelTypes }): PluginObj { return { visitor: { ImportDeclaration(path: NodePath, state) { const source = path.node.source.value if (source !== 'next/data') return const createHookSpecifier = path.get('specifiers').find(specifier => { return ( specifier.isImportSpecifier() && === 'createHook' ) }) if (!createHookSpecifier) return const bindingName = const binding = path.scope.getBinding(bindingName) if (!binding) { return } binding.referencePaths.forEach(refPath => { let callExpression = refPath.parentPath if (!callExpression.isCallExpression()) return let args: any = callExpression.get('arguments') if (!args[0]) { throw callExpression.buildCodeFrameError( 'first argument to createHook should be a function' ) } if (!args[1]) { callExpression.node.arguments.push(t.objectExpression([])) } args = callExpression.get('arguments') args[1] t.objectProperty( t.identifier('key'), t.stringLiteral(state.opts.key) ) ) }) }, }, } }