import createStore from 'next/dist/compiled/unistore' import stripAnsi from 'next/dist/compiled/strip-ansi' import { flushAllTraces } from '../../trace' import { getUnresolvedModuleFromError } from '../utils' import * as Log from './log' export type OutputState = | { bootstrap: true; appUrl: string | null; bindAddr: string | null } | ({ bootstrap: false; appUrl: string | null; bindAddr: string | null } & ( | { loading: true trigger: string | undefined } | { loading: false typeChecking: boolean partial: 'client and server' | undefined modules: number errors: string[] | null warnings: string[] | null hasServerWeb: boolean } )) export const store = createStore({ appUrl: null, bindAddr: null, bootstrap: true, }) let lastStore: OutputState = { appUrl: null, bindAddr: null, bootstrap: true } function hasStoreChanged(nextStore: OutputState) { if ( ( [ Set([...Object.keys(lastStore), ...Object.keys(nextStore)]), ] as Array ).every((key) =>[key], nextStore[key])) ) { return false } lastStore = nextStore return true } let startTime = 0 store.subscribe((state) => { if (!hasStoreChanged(state)) { return } if (state.bootstrap) { if (state.appUrl) { Log.ready(`started server on ${state.bindAddr}, url: ${state.appUrl}`) } return } if (state.loading) { if (state.trigger) { if (state.trigger !== 'initial') { Log.wait(`compiling ${state.trigger}...`) } } else { Log.wait('compiling...') } if (startTime === 0) { startTime = } return } if (state.errors) { Log.error(state.errors[0]) const cleanError = stripAnsi(state.errors[0]) if (cleanError.indexOf('SyntaxError') > -1) { const matches = cleanError.match(/\[.*\]=/) if (matches) { for (const match of matches) { const prop = (match.split(']').shift() || '').substr(1) console.log( `AMP bind syntax [${prop}]='' is not supported in JSX, use 'data-amp-bind-${prop}' instead.` ) } return } } const moduleName = getUnresolvedModuleFromError(cleanError) if (state.hasServerWeb && moduleName) { console.error( `Native Node.js APIs are not supported in the Edge Runtime with \`concurrentFeatures\` enabled. Found \`${moduleName}\` imported.\n` ) return } // Ensure traces are flushed after each compile in development mode flushAllTraces() return } let timeMessage = '' if (startTime) { const time = - startTime startTime = 0 timeMessage = time > 2000 ? ` in ${Math.round(time / 100) / 10}s` : ` in ${time} ms` } let modulesMessage = '' if (state.modules) { modulesMessage = ` (${state.modules} modules)` } let partialMessage = '' if (state.partial) { partialMessage = ` ${state.partial}` } if (state.warnings) { Log.warn(state.warnings.join('\n\n')) // Ensure traces are flushed after each compile in development mode flushAllTraces() return } if (state.typeChecking) { `bundled${partialMessage} successfully${timeMessage}${modulesMessage}, waiting for typecheck results...` ) return } Log.event( `compiled${partialMessage} successfully${timeMessage}${modulesMessage}` ) // Ensure traces are flushed after each compile in development mode flushAllTraces() })