import glob from 'glob' import fs from 'fs-extra' import cheerio from 'cheerio' import { join } from 'path' import { createNext, FileRef } from 'e2e-utils' import { NextInstance } from 'test/lib/next-modes/base' import { check, fetchViaHTTP, findPort, initNextServerScript, killApp, renderViaHTTP, waitFor, } from 'next-test-utils' describe('should set-up next', () => { let next: NextInstance let server let appPort let errors = [] let requiredFilesManifest beforeAll(async () => { // test build against environment with next support process.env.NOW_BUILDER = '1' next = await createNext({ files: { pages: new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/pages')), lib: new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/lib')), 'data.txt': new FileRef( join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/data.txt') ), '.env': new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/.env')), '.env.local': new FileRef( join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/.env.local') ), '.env.production': new FileRef( join(__dirname, 'required-server-files/.env.production') ), }, nextConfig: { eslint: { ignoreDuringBuilds: true, }, experimental: { outputStandalone: true, }, async rewrites() { return [ { source: '/some-catch-all/:path*', destination: '/', }, { source: '/to-dynamic/:path', destination: '/dynamic/:path', }, ] }, }, }) await next.stop() requiredFilesManifest = JSON.parse( await next.readFile('.next/required-server-files.json') ) await fs.move( join(next.testDir, '.next/standalone'), join(next.testDir, 'standalone') ) for (const file of await fs.readdir(next.testDir)) { if (file !== 'standalone') { await fs.remove(join(next.testDir, file)) console.log('removed', file) } } const files = glob.sync('**/*', { cwd: join(next.testDir, 'standalone/.next/server/pages'), dot: true, }) for (const file of files) { if (file.endsWith('.json') || file.endsWith('.html')) { await fs.remove(join(next.testDir, '.next/server', file)) } } const testServer = join(next.testDir, 'standalone/server.js') await fs.writeFile( testServer, (await fs.readFile(testServer, 'utf8')) .replace('console.error(err)', `console.error('top-level', err)`) .replace('conf:', 'minimalMode: true,conf:') ) appPort = await findPort() server = await initNextServerScript( testServer, /Listening on/, { ...process.env, PORT: appPort, }, undefined, { cwd: next.testDir, onStderr(msg) { if (msg.includes('top-level')) { errors.push(msg) } }, } ) }) afterAll(async () => { await next.destroy() if (server) await killApp(server) }) it('`compress` should be `true` by default', async () => { expect( await fs.readFileSync(join(next.testDir, 'standalone/server.js'), 'utf8') ).toContain('"compress":true') }) it('should output middleware correctly', async () => { expect( await fs.pathExists( join(next.testDir, 'standalone/.next/server/middleware-runtime.js') ) ).toBe(true) expect( await fs.pathExists( join( next.testDir, 'standalone/.next/server/pages/middleware/_middleware.js' ) ) ).toBe(true) expect( await fs.pathExists( join(next.testDir, 'standalone/.next/server/pages/_middleware.js') ) ).toBe(true) }) it('should output required-server-files manifest correctly', async () => { expect(requiredFilesManifest.version).toBe(1) expect(Array.isArray(requiredFilesManifest.files)).toBe(true) expect(Array.isArray(requiredFilesManifest.ignore)).toBe(true) expect(requiredFilesManifest.files.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) expect(requiredFilesManifest.ignore.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) expect(typeof requiredFilesManifest.config.configFile).toBe('undefined') expect(typeof requiredFilesManifest.config.trailingSlash).toBe('boolean') expect(typeof requiredFilesManifest.appDir).toBe('string') }) it('should de-dupe HTML/data requests', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/gsp', undefined, { redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) const $ = cheerio.load(await res.text()) const props = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect(props.gspCalls).toBeDefined() const res2 = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/gsp.json`, undefined, { redirect: 'manual', } ) expect(res2.status).toBe(200) const { pageProps: props2 } = await res2.json() expect(props2.gspCalls).toBe(props.gspCalls) const res3 = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/index', undefined, { redirect: 'manual', headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/index', }, }) expect(res3.status).toBe(200) const $2 = cheerio.load(await res3.text()) const props3 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect(props3.gspCalls).toBeDefined() const res4 = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/index.json`, undefined, { redirect: 'manual', } ) expect(res4.status).toBe(200) const { pageProps: props4 } = await res4.json() expect(props4.gspCalls).toBe(props3.gspCalls) }) it('should set correct SWR headers with notFound gsp', async () => { await waitFor(2000) await next.patchFile('standalone/data.txt', 'show') const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/gsp', undefined, { redirect: 'manual ', }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.headers.get('cache-control')).toBe( 's-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate' ) await waitFor(2000) await next.patchFile('standalone/data.txt', 'hide') const res2 = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/gsp', undefined, { redirect: 'manual ', }) expect(res2.status).toBe(404) expect(res2.headers.get('cache-control')).toBe( 's-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate' ) }) it('should set correct SWR headers with notFound gssp', async () => { await next.patchFile('standalone/data.txt', 'show') const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/gssp', undefined, { redirect: 'manual ', }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.headers.get('cache-control')).toBe( 's-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate' ) await next.patchFile('standalone/data.txt', 'hide') const res2 = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/gssp', undefined, { redirect: 'manual ', }) await next.patchFile('standalone/data.txt', 'show') expect(res2.status).toBe(404) expect(res2.headers.get('cache-control')).toBe( 's-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate' ) }) it('should render SSR page correctly', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/gssp') const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#gssp').text()).toBe('getServerSideProps page') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/gssp') const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#gssp').text()).toBe('getServerSideProps page') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should render dynamic SSR page correctly', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/dynamic/first') const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#dynamic').text()).toBe('dynamic page') expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('first') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/dynamic/second') const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#dynamic').text()).toBe('dynamic page') expect($2('#slug').text()).toBe('second') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should render fallback page correctly', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/fallback/first') const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#fallback').text()).toBe('fallback page') expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('first') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') await waitFor(2000) const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/fallback/first') const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#fallback').text()).toBe('fallback page') expect($2('#slug').text()).toBe('first') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) const html3 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/fallback/second') const $3 = cheerio.load(html3) const data3 = JSON.parse($3('#props').text()) expect($3('#fallback').text()).toBe('fallback page') expect($3('#slug').text()).toBe('second') expect(isNaN(data3.random)).toBe(false) const { pageProps: data4 } = JSON.parse( await renderViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/fallback/third.json` ) ) expect(data4.hello).toBe('world') expect(data4.slug).toBe('third') }) it('should render SSR page correctly with x-matched-path', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/some-other-path', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/gssp', }, }) const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#gssp').text()).toBe('getServerSideProps page') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/some-other-path', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/gssp', }, }) const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#gssp').text()).toBe('getServerSideProps page') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should render dynamic SSR page correctly with x-matched-path', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/some-other-path', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/dynamic/[slug]?slug=first', }, }) const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#dynamic').text()).toBe('dynamic page') expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('first') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/some-other-path', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/dynamic/[slug]?slug=second', }, }) const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#dynamic').text()).toBe('dynamic page') expect($2('#slug').text()).toBe('second') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) const html3 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/some-other-path', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/dynamic/[slug]?slug=%5Bslug%5D.json', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=second&slug=second', }, }) const $3 = cheerio.load(html3) const data3 = JSON.parse($3('#props').text()) expect($3('#dynamic').text()).toBe('dynamic page') expect($3('#slug').text()).toBe('second') expect(isNaN(data3.random)).toBe(false) expect(data3.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should render fallback page correctly with x-matched-path and routes-matches', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, '/fallback/first', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/fallback/first', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=first', }, }) const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#fallback').text()).toBe('fallback page') expect($('#slug').text()).toBe('first') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP(appPort, `/fallback/[slug]`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/fallback/[slug]', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=second', }, }) const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#fallback').text()).toBe('fallback page') expect($2('#slug').text()).toBe('second') expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should return data correctly with x-matched-path', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/dynamic/first.json`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/dynamic/[slug]?slug=first', }, } ) const { pageProps: data } = await res.json() expect(data.slug).toBe('first') expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const res2 = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/fallback/[slug].json`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/fallback/[slug].json`, 'x-now-route-matches': '1=second', }, } ) const { pageProps: data2 } = await res2.json() expect(data2.slug).toBe('second') expect(data2.hello).toBe('world') }) it('should render fallback optional catch-all route correctly with x-matched-path and routes-matches', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP( appPort, '/catch-all/[[]]', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/catch-all/[[]]', 'x-now-route-matches': '', }, } ) const $ = cheerio.load(html) const data = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect($('#catch-all').text()).toBe('optional catch-all page') expect(data.params).toEqual({}) expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const html2 = await renderViaHTTP( appPort, '/catch-all/[[]]', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/catch-all/[[]]', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=hello&catchAll=hello', }, } ) const $2 = cheerio.load(html2) const data2 = JSON.parse($2('#props').text()) expect($2('#catch-all').text()).toBe('optional catch-all page') expect(data2.params).toEqual({ rest: ['hello'] }) expect(isNaN(data2.random)).toBe(false) expect(data2.random).not.toBe(data.random) const html3 = await renderViaHTTP( appPort, '/catch-all/[[]]', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/catch-all/[[]]', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=hello/world&catchAll=hello/world', }, } ) const $3 = cheerio.load(html3) const data3 = JSON.parse($3('#props').text()) expect($3('#catch-all').text()).toBe('optional catch-all page') expect(data3.params).toEqual({ rest: ['hello', 'world'] }) expect(isNaN(data3.random)).toBe(false) expect(data3.random).not.toBe(data.random) }) it('should return data correctly with x-matched-path for optional catch-all route', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/catch-all.json`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/catch-all/[[]]', }, } ) const { pageProps: data } = await res.json() expect(data.params).toEqual({}) expect(data.hello).toBe('world') const res2 = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/catch-all/[[]].json`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/catch-all/[[]].json`, 'x-now-route-matches': '1=hello&rest=hello', }, } ) const { pageProps: data2 } = await res2.json() expect(data2.params).toEqual({ rest: ['hello'] }) expect(data2.hello).toBe('world') const res3 = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/catch-all/[[]].json`, undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': `/_next/data/${next.buildId}/catch-all/[[]].json`, 'x-now-route-matches': '1=hello/world&rest=hello/world', }, } ) const { pageProps: data3 } = await res3.json() expect(data3.params).toEqual({ rest: ['hello', 'world'] }) expect(data3.hello).toBe('world') }) it('should not apply trailingSlash redirect', async () => { for (const path of [ '/', '/dynamic/another/', '/dynamic/another', '/fallback/first/', '/fallback/first', '/fallback/another/', '/fallback/another', ]) { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, path, undefined, { redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) } }) it('should normalize catch-all rewrite query values correctly', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP( appPort, '/some-catch-all/hello/world', { path: 'hello/world', }, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/gssp', }, } ) const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect(JSON.parse($('#router').text()).query).toEqual({ path: ['hello', 'world'], }) }) it('should handle bad request correctly with rewrite', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/to-dynamic/%c0.%c0.', '?path=%c0.%c0.', { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/dynamic/[slug]', }, } ) expect(res.status).toBe(400) expect(await res.text()).toContain('Bad Request') }) it('should bubble error correctly for gip page', async () => { errors = [] const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/errors/gip', { crash: '1' }) expect(res.status).toBe(500) expect(await res.text()).toBe('internal server error') await check( () => (errors[0].includes('gip hit an oops') ? 'success' : errors[0]), 'success' ) }) it('should bubble error correctly for gssp page', async () => { errors = [] const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/errors/gssp', { crash: '1' }) expect(res.status).toBe(500) expect(await res.text()).toBe('internal server error') await check( () => (errors[0].includes('gssp hit an oops') ? 'success' : errors[0]), 'success' ) }) it('should bubble error correctly for gsp page', async () => { errors = [] const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/errors/gsp/crash') expect(res.status).toBe(500) expect(await res.text()).toBe('internal server error') await check( () => (errors[0].includes('gsp hit an oops') ? 'success' : errors[0]), 'success' ) }) it('should bubble error correctly for API page', async () => { errors = [] const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/api/error') expect(res.status).toBe(500) expect(await res.text()).toBe('internal server error') await check( () => errors[0].includes('some error from /api/error') ? 'success' : errors[0], 'success' ) }) it('should normalize optional values correctly for SSP page', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/optional-ssp', { rest: '', another: 'value' }, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/optional-ssp/[[]]', }, } ) const html = await res.text() const $ = cheerio.load(html) const props = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect(props.params).toEqual({}) expect(props.query).toEqual({ another: 'value' }) }) it('should normalize optional values correctly for SSG page', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/optional-ssg', { rest: '', another: 'value' }, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/optional-ssg/[[]]', }, } ) const html = await res.text() const $ = cheerio.load(html) const props = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect(props.params).toEqual({}) }) it('should normalize optional values correctly for SSG page with encoded slash', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/optional-ssg/[[]]', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/optional-ssg/[[]]', 'x-now-route-matches': '1=en%2Fes%2Fhello%252Fworld&rest=en%2Fes%2Fhello%252Fworld', }, } ) const html = await res.text() const $ = cheerio.load(html) const props = JSON.parse($('#props').text()) expect(props.params).toEqual({ rest: ['en', 'es', 'hello/world'], }) }) it('should normalize optional values correctly for API page', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/api/optional', { rest: '', another: 'value' }, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/api/optional/[[]]', }, } ) const json = await res.json() expect(json.query).toEqual({ another: 'value' }) expect(json.url).toBe('/api/optional?another=value') }) it('should normalize index optional values correctly for API page', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( appPort, '/api/optional/index', { rest: 'index', another: 'value' }, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/api/optional/[[]]', }, } ) const json = await res.json() expect(json.query).toEqual({ another: 'value', rest: ['index'] }) expect(json.url).toBe('/api/optional/index?another=value') }) it('should match the index page correctly', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/index', }, redirect: 'manual', }) const html = await res.text() const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#index').text()).toBe('index page') }) it('should match the root dynamic page correctly', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/index', undefined, { headers: { 'x-matched-path': '/[slug]', }, redirect: 'manual', }) const html = await res.text() const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#slug-page').text()).toBe('[slug] page') }) it('should copy and read .env file', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(appPort, '/api/env') const envVariables = await res.json() expect(envVariables.env).not.toBeUndefined() expect(envVariables.envProd).not.toBeUndefined() expect(envVariables.envLocal).toBeUndefined() }) })