import { stringify } from 'querystring' import { webpack } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, NEXT_CLIENT_SSR_ENTRY_SUFFIX, } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { clientComponentRegex } from '../loaders/utils' import { normalizePagePath } from '../../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path' import { denormalizePagePath } from '../../../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path' import { getInvalidator, entries, } from '../../../server/dev/on-demand-entry-handler' import { getPageStaticInfo } from '../../analysis/get-page-static-info' type Options = { dev: boolean isEdgeServer: boolean } const PLUGIN_NAME = 'ClientEntryPlugin' export const injectedClientEntries = new Map() export class ClientEntryPlugin { dev: boolean = false isEdgeServer: boolean constructor(options: Options) { if (typeof === 'boolean') { = } this.isEdgeServer = options.isEdgeServer } apply(compiler: any) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation: any, { normalModuleFactory }: any) => { compilation.dependencyFactories.set( (webpack as any).dependencies.ModuleDependency, normalModuleFactory ) compilation.dependencyTemplates.set( (webpack as any).dependencies.ModuleDependency, new (webpack as any).dependencies.NullDependency.Template() ) } ) // Only for webpack 5 compiler.hooks.finishMake.tapAsync( PLUGIN_NAME, async (compilation: any, callback: any) => { this.createClientEndpoints(compilation, callback) } ) } async createClientEndpoints(compilation: any, callback: () => void) { const context = (this as any).context const promises: any = [] // For each SC server compilation entry, we need to create its corresponding // client component entry. for (const [name, entry] of compilation.entries.entries()) { // Check if the page entry is a server component or not. const entryDependency = entry.dependencies?.[0] const request = entryDependency?.request if (request && entry.options?.layer === 'sc_server') { const visited = new Set() const clientComponentImports: string[] = [] function filterClientComponents(dependency: any) { const module = compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(dependency) if (!module) return if (visited.has(module.userRequest)) return visited.add(module.userRequest) if (clientComponentRegex.test(module.userRequest)) { clientComponentImports.push(module.userRequest) } compilation.moduleGraph .getOutgoingConnections(module) .forEach((connection: any) => { filterClientComponents(connection.dependency) }) } // Traverse the module graph to find all client components. filterClientComponents(entryDependency) const entryModule = compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(entryDependency) const routeInfo = entryModule.buildInfo.route || { page: denormalizePagePath(name.replace(/^pages/, '')), absolutePagePath: entryModule.resource, } // Parse gSSP and gSP exports from the page source. const pageStaticInfo = this.isEdgeServer ? {} : await getPageStaticInfo({ pageFilePath: routeInfo.absolutePagePath, nextConfig: {}, isDev:, }) const clientLoader = `next-flight-client-entry-loader?${stringify({ modules: clientComponentImports, runtime: this.isEdgeServer ? 'edge' : 'nodejs', ssr: pageStaticInfo.ssr, // Adding name here to make the entry key unique. name, })}!` const bundlePath = 'pages' + normalizePagePath( // Inject the entry to the client compiler. if ( { const pageKey = 'client' + if (!entries[pageKey]) { entries[pageKey] = { bundlePath, absolutePagePath: routeInfo.absolutePagePath, clientLoader, dispose: false, lastActiveTime:, } as any const invalidator = getInvalidator() if (invalidator) { invalidator.invalidate() } } } else { injectedClientEntries.set( bundlePath, `next-client-pages-loader?${stringify({ isServerComponent: true, page: denormalizePagePath(bundlePath.replace(/^pages/, '')), absolutePagePath: clientLoader, })}!` + clientLoader ) } // Inject the entry to the server compiler. const clientComponentEntryDep = ( webpack as any ).EntryPlugin.createDependency( clientLoader, name + NEXT_CLIENT_SSR_ENTRY_SUFFIX ) promises.push( new Promise((res, rej) => { compilation.addEntry( context, clientComponentEntryDep, this.isEdgeServer ? { name: name + NEXT_CLIENT_SSR_ENTRY_SUFFIX, library: { name: ['self._CLIENT_ENTRY'], type: 'assign', }, runtime: EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, asyncChunks: false, } : { name: name + NEXT_CLIENT_SSR_ENTRY_SUFFIX, runtime: 'webpack-runtime', }, (err: any) => { if (err) { rej(err) } else { res() } } ) }) ) } } Promise.all(promises) .then(() => callback()) .catch(callback) } }