--- title: 'Invalid `href` passed to router' --- ## Why This Error Occurred Next.js provides a router which can be utilized via a component imported via `next/link`, a wrapper `withRouter(Component)`, and now a hook `useRouter()`. When using any of these, it is expected they are only used for internal navigation, i.e. navigating between pages in the same Next.js application. Either you passed a non-internal `href` to a `next/link` component or you called `Router#push` or `Router#replace` with one. Invalid `href`s include external sites (https://google.com) and `mailto:` links. In the past, usage of these invalid `href`s could have gone unnoticed, but since they can cause unexpected behavior we now show a warning in development for them. ## Possible Ways to Fix It Look for any usage of `next/link` or `next/router` that is being passed a non-internal `href` and replace them with either an anchor tag (``) or `window.location.href = YOUR_HREF`. ## Useful Links - [Routing section in Documentation](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing)