import Server from 'next-server/dist/server/next-server' import { join } from 'path' import HotReloader from './hot-reloader' import { route } from 'next-server/dist/server/router' import { PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } from 'next-server/constants' import ErrorDebug from './error-debug' import AmpHtmlValidator from 'amphtml-validator' import { ampValidation } from '../build/output/index' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' const React = require('react') if (typeof React.Suspense === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`The version of React you are using is lower than the minimum required version needed for Next.js. Please upgrade "react" and "react-dom": "npm install --save react react-dom"`) } export default class DevServer extends Server { constructor (options) { super(options) = true this.renderOpts.ErrorDebug = ErrorDebug this.devReady = new Promise(resolve => { this.setDevReady = resolve }) this.renderOpts.ampValidator = (html, pathname) => { return AmpHtmlValidator.getInstance().then(validator => { const result = validator.validateString(html) ampValidation( pathname, result.errors .filter(e => e.severity === 'ERROR') .filter(e => this._filterAmpDevelopmentScript(html, e)), result.errors.filter(e => e.severity !== 'ERROR') ) }) } } currentPhase () { return PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } readBuildId () { return 'development' } async addExportPathMapRoutes () { // Makes `next export` exportPathMap work in development mode. // So that the user doesn't have to define a custom server reading the exportPathMap if (this.nextConfig.exportPathMap) { console.log('Defining routes from exportPathMap') const exportPathMap = await this.nextConfig.exportPathMap({}, { dev: true, dir: this.dir, outDir: null, distDir: this.distDir, buildId: this.buildId }) // In development we can't give a default path mapping for (const path in exportPathMap) { const { page, query = {} } = exportPathMap[path] // We use unshift so that we're sure the routes is defined before Next's default routes this.router.add({ match: route(path), fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { query: urlQuery } = parsedUrl Object.keys(urlQuery) .filter(key => query[key] === undefined) .forEach(key => console.warn(`Url defines a query parameter '${key}' that is missing in exportPathMap`)) const mergedQuery = { ...urlQuery, ...query } await this.render(req, res, page, mergedQuery, parsedUrl) } }) } } } async prepare () { this.hotReloader = new HotReloader(this.dir, { config: this.nextConfig, buildId: this.buildId }) await super.prepare() await this.addExportPathMapRoutes() await this.hotReloader.start() this.setDevReady() } async close () { if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.stop() } } async run (req, res, parsedUrl) { await this.devReady const { finished } = await, res, parsedUrl) if (finished) { return } return, res, parsedUrl) } generateRoutes () { const routes = super.generateRoutes() // In development we expose all compiled files for react-error-overlay's line show feature // We use unshift so that we're sure the routes is defined before Next's default routes routes.unshift({ match: route('/_next/development/:path*'), fn: async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(this.distDir, ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) } }) return routes } // In development public files are not added to the router but handled as a fallback instead generatePublicRoutes () { return [] } _filterAmpDevelopmentScript (html, event) { if (event.code !== 'DISALLOWED_SCRIPT_TAG') { return true } const snippetChunks = html.split('\n') let snippet if ( !(snippet = html.split('\n')[event.line - 1]) || !(snippet = snippet.substring(event.col)) ) { return true } snippet = snippet + snippetChunks.slice(event.line).join('\n') snippet = snippet.substring(0, snippet.indexOf('')) return !snippet.includes('data-amp-development-mode-only') } async renderToHTML (req, res, pathname, query, options = {}) { const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError(pathname) if (compilationErr) { res.statusCode = 500 return this.renderErrorToHTML(compilationErr, req, res, pathname, query) } // In dev mode we use on demand entries to compile the page before rendering try { await this.hotReloader.ensurePage(pathname) } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { // Try to send a public file and let servePublic handle the request from here await this.servePublic(req, res, pathname) return null } if (!this.quiet) console.error(err) } const html = await super.renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query, options) return html } async renderErrorToHTML (err, req, res, pathname, query) { await this.hotReloader.ensurePage('/_error') const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError(pathname) if (compilationErr) { res.statusCode = 500 return super.renderErrorToHTML(compilationErr, req, res, pathname, query) } if (!err && res.statusCode === 500) { err = new Error( 'An undefined error was thrown sometime during render... ' + 'See' ) } try { const out = await super.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) return out } catch (err2) { if (!this.quiet) Log.error(err2) res.statusCode = 500 return super.renderErrorToHTML(err2, req, res, pathname, query) } } sendHTML (req, res, html) { // In dev, we should not cache pages for any reason. res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, must-revalidate') return super.sendHTML(req, res, html) } setImmutableAssetCacheControl (res) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, must-revalidate') } servePublic (req, res, path) { const p = join(this.publicDir, path) return this.serveStatic(req, res, p) } async getCompilationError (page) { const errors = await this.hotReloader.getCompilationErrors(page) if (errors.length === 0) return // Return the very first error we found. return errors[0] } }