/* eslint-disable */ import { NextConfig } from 'next' import { CompileOptions } from '@mdx-js/mdx' import { RuleSetConditionAbsolute } from 'webpack' type WithMDX = (config: NextConfig) => NextConfig export interface NextMDXOptions { /** * A webpack rule test to match files to treat as MDX. * * @default /\.mdx$/ * @example * // Support both .md and .mdx files. * /\.mdx?$/ */ extension?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute /** * The options to pass to MDX. * * @see https://mdxjs.com/packages/mdx/#api */ options?: CompileOptions } /** * Use [MDX](https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx) with [Next.js](https://github.com/vercel/next.js) */ declare function nextMDX(options?: NextMDXOptions): WithMDX export = nextMDX /* eslint=enable */