#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail #CHANGED_EXAMPLES=$(node scripts/run-for-change.js --type deploy-examples --listChangedDirectories) ##### TODO: fix the script above so it can work for stable releases which reach back multiple commits CHANGED_EXAMPLES="examples/image-component" # always deploy as a workaround PROD="" if [ "$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT" = "production" ]; then PROD="--prod" fi if [ -z "$VERCEL_API_TOKEN" ]; then echo "VERCEL_API_TOKEN was not providing, skipping..." exit 0 fi for CWD in $CHANGED_EXAMPLES ; do HYPHENS=$(echo "$CWD" | tr '/' '-') PROJECT="nextjs-$HYPHENS" echo "Deploying directory $CWD as $PROJECT to Vercel..." vercel link --cwd "$CWD" --scope vercel --project "$PROJECT" --token "$VERCEL_API_TOKEN" --yes vercel deploy --cwd "$CWD" --token "$VERCEL_API_TOKEN" $PROD done;