import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' import path from 'path' import { fileExists } from '../../lib/file-exists' import type { NextConfig } from '../../server/config-shared' const EVENT_SWC_PLUGIN_PRESENT = 'NEXT_SWC_PLUGIN_DETECTED' type SwcPluginsEvent = { eventName: string payload: { pluginName: string pluginVersion?: string } } export async function eventSwcPlugins( dir: string, config: NextConfig ): Promise> { try { const packageJsonPath = await findUp('package.json', { cwd: dir }) if (!packageJsonPath) { return [] } const { dependencies = {}, devDependencies = {} } = require(packageJsonPath) const deps = { ...devDependencies, ...dependencies } const swcPluginPackages = config.experimental?.swcPlugins?.map(([name, _]) => name) ?? [] return Promise.all( (plugin) => { // swc plugins can be non-npm pkgs with absolute path doesn't have version const version = deps[plugin] ?? undefined let pluginName = plugin if (await fileExists(pluginName)) { pluginName = path.basename(plugin, '.wasm') } return { eventName: EVENT_SWC_PLUGIN_PRESENT, payload: { pluginName: pluginName, pluginVersion: version, }, } }) ) } catch (_) { return [] } }