import chalk from 'chalk' import { findConfig } from '../../../../../lib/find-config' import { resolveRequest } from '../../../../../lib/resolve-request' import browserslist from 'browserslist' type CssPluginCollection_Array = (string | [string, boolean | object])[] type CssPluginCollection_Object = { [key: string]: object | boolean } type CssPluginCollection = | CssPluginCollection_Array | CssPluginCollection_Object type CssPluginShape = [string, object | boolean] const genericErrorText = 'Malformed PostCSS Configuration' function getError_NullConfig(pluginName: string) { return `${ 'Error' )}: Your PostCSS configuration for '${pluginName}' cannot have ${chalk.bold( 'null' )} configuration.\nTo disable '${pluginName}', pass ${chalk.bold( 'false' )}, otherwise, pass ${chalk.bold('true')} or a configuration object.` } function isIgnoredPlugin(pluginPath: string): boolean { const ignoredRegex = /(?:^|[\\/])(postcss-modules-values|postcss-modules-scope|postcss-modules-extract-imports|postcss-modules-local-by-default|postcss-modules)(?:[\\/]|$)/i const match = ignoredRegex.exec(pluginPath) if (match == null) { return false } const plugin = match.pop()! console.warn( `${chalk.yellow.bold('Warning')}: Please remove the ${chalk.underline( plugin )} plugin from your PostCSS configuration. ` + `This plugin is automatically configured by Next.js.\n` + 'Read more:' ) return true } async function loadPlugin( dir: string, pluginName: string, options: boolean | object ): Promise { if (options === false || isIgnoredPlugin(pluginName)) { return false } if (options == null) { console.error(getError_NullConfig(pluginName)) throw new Error(genericErrorText) } const pluginPath = resolveRequest(pluginName, `${dir}/`) if (isIgnoredPlugin(pluginPath)) { return false } else if (options === true) { return require(pluginPath) } else { const keys = Object.keys(options) if (keys.length === 0) { return require(pluginPath) } return require(pluginPath)(options) } } function getDefaultPlugins( baseDirectory: string, isProduction: boolean ): CssPluginCollection { let browsers: any try { browsers = browserslist.loadConfig({ path: baseDirectory, env: isProduction ? 'production' : 'development', }) } catch {} return [ require.resolve('postcss-flexbugs-fixes'), [ require.resolve('postcss-preset-env'), { browsers: browsers ?? ['defaults'], autoprefixer: { // Disable legacy flexbox support flexbox: 'no-2009', }, // Enable CSS features that have shipped to the // web platform, i.e. in 2+ browsers unflagged. stage: 3, features: { 'custom-properties': false, }, }, ], ] } export async function getPostCssPlugins( dir: string, isProduction: boolean, defaults: boolean = false ): Promise { let config = defaults ? null : await findConfig<{ plugins: CssPluginCollection }>(dir, 'postcss') if (config == null) { config = { plugins: getDefaultPlugins(dir, isProduction) } } if (typeof config === 'function') { throw new Error( `Your custom PostCSS configuration may not export a function. Please export a plain object instead.\n` + 'Read more:' ) } // Warn user about configuration keys which are not respected const invalidKey = Object.keys(config).find(key => key !== 'plugins') if (invalidKey) { console.warn( `${chalk.yellow.bold( 'Warning' )}: Your PostCSS configuration defines a field which is not supported (\`${invalidKey}\`). ` + `Please remove this configuration value.` ) } // Enforce the user provided plugins if the configuration file is present let plugins = config.plugins if (plugins == null || typeof plugins !== 'object') { throw new Error( `Your custom PostCSS configuration must export a \`plugins\` key.` ) } if (!Array.isArray(plugins)) { // Capture variable so TypeScript is happy const pc = plugins plugins = Object.keys(plugins).reduce((acc, curr) => { const p = pc[curr] if (typeof p === 'undefined') { console.error(getError_NullConfig(curr)) throw new Error(genericErrorText) } acc.push([curr, p]) return acc }, [] as CssPluginCollection_Array) } const parsed: CssPluginShape[] = [] plugins.forEach(plugin => { if (plugin == null) { console.warn( `${chalk.yellow.bold('Warning')}: A ${chalk.bold( 'null' )} PostCSS plugin was provided. This entry will be ignored.` ) } else if (typeof plugin === 'string') { parsed.push([plugin, true]) } else if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { const pluginName = plugin[0] const pluginConfig = plugin[1] if ( typeof pluginName === 'string' && (typeof pluginConfig === 'boolean' || typeof pluginConfig === 'object') ) { parsed.push([pluginName, pluginConfig]) } else { if (typeof pluginName !== 'string') { console.error( `${ 'Error' )}: A PostCSS Plugin must be provided as a ${chalk.bold( 'string' )}. Instead, we got: '${pluginName}'.` ) } else { console.error( `${ 'Error' )}: A PostCSS Plugin was passed as an array but did not provide its configuration ('${pluginName}').` ) } throw new Error(genericErrorText) } } else if (typeof plugin === 'function') { console.error( `${ 'Error' )}: A PostCSS Plugin was passed as a function using require(), but it must be provided as a ${chalk.bold( 'string' )}.` ) throw new Error(genericErrorText) } else { console.error( `${ 'Error' )}: An unknown PostCSS plugin was provided (${plugin}).` ) throw new Error(genericErrorText) } }) const resolved = await Promise.all( => loadPlugin(dir, p[0], p[1])) ) const filtered: import('postcss').AcceptedPlugin[] = resolved.filter( Boolean ) as import('postcss').AcceptedPlugin[] return filtered }