/* eslint-env jest */ import { transform } from '@babel/core' const trim = s => s .join('\n') .trim() .replace(/^\s+/gm, '') // avoid generating __source annotations in JSX during testing: const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' const preset = require('next/dist/build/babel/preset') process.env.NODE_ENV = NODE_ENV const babel = (code, esm = false, presetOptions = {}) => transform(code, { filename: 'noop.js', presets: [[preset, presetOptions]], babelrc: false, configFile: false, sourceType: 'module', compact: true, caller: { name: 'tests', supportsStaticESM: esm } }).code describe('next/babel', () => { describe('jsx-pragma', () => { it('should transform JSX to use a local identifier in modern mode', () => { const output = babel(`const a = () => home;`, true) // it should add a React import: expect(output).toMatch(`import React from"react"`) // it should hoist JSX factory to a module level variable: expect(output).toMatch(`var __jsx=React.createElement`) // it should use that factory for all JSX: expect(output).toMatch(`__jsx("a",{href:"/"`) expect( babel(`const a = ()=>home`, true) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"import React from\\"react\\";var __jsx=React.createElement;var a=function a(){return __jsx(\\"a\\",{href:\\"/\\"},\\"home\\");};"` ) }) it('should transform JSX to use a local identifier in CommonJS mode', () => { const output = babel(trim` const a = () => home; `) // Grab generated names from the compiled output. // It looks something like this: // var _react = _interopRequireDefault(require("react")); // var __jsx = _react["default"].createElement; // react: _react // reactNamespace: _react["default"] const [, react, reactNamespace] = output.match( /(([a-z0-9_]+)(\[[^\]]*?\]|\.[a-z0-9_]+)*?)\.Fragment/i ) expect(output).toMatch(`var ${reactNamespace}=`) expect(output).toMatch(`require("react")`) expect(output).toMatch(`var __jsx=${react}.createElement`) // Fragment should use the same React namespace import: expect(output).toMatch(`__jsx(${react}.Fragment`) expect(output).toMatch(`__jsx("a",{href:"/"`) expect(babel(`const a = ()=>home`)).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"\\"use strict\\";var _interopRequireDefault=require(\\"@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/interopRequireDefault\\");var _react=_interopRequireDefault(require(\\"react\\"));var __jsx=_react[\\"default\\"].createElement;var a=function a(){return __jsx(\\"a\\",{href:\\"/\\"},\\"home\\");};"` ) }) it('should support Fragment syntax', () => { const output = babel(`const a = () => <>hello;`, true) expect(output).toMatch(`React.Fragment`) expect(babel(`const a = () => <>hello;`, true)).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"import React from\\"react\\";var __jsx=React.createElement;var a=function a(){return __jsx(React.Fragment,null,\\"hello\\");};"` ) }) it('should support commonjs', () => { const output = babel( trim` const React = require('react'); module.exports = () =>
; `, true ) expect(output).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"var React=require('react');var __jsx=React.createElement;module.exports=function(){return __jsx(\\"div\\",null,\\"test2\\");};"` ) }) }) describe('optimize-hook-destructuring', () => { it('should transform Array-destructured hook return values use object destructuring', () => { const output = babel( trim` import { useState } from 'react'; const [count, setCount] = useState(0); `, true ) expect(output).toMatch(trim` var _useState=useState(0),count=_useState[0],setCount=_useState[1]; `) expect(output).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"import{useState}from'react';var _useState=useState(0),count=_useState[0],setCount=_useState[1];"` ) }) it('should be able to ignore some Array-destructured hook return values', () => { const output = babel( trim` import { useState } from 'react'; const [, setCount] = useState(0); `, true ) expect(output).toMatch(trim` var _useState=useState(0),setCount=_useState[1]; `) expect(output).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"import{useState}from'react';var _useState=useState(0),setCount=_useState[1];"` ) }) }) describe('experimental-modern-preset', () => { it('should allow passing a custom Babel preset', () => { const code = trim` const [, b, c] = [...[1,2,3]]; ({a}) => a; ` const output = babel(code, true, { 'preset-env': { targets: { esmodules: true } }, // our modern preset is no preset at all 'experimental-modern-preset': () => ({}) }) expect(output).toMatch(trim` const[,b,c]=[...[1,2,3]];({a})=>a; `) }) }) })