import { Compiler } from 'webpack' import { connectChunkAndModule } from 'webpack/lib/GraphHelpers' /** * Makes sure there are no dynamic chunks when the target is serverless * The dynamic chunks are integrated back into their parent chunk * This is to make sure there is a single render bundle instead of that bundle importing dynamic chunks */ const NEXT_REPLACE_BUILD_ID = '__NEXT_REPLACE__BUILD_ID__' function replaceInBuffer(buffer: Buffer, from: string, to: string) { const target = Buffer.from(from, 'utf8') const replacement = Buffer.from(to, 'utf8') function bufferTee(source: Buffer): Buffer { const index = source.indexOf(target) if (index === -1) { // Escape recursion loop return source } const b1 = source.slice(0, index) const b2 = source.slice(index + target.length) const nextBuffer = bufferTee(b2) return Buffer.concat( [b1, replacement, nextBuffer], index + replacement.length + nextBuffer.length ) } return bufferTee(buffer) } function interceptFileWrites( compiler: Compiler, contentFn: (input: Buffer) => Buffer ) { compiler.outputFileSystem = new Proxy(compiler.outputFileSystem, { get(target, propKey) { const orig = (target as any)[propKey] if (propKey !== 'writeFile') { return orig } return function(targetPath: string, content: Buffer, ...args: any[]) { return, targetPath, contentFn(content), ...args) } }, }) } export class ServerlessPlugin { private buildId: string private isServer: boolean constructor(buildId: string, { isServer = false } = {}) { this.buildId = buildId this.isServer = isServer } apply(compiler: Compiler) { if (this.isServer) { interceptFileWrites(compiler, content => replaceInBuffer(content, NEXT_REPLACE_BUILD_ID, this.buildId) ) compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('ServerlessPlugin', compilation => { compilation.hooks.optimizeChunksBasic.tap( 'ServerlessPlugin', chunks => { chunks.forEach(chunk => { // If chunk is not an entry point skip them if (chunk.hasEntryModule()) { const dynamicChunks = chunk.getAllAsyncChunks() if (dynamicChunks.size !== 0) { for (const dynamicChunk of dynamicChunks) { for (const module of dynamicChunk.modulesIterable) { connectChunkAndModule(chunk, module) } } } } }) } ) }) } else { compiler.hooks.emit.tap('ServerlessPlugin', compilation => { const assetNames = Object.keys(compilation.assets).filter(f => f.includes(this.buildId) ) for (const name of assetNames) { compilation.assets[ name .replace(new RegExp(`${this.buildId}[\\/\\\\]`), 'client/') .replace(/[.]js$/, `.${this.buildId}.js`) ] = compilation.assets[name] } }) } } }