# Webpack 5 Adoption #### Why This Message Occurred Next.js will soon adopt webpack 5 as the default for compilation. We've spent a lot of effort into ensuring the transition from webpack 4 to 5 will be as smooth as possible. For example Next.js now comes with both webpack 4 and 5 allowing you to adopt webpack 5 by adding a flag to your `next.config.js`: ```js module.exports = { future: { webpack5: true, }, } ``` Adopting webpack 5 in your application has many benefits, notably: - Improved Disk Caching: `next build` is significantly faster on subsequent builds - Improved Fast Refresh: Fast Refresh work is prioritized - Improved Long Term Caching of Assets: Deterministic code output that is less likely to change between builds - Improved Tree Shaking - Support for assets using `new URL("file.png", import.meta.url)` - Support for web workers using `new Worker(new URL("worker.js", import.meta.url))` - Support for `exports`/`imports` field in `package.json` In upcoming releases we'll gradually roll out webpack 5 to applications that are compatible with webpack 5: - In the next minor version we'll automatically opt-in applications without custom webpack configuration in `next.config.js` - In the next minor version we'll automatically opt-in applications that do not have a `next.config.js` - In the next major version we'll enable webpack 5 by default. You'll still be able to opt-out and use webpack 4 to help with backwards compatibility #### Custom webpack configuration In case you do have custom webpack configuration, either through custom plugins or your own modifications you'll have to take a few steps to ensure your applications works with webpack 5. - When using `next-transpile-modules` make sure you use the latest version which includes [this patch](https://github.com/martpie/next-transpile-modules/pull/179) - When using `@zeit/next-css` / `@zeit/next-sass` make sure you use the [built-in CSS/Sass support](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/built-in-css-support) instead - When using `@zeit/next-preact` use [this example](https://github.com/vercel/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-preact) instead - When using `@zeit/next-source-maps` use the [built-in production Source Map support](https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/source-maps) - When using webpack plugins make sure they're upgraded to the latest version, in most cases the latest version will include webpack 5 support. In some cases these upgraded webpack plugins will only support webpack 5. ### Useful Links In case you're running into issues you can connect with the community in [this help discussion](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/23498).