import type { Primitives } from 'next/dist/compiled/@edge-runtime/primitives' import type { WasmBinding } from '../../../build/webpack/loaders/get-module-build-info' import { decorateServerError, getServerError, } from 'next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/middleware' import { EDGE_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_APIS } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { EdgeRuntime } from 'next/dist/compiled/edge-runtime' import { readFileSync, promises as fs } from 'fs' import { validateURL } from '../utils' import { pick } from '../../../lib/pick' const WEBPACK_HASH_REGEX = /__webpack_require__\.h = function\(\) \{ return "[0-9a-f]+"; \}/g interface ModuleContext { runtime: EdgeRuntime paths: Map warnedEvals: Set } /** * For a given path a context, this function checks if there is any module * context that contains the path with an older content and, if that's the * case, removes the context from the cache. */ export function clearModuleContext(path: string, content: Buffer | string) { for (const [key, cache] of moduleContexts) { const prev = cache?.paths.get(path)?.replace(WEBPACK_HASH_REGEX, '') if ( typeof prev !== 'undefined' && prev !== content.toString().replace(WEBPACK_HASH_REGEX, '') ) { moduleContexts.delete(key) } } } /** * A Map of cached module contexts indexed by the module name. It allows * to have a different cache scoped per module name or depending on the * provided module key on creation. */ const moduleContexts = new Map() interface ModuleContextOptions { moduleName: string onWarning: (warn: Error) => void useCache: boolean env: string[] wasm: WasmBinding[] } const pendingModuleCaches = new Map>() function getModuleContextShared(options: ModuleContextOptions) { let deferredModuleContext = pendingModuleCaches.get(options.moduleName) if (!deferredModuleContext) { deferredModuleContext = createModuleContext(options) pendingModuleCaches.set(options.moduleName, deferredModuleContext) } return deferredModuleContext } /** * For a given module name this function will get a cached module * context or create it. It will return the module context along * with a function that allows to run some code from a given * filepath within the context. */ export async function getModuleContext(options: ModuleContextOptions) { let moduleContext = options.useCache ? moduleContexts.get(options.moduleName) : await getModuleContextShared(options) if (!moduleContext) { moduleContext = await createModuleContext(options) moduleContexts.set(options.moduleName, moduleContext) } const evaluateInContext = (filepath: string) => { if (!moduleContext!.paths.has(filepath)) { const content = readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8') try { moduleContext?.runtime.evaluate(content) moduleContext!.paths.set(filepath, content) } catch (error) { if (options.useCache) { moduleContext?.paths.delete(options.moduleName) } throw error } } } return { ...moduleContext, evaluateInContext } } /** * Create a module cache specific for the provided parameters. It includes * a runtime context, require cache and paths cache. */ async function createModuleContext(options: ModuleContextOptions) { const warnedEvals = new Set() const warnedWasmCodegens = new Set() const wasm = await loadWasm(options.wasm) const runtime = new EdgeRuntime({ codeGeneration: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? { strings: true, wasm: false } : undefined, extend: (context) => { context.process = createProcessPolyfill(options) context.__next_eval__ = function __next_eval__(fn: Function) { const key = fn.toString() if (!warnedEvals.has(key)) { const warning = getServerError( new Error( `Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Middleware` ), 'edge-server' ) = 'DynamicCodeEvaluationWarning' Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_eval__) warnedEvals.add(key) options.onWarning(warning) } return fn() } context.__next_webassembly_compile__ = function __next_webassembly_compile__(fn: Function) { const key = fn.toString() if (!warnedWasmCodegens.has(key)) { const warning = getServerError( new Error( "Dynamic WASM code generation (e. g. 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Middleware.\n" + 'Learn More:' ), 'edge-server' ) = 'DynamicWasmCodeGenerationWarning' Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_webassembly_compile__) warnedWasmCodegens.add(key) options.onWarning(warning) } return fn() } context.__next_webassembly_instantiate__ = async function __next_webassembly_instantiate__(fn: Function) { const result = await fn() // If a buffer is given, WebAssembly.instantiate returns an object // containing both a module and an instance while it returns only an // instance if a WASM module is given. Utilize the fact to determine // if the WASM code generation happens. // // const instantiatedFromBuffer = result.hasOwnProperty('module') const key = fn.toString() if (instantiatedFromBuffer && !warnedWasmCodegens.has(key)) { const warning = getServerError( new Error( "Dynamic WASM code generation ('WebAssembly.instantiate' with a buffer parameter) not allowed in Middleware.\n" + 'Learn More:' ), 'edge-server' ) = 'DynamicWasmCodeGenerationWarning' Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_webassembly_instantiate__) warnedWasmCodegens.add(key) options.onWarning(warning) } return result } const __fetch = context.fetch context.fetch = (input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit = {}) => { init.headers = new Headers(init.headers ?? {}) const prevs = init.headers.get(`x-middleware-subrequest`)?.split(':') || [] const value = prevs.concat(options.moduleName).join(':') init.headers.set('x-middleware-subrequest', value) if (!init.headers.has('user-agent')) { init.headers.set(`user-agent`, `Next.js Middleware`) } if (typeof input === 'object' && 'url' in input) { return __fetch(input.url, { ...pick(input, [ 'method', 'body', 'cache', 'credentials', 'integrity', 'keepalive', 'mode', 'redirect', 'referrer', 'referrerPolicy', 'signal', ]), ...init, headers: { ...Object.fromEntries(input.headers), ...Object.fromEntries(init.headers), }, }) } return __fetch(String(input), init) } const __Request = context.Request context.Request = class extends __Request { constructor(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined) { const url = typeof input === 'string' ? input : input.url validateURL(url) super(input, init) } } const __redirect = context.Response.redirect.bind(context.Response) context.Response.redirect = (...args) => { validateURL(args[0]) return __redirect(...args) } for (const name of EDGE_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_APIS) { addStub(context, name, options) } Object.assign(context, wasm) return context }, }) runtime.context.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', decorateUnhandledError) runtime.context.addEventListener('error', decorateUnhandledError) return { runtime, paths: new Map(), warnedEvals: new Set(), } } async function loadWasm( wasm: WasmBinding[] ): Promise> { const modules: Record = {} await Promise.all( (binding) => { const module = await WebAssembly.compile( await fs.readFile(binding.filePath) ) modules[] = module }) ) return modules } function buildEnvironmentVariablesFrom( keys: string[] ): Record { const pairs = => [key, process.env[key]]) const env = Object.fromEntries(pairs) env.NEXT_RUNTIME = 'edge' return env } function createProcessPolyfill( options: Pick ) { const env = buildEnvironmentVariablesFrom(options.env) const processPolyfill = { env } const overridenValue: Record = {} for (const key of Object.keys(process)) { if (key === 'env') continue Object.defineProperty(processPolyfill, key, { get() { emitWarning(`process.${key}`, options) return overridenValue[key] }, set(value) { overridenValue[key] = value }, enumerable: false, }) } return processPolyfill } const warnedAlready = new Set() function addStub( context: Primitives, name: string, contextOptions: Pick ) { Object.defineProperty(context, name, { get() { emitWarning(name, contextOptions) return undefined }, enumerable: false, }) } function emitWarning( name: string, contextOptions: Pick ) { if (!warnedAlready.has(name)) { const warning = new Error(`You're using a Node.js API (${name}) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime that Middleware uses. Learn more:`) = 'NodejsRuntimeApiInMiddlewareWarning' contextOptions.onWarning(warning) console.warn(warning.message) warnedAlready.add(name) } } function decorateUnhandledError(error: any) { if (error instanceof Error) { decorateServerError(error, 'edge-server') } }