--- description: Add components from the AMP community to AMP pages, and make your pages more interactive. --- # Adding AMP Components The AMP community provides [many components](https://amp.dev/documentation/components/) to make AMP pages more interactive. Next.js will automatically import all components used on a page and there is no need to manually import AMP component scripts: ```jsx export const config = { amp: true } function MyAmpPage() { const date = new Date() return (

Some time: {date.toJSON()}

) } export default MyAmpPage ``` The above example uses the [`amp-timeago`](https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-timeago/?format=websites) component. By default, the latest version of a component is always imported. If you want to customize the version, you can use `next/head`, as in the following example: ```jsx import Head from 'next/head' export const config = { amp: true } function MyAmpPage() { const date = new Date() return (