import type { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../api-utils' import type { CustomRoutes } from '../../lib/load-custom-routes' import type { FindComponentsResult } from '../next-server' import type { LoadComponentsReturnType } from '../load-components' import type { Options as ServerOptions } from '../next-server' import type { Params } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import type { ParsedUrl } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-url' import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import type { Server as HTTPServer } from 'http' import type { UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url' import type { BaseNextRequest, BaseNextResponse } from '../base-http' import type { MiddlewareRoutingItem, RoutingItem } from '../base-server' import type { MiddlewareMatcher } from '../../build/analysis/get-page-static-info' import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react' import crypto from 'crypto' import fs from 'fs' import { Worker } from 'next/dist/compiled/jest-worker' import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' import { join as pathJoin, relative, resolve as pathResolve, sep } from 'path' import Watchpack from 'next/dist/compiled/watchpack' import { ampValidation } from '../../build/output' import { PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT } from '../../lib/constants' import { fileExists } from '../../lib/file-exists' import { findPagesDir } from '../../lib/find-pages-dir' import loadCustomRoutes from '../../lib/load-custom-routes' import { verifyTypeScriptSetup } from '../../lib/verifyTypeScriptSetup' import { verifyPartytownSetup } from '../../lib/verify-partytown-setup' import { PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, DEV_CLIENT_PAGES_MANIFEST, DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST, COMPILER_NAMES, } from '../../shared/lib/constants' import Server, { WrappedBuildError } from '../next-server' import { getRouteMatcher } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import { getMiddlewareRouteMatcher } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/middleware-route-matcher' import { normalizePagePath } from '../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path' import { absolutePathToPage } from '../../shared/lib/page-path/absolute-path-to-page' import Router from '../router' import { getPathMatch } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/path-match' import { pathHasPrefix } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/path-has-prefix' import { removePathPrefix } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-path-prefix' import { eventCliSession } from '../../telemetry/events' import { Telemetry } from '../../telemetry/storage' import { setGlobal } from '../../trace' import HotReloader from './hot-reloader' import { findPageFile, isLayoutsLeafPage } from '../lib/find-page-file' import { getNodeOptionsWithoutInspect } from '../lib/utils' import { UnwrapPromise, withCoalescedInvoke, } from '../../lib/coalesced-function' import { loadDefaultErrorComponents } from '../load-components' import { DecodeError, MiddlewareNotFoundError } from '../../shared/lib/utils' import { createOriginalStackFrame, getErrorSource, getSourceById, parseStack, } from 'next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/middleware' import * as Log from '../../build/output/log' import isError, { getProperError } from '../../lib/is-error' import { getRouteRegex } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex' import { getSortedRoutes, isDynamicRoute } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils' import { runDependingOnPageType } from '../../build/entries' import { NodeNextResponse, NodeNextRequest } from '../base-http/node' import { getPageStaticInfo } from '../../build/analysis/get-page-static-info' import { normalizePathSep } from '../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-path-sep' import { normalizeAppPath } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths' import { getPossibleMiddlewareFilenames, isMiddlewareFile, NestedMiddlewareError, } from '../../build/utils' import { getDefineEnv } from '../../build/webpack-config' import loadJsConfig from '../../build/load-jsconfig' // Load ReactDevOverlay only when needed let ReactDevOverlayImpl: FunctionComponent const ReactDevOverlay = (props: any) => { if (ReactDevOverlayImpl === undefined) { ReactDevOverlayImpl = require('next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/client').ReactDevOverlay } return ReactDevOverlayImpl(props) } export interface Options extends ServerOptions { /** * Tells of Next.js is running from the `next dev` command */ isNextDevCommand?: boolean } export default class DevServer extends Server { private devReady: Promise private setDevReady?: Function private webpackWatcher?: Watchpack | null private hotReloader?: HotReloader private isCustomServer: boolean protected sortedRoutes?: string[] private addedUpgradeListener = false private pagesDir?: string private appDir?: string private actualMiddlewareFile?: string private middleware?: MiddlewareRoutingItem private edgeFunctions?: RoutingItem[] private verifyingTypeScript?: boolean private usingTypeScript?: boolean protected staticPathsWorker?: { [key: string]: any } & { loadStaticPaths: typeof import('./static-paths-worker').loadStaticPaths } private getStaticPathsWorker(): { [key: string]: any } & { loadStaticPaths: typeof import('./static-paths-worker').loadStaticPaths } { if (this.staticPathsWorker) { return this.staticPathsWorker } this.staticPathsWorker = new Worker( require.resolve('./static-paths-worker'), { maxRetries: 1, numWorkers: this.nextConfig.experimental.cpus, enableWorkerThreads: this.nextConfig.experimental.workerThreads, forkOptions: { env: { ...process.env, // discard --inspect/--inspect-brk flags from process.env.NODE_OPTIONS. Otherwise multiple Node.js debuggers // would be started if user launch Next.js in debugging mode. The number of debuggers is linked to // the number of workers Next.js tries to launch. The only worker users are interested in debugging // is the main Next.js one NODE_OPTIONS: getNodeOptionsWithoutInspect(), }, }, } ) as Worker & { loadStaticPaths: typeof import('./static-paths-worker').loadStaticPaths } this.staticPathsWorker.getStdout().pipe(process.stdout) this.staticPathsWorker.getStderr().pipe(process.stderr) return this.staticPathsWorker } constructor(options: Options) { super({ ...options, dev: true }) = true ;(this.renderOpts as any).ErrorDebug = ReactDevOverlay this.devReady = new Promise((resolve) => { this.setDevReady = resolve }) ;(this.renderOpts as any).ampSkipValidation = this.nextConfig.experimental?.amp?.skipValidation ?? false ;(this.renderOpts as any).ampValidator = ( html: string, pathname: string ) => { const validatorPath = this.nextConfig.experimental && this.nextConfig.experimental.amp && this.nextConfig.experimental.amp.validator const AmpHtmlValidator = require('next/dist/compiled/amphtml-validator') as typeof import('next/dist/compiled/amphtml-validator') return AmpHtmlValidator.getInstance(validatorPath).then((validator) => { const result = validator.validateString(html) ampValidation( pathname, result.errors .filter((e) => e.severity === 'ERROR') .filter((e) => this._filterAmpDevelopmentScript(html, e)), result.errors.filter((e) => e.severity !== 'ERROR') ) }) } if (fs.existsSync(pathJoin(this.dir, 'static'))) { Log.warn( `The static directory has been deprecated in favor of the public directory.` ) } // setup upgrade listener eagerly when we can otherwise // it will be done on the first request via req.socket.server if (options.httpServer) { this.setupWebSocketHandler(options.httpServer) } this.isCustomServer = !options.isNextDevCommand const { pagesDir, appDir } = findPagesDir( this.dir, !!this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir ) this.pagesDir = pagesDir this.appDir = appDir } protected getBuildId(): string { return 'development' } async addExportPathMapRoutes() { // Makes `next export` exportPathMap work in development mode. // So that the user doesn't have to define a custom server reading the exportPathMap if (this.nextConfig.exportPathMap) {'Defining routes from exportPathMap') const exportPathMap = await this.nextConfig.exportPathMap( {}, { dev: true, dir: this.dir, outDir: null, distDir: this.distDir, buildId: this.buildId, } ) // In development we can't give a default path mapping for (const path in exportPathMap) { const { page, query = {} } = exportPathMap[path] this.router.addFsRoute({ match: getPathMatch(path), type: 'route', name: `${path} exportpathmap route`, fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => { const { query: urlQuery } = parsedUrl Object.keys(urlQuery) .filter((key) => query[key] === undefined) .forEach((key) => Log.warn( `Url '${path}' defines a query parameter '${key}' that is missing in exportPathMap` ) ) const mergedQuery = { ...urlQuery, ...query } await this.render(req, res, page, mergedQuery, parsedUrl, true) return { finished: true, } }, }) } } } async startWatcher(): Promise { if (this.webpackWatcher) { return } const regexPageExtension = new RegExp( `\\.+(?:${this.nextConfig.pageExtensions.join('|')})$` ) let resolved = false return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (this.pagesDir) { // Watchpack doesn't emit an event for an empty directory fs.readdir(this.pagesDir, (_, files) => { if (files?.length) { return } if (!resolved) { resolve() resolved = true } }) } const pages = this.pagesDir ? [this.pagesDir] : [] const app = this.appDir ? [this.appDir] : [] const directories = [...pages,] const files = this.pagesDir ? getPossibleMiddlewareFilenames( pathJoin(this.pagesDir, '..'), this.nextConfig.pageExtensions ) : [] let nestedMiddleware: string[] = [] const envFiles = [ '.env.development.local', '.env.local', '.env.development', '.env', ].map((file) => pathJoin(this.dir, file)) files.push(...envFiles) // tsconfig/jsonfig paths hot-reloading const tsconfigPaths = [ pathJoin(this.dir, 'tsconfig.json'), pathJoin(this.dir, 'jsconfig.json'), ] files.push(...tsconfigPaths) const wp = (this.webpackWatcher = new Watchpack({ ignored: (pathname: string) => { return ( !files.some((file) => file.startsWith(pathname)) && !directories.some( (dir) => pathname.startsWith(dir) || dir.startsWith(pathname) ) ) }, })){ directories: [this.dir], startTime: 0 }) const fileWatchTimes = new Map() let enabledTypeScript = this.usingTypeScript wp.on('aggregated', async () => { let middlewareMatchers: MiddlewareMatcher[] | undefined const routedPages: string[] = [] const knownFiles = wp.getTimeInfoEntries() const appPaths: Record = {} const edgeRoutesSet = new Set() const pageNameSet = new Set() const conflictingAppPagePaths = new Set() const appPageFilePaths = new Map() const pagesPageFilePaths = new Map() let envChange = false let tsconfigChange = false for (const [fileName, meta] of knownFiles) { if ( !files.includes(fileName) && !directories.some((dir) => fileName.startsWith(dir)) ) { continue } const watchTime = fileWatchTimes.get(fileName) const watchTimeChange = watchTime && watchTime !== meta?.timestamp fileWatchTimes.set(fileName, meta.timestamp) if (envFiles.includes(fileName)) { if (watchTimeChange) { envChange = true } continue } if (tsconfigPaths.includes(fileName)) { if (fileName.endsWith('tsconfig.json')) { enabledTypeScript = true } if (watchTimeChange) { tsconfigChange = true } continue } if ( meta?.accuracy === undefined || !regexPageExtension.test(fileName) ) { continue } const isAppPath = Boolean( this.appDir && normalizePathSep(fileName).startsWith( normalizePathSep(this.appDir) ) ) const rootFile = absolutePathToPage(fileName, { pagesDir: this.dir, extensions: this.nextConfig.pageExtensions, }) const staticInfo = await getPageStaticInfo({ pageFilePath: fileName, nextConfig: this.nextConfig, page: rootFile, isDev: true, pageType: isAppPath ? 'app' : 'pages', }) if (isMiddlewareFile(rootFile)) { this.actualMiddlewareFile = rootFile middlewareMatchers = staticInfo.middleware?.matchers || [ { regexp: '.*' }, ] continue } if (fileName.endsWith('.ts') || fileName.endsWith('.tsx')) { enabledTypeScript = true } let pageName = absolutePathToPage(fileName, { pagesDir: isAppPath ? this.appDir! : this.pagesDir!, extensions: this.nextConfig.pageExtensions, keepIndex: isAppPath, }) if (isAppPath) { if (!isLayoutsLeafPage(fileName, this.nextConfig.pageExtensions)) { continue } const originalPageName = pageName pageName = normalizeAppPath(pageName) || '/' if (!appPaths[pageName]) { appPaths[pageName] = [] } appPaths[pageName].push(originalPageName) if (routedPages.includes(pageName)) { continue } } else { // /index is preserved for root folder pageName = pageName.replace(/\/index$/, '') || '/' } ;(isAppPath ? appPageFilePaths : pagesPageFilePaths).set( pageName, fileName ) if (this.appDir && pageNameSet.has(pageName)) { conflictingAppPagePaths.add(pageName) } else { pageNameSet.add(pageName) } /** * If there is a middleware that is not declared in the root we will * warn without adding it so it doesn't make its way into the system. */ if (/[\\\\/]_middleware$/.test(pageName)) { nestedMiddleware.push(pageName) continue } await runDependingOnPageType({ page: pageName, pageRuntime: staticInfo.runtime, onClient: () => {}, onServer: () => { routedPages.push(pageName) }, onEdgeServer: () => { routedPages.push(pageName) edgeRoutesSet.add(pageName) }, }) } const numConflicting = conflictingAppPagePaths.size if (numConflicting > 0) { Log.error( `Conflicting app and page file${ numConflicting === 1 ? ' was' : 's were' } found, please remove the conflicting files to continue:` ) for (const p of conflictingAppPagePaths) { const appPath = relative(this.dir, appPageFilePaths.get(p)!) const pagesPath = relative(this.dir, pagesPageFilePaths.get(p)!) Log.error(` "${pagesPath}" - "${appPath}"`) } } if (!this.usingTypeScript && enabledTypeScript) { // we tolerate the error here as this is best effort // and the manual install command will be shown await this.verifyTypeScript() .then(() => { tsconfigChange = true }) .catch(() => {}) } if (envChange || tsconfigChange) { if (envChange) { this.loadEnvConfig({ dev: true, forceReload: true }) } let tsconfigResult: | UnwrapPromise> | undefined if (tsconfigChange) { try { tsconfigResult = await loadJsConfig(this.dir, this.nextConfig) } catch (_) { /* do we want to log if there are syntax errors in tsconfig while editing? */ } } this.hotReloader?.activeConfigs?.forEach((config, idx) => { const isClient = idx === 0 const isNodeServer = idx === 1 const isEdgeServer = idx === 2 const hasRewrites = this.customRoutes.rewrites.afterFiles.length > 0 || this.customRoutes.rewrites.beforeFiles.length > 0 || this.customRoutes.rewrites.fallback.length > 0 if (tsconfigChange) { config.resolve?.plugins?.forEach((plugin: any) => { // look for the JsConfigPathsPlugin and update with // the latest paths/baseUrl config if (plugin && plugin.jsConfigPlugin && tsconfigResult) { const { resolvedBaseUrl, jsConfig } = tsconfigResult const currentResolvedBaseUrl = plugin.resolvedBaseUrl const resolvedUrlIndex = config.resolve?.modules?.findIndex( (item) => item === currentResolvedBaseUrl ) if ( resolvedBaseUrl && resolvedBaseUrl !== currentResolvedBaseUrl ) { // remove old baseUrl and add new one if (resolvedUrlIndex && resolvedUrlIndex > -1) { config.resolve?.modules?.splice(resolvedUrlIndex, 1) } config.resolve?.modules?.push(resolvedBaseUrl) } if (jsConfig?.compilerOptions?.paths && resolvedBaseUrl) { Object.keys(plugin.paths).forEach((key) => { delete plugin.paths[key] }) Object.assign(plugin.paths, jsConfig.compilerOptions.paths) plugin.resolvedBaseUrl = resolvedBaseUrl } } }) } if (envChange) { config.plugins?.forEach((plugin: any) => { // we look for the DefinePlugin definitions so we can // update them on the active compilers if ( plugin && typeof plugin.definitions === 'object' && plugin.definitions.__NEXT_DEFINE_ENV ) { const newDefine = getDefineEnv({ dev: true, config: this.nextConfig, distDir: this.distDir, isClient, hasRewrites, isNodeServer, isEdgeServer, }) Object.keys(plugin.definitions).forEach((key) => { if (!(key in newDefine)) { delete plugin.definitions[key] } }) Object.assign(plugin.definitions, newDefine) } }) } }) this.hotReloader?.invalidate() } if (nestedMiddleware.length > 0) { Log.error( new NestedMiddlewareError( nestedMiddleware, this.dir, this.pagesDir! ).message ) nestedMiddleware = [] } // Make sure to sort parallel routes to make the result deterministic. this.appPathRoutes = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(appPaths).map(([k, v]) => [k, v.sort()]) ) const edgeRoutes = Array.from(edgeRoutesSet) this.edgeFunctions = getSortedRoutes(edgeRoutes).map((page) => { const matchedAppPaths = this.getOriginalAppPaths(page) if (Array.isArray(matchedAppPaths)) { page = matchedAppPaths[0] } const edgeRegex = getRouteRegex(page) return { match: getRouteMatcher(edgeRegex), page, re:, } }) this.middleware = middlewareMatchers ? { match: getMiddlewareRouteMatcher(middlewareMatchers), page: '/', matchers: middlewareMatchers, } : undefined try { // we serve a separate manifest with all pages for the client in // dev mode so that we can match a page after a rewrite on the client // before it has been built and is populated in the _buildManifest const sortedRoutes = getSortedRoutes(routedPages) if ( !this.sortedRoutes?.every((val, idx) => val === sortedRoutes[idx]) ) { // emit the change so clients fetch the update this.hotReloader!.send(undefined, { devPagesManifest: true }) } this.sortedRoutes = sortedRoutes this.dynamicRoutes = this.sortedRoutes .filter(isDynamicRoute) .map((page) => ({ page, match: getRouteMatcher(getRouteRegex(page)), })) this.router.setDynamicRoutes(this.dynamicRoutes) this.router.setCatchallMiddleware( this.generateCatchAllMiddlewareRoute(true) ) if (!resolved) { resolve() resolved = true } } catch (e) { if (!resolved) { reject(e) resolved = true } else { Log.warn('Failed to reload dynamic routes:', e) } } }) }) } async stopWatcher(): Promise { if (!this.webpackWatcher) { return } this.webpackWatcher.close() this.webpackWatcher = null } private async verifyTypeScript() { if (this.verifyingTypeScript) { return } try { this.verifyingTypeScript = true const verifyResult = await verifyTypeScriptSetup({ dir: this.dir, intentDirs: [this.pagesDir, this.appDir].filter(Boolean) as string[], typeCheckPreflight: false, tsconfigPath: this.nextConfig.typescript.tsconfigPath, disableStaticImages: this.nextConfig.images.disableStaticImages, isAppDirEnabled: !!this.appDir, }) if (verifyResult.version) { this.usingTypeScript = true } } finally { this.verifyingTypeScript = false } } async prepare(): Promise { setGlobal('distDir', this.distDir) setGlobal('phase', PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER) await this.verifyTypeScript() this.customRoutes = await loadCustomRoutes(this.nextConfig) // reload router const { redirects, rewrites, headers } = this.customRoutes if ( rewrites.beforeFiles.length || rewrites.afterFiles.length || rewrites.fallback.length || redirects.length || headers.length ) { this.router = new Router(this.generateRoutes()) } this.hotReloader = new HotReloader(this.dir, { pagesDir: this.pagesDir, distDir: this.distDir, config: this.nextConfig, previewProps: this.getPreviewProps(), buildId: this.buildId, rewrites, appDir: this.appDir, }) await super.prepare() await this.addExportPathMapRoutes() await this.hotReloader.start(true) await this.startWatcher() this.setDevReady!() if (this.nextConfig.experimental.nextScriptWorkers) { await verifyPartytownSetup( this.dir, pathJoin(this.distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH) ) } const telemetry = new Telemetry({ distDir: this.distDir }) telemetry.record( eventCliSession(this.distDir, this.nextConfig, { webpackVersion: 5, cliCommand: 'dev', isSrcDir: (!!this.pagesDir && relative(this.dir, this.pagesDir).startsWith('src')) || (!!this.appDir && relative(this.dir, this.appDir).startsWith('src')), hasNowJson: !!(await findUp('now.json', { cwd: this.dir })), isCustomServer: this.isCustomServer, turboFlag: false, pagesDir: !!this.pagesDir, appDir: !!this.appDir, }) ) // This is required by the tracing subsystem. setGlobal('appDir', this.appDir) setGlobal('pagesDir', this.pagesDir) setGlobal('telemetry', telemetry) process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason) => { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(reason, 'unhandledRejection').catch( () => {} ) }) process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(err, 'uncaughtException').catch(() => {}) }) } protected async close(): Promise { await this.stopWatcher() await this.getStaticPathsWorker().end() if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.stop() } } protected async hasPage(pathname: string): Promise { let normalizedPath: string try { normalizedPath = normalizePagePath(pathname) } catch (err) { console.error(err) // if normalizing the page fails it means it isn't valid // so it doesn't exist so don't throw and return false // to ensure we return 404 instead of 500 return false } if (isMiddlewareFile(normalizedPath)) { return findPageFile( this.dir, normalizedPath, this.nextConfig.pageExtensions, false ).then(Boolean) } let appFile: string | null = null let pagesFile: string | null = null if (this.appDir) { appFile = await findPageFile( this.appDir, normalizedPath + '/page', this.nextConfig.pageExtensions, true ) } if (this.pagesDir) { pagesFile = await findPageFile( this.pagesDir, normalizedPath, this.nextConfig.pageExtensions, false ) } if (appFile && pagesFile) { throw new Error( `Conflicting app and page file found: "app${appFile}" and "pages${pagesFile}". Please remove one to continue.` ) } return Boolean(appFile || pagesFile) } protected async _beforeCatchAllRender( req: BaseNextRequest, res: BaseNextResponse, params: Params, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { const { pathname } = parsedUrl const pathParts = params.path || [] const path = `/${pathParts.join('/')}` // check for a public file, throwing error if there's a // conflicting page let decodedPath: string try { decodedPath = decodeURIComponent(path) } catch (_) { throw new DecodeError('failed to decode param') } if (await this.hasPublicFile(decodedPath)) { if (await this.hasPage(pathname!)) { const err = new Error( `A conflicting public file and page file was found for path ${pathname}` ) res.statusCode = 500 await this.renderError(err, req, res, pathname!, {}) return true } await this.servePublic(req, res, pathParts) return true } return false } private setupWebSocketHandler(server?: HTTPServer, _req?: NodeNextRequest) { if (!this.addedUpgradeListener) { this.addedUpgradeListener = true server = server || (_req?.originalRequest.socket as any)?.server if (!server) { // this is very unlikely to happen but show an error in case // it does somehow Log.error( `Invalid IncomingMessage received, make sure http.createServer is being used to handle requests.` ) } else { const { basePath } = this.nextConfig server.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => { let assetPrefix = (this.nextConfig.assetPrefix || '').replace( /^\/+/, '' ) // assetPrefix can be a proxy server with a url locally // if so, it's needed to send these HMR requests with a rewritten url directly to /_next/webpack-hmr // otherwise account for a path-like prefix when listening to socket events if (assetPrefix.startsWith('http')) { assetPrefix = '' } else if (assetPrefix) { assetPrefix = `/${assetPrefix}` } if ( req.url?.startsWith( `${basePath || assetPrefix || ''}/_next/webpack-hmr` ) ) { this.hotReloader?.onHMR(req, socket, head) } else { this.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head) } }) } } } async runMiddleware(params: { request: BaseNextRequest response: BaseNextResponse parsedUrl: ParsedUrl parsed: UrlWithParsedQuery middlewareList: MiddlewareRoutingItem[] }) { try { const result = await super.runMiddleware({ ...params, onWarning: (warn) => { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(warn, 'warning') }, }) if ('finished' in result) { return result } result.waitUntil.catch((error) => { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(error, 'unhandledRejection') }) return result } catch (error) { if (error instanceof DecodeError) { throw error } /** * We only log the error when it is not a MiddlewareNotFound error as * in that case we should be already displaying a compilation error * which is what makes the module not found. */ if (!(error instanceof MiddlewareNotFoundError)) { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(error) } const err = getProperError(error) ;(err as any).middleware = true const { request, response, parsedUrl } = params /** * When there is a failure for an internal Next.js request from * middleware we bypass the error without finishing the request * so we can serve the required chunks to render the error. */ if ( request.url.includes('/_next/static') || request.url.includes('/__nextjs_original-stack-frame') ) { return { finished: false } } response.statusCode = 500 this.renderError(err, request, response, parsedUrl.pathname) return { finished: true } } } async runEdgeFunction(params: { req: BaseNextRequest res: BaseNextResponse query: ParsedUrlQuery params: Params | undefined page: string appPaths: string[] | null isAppPath: boolean }) { try { return super.runEdgeFunction({ ...params, onWarning: (warn) => { this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(warn, 'warning') }, }) } catch (error) { if (error instanceof DecodeError) { throw error } this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(error, 'warning') const err = getProperError(error) const { req, res, page } = params res.statusCode = 500 this.renderError(err, req, res, page) return null } } async run( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { await this.devReady this.setupWebSocketHandler(undefined, req) const { basePath } = this.nextConfig let originalPathname: string | null = null if (basePath && pathHasPrefix(parsedUrl.pathname || '/', basePath)) { // strip basePath before handling dev bundles // If replace ends up replacing the full url it'll be `undefined`, meaning we have to default it to `/` originalPathname = parsedUrl.pathname parsedUrl.pathname = removePathPrefix(parsedUrl.pathname || '/', basePath) } const { pathname } = parsedUrl if (pathname!.startsWith('/_next')) { if (await fileExists(pathJoin(this.publicDir, '_next'))) { throw new Error(PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT) } } const { finished = false } = await this.hotReloader!.run( req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, parsedUrl ) if (finished) { return } if (originalPathname) { // restore the path before continuing so that custom-routes can accurately determine // if they should match against the basePath or not parsedUrl.pathname = originalPathname } try { return await, res, parsedUrl) } catch (error) { const err = getProperError(error) this.logErrorWithOriginalStack(err).catch(() => {}) if (!res.sent) { res.statusCode = 500 try { return await this.renderError(err, req, res, pathname!, { __NEXT_PAGE: (isError(err) && || pathname || '', }) } catch (internalErr) { console.error(internalErr) res.body('Internal Server Error').send() } } } } private async logErrorWithOriginalStack( err?: unknown, type?: 'unhandledRejection' | 'uncaughtException' | 'warning' ) { let usedOriginalStack = false if (isError(err) && err.stack) { try { const frames = parseStack(err.stack!) const frame = frames.find( ({ file }) => !file?.startsWith('eval') && !file?.includes('web/adapter') && !file?.includes('sandbox/context') )! if (frame.lineNumber && frame?.file) { const moduleId = frame.file!.replace( /^(webpack-internal:\/\/\/|file:\/\/)/, '' ) const src = getErrorSource(err as Error) const compilation = ( src === COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer ? this.hotReloader?.edgeServerStats?.compilation : this.hotReloader?.serverStats?.compilation )! const source = await getSourceById( !!frame.file?.startsWith(sep) || !!frame.file?.startsWith('file:'), moduleId, compilation ) const originalFrame = await createOriginalStackFrame({ line: frame.lineNumber!, column: frame.column, source, frame, modulePath: moduleId, rootDirectory: this.dir, errorMessage: err.message, compilation, }) if (originalFrame) { const { originalCodeFrame, originalStackFrame } = originalFrame const { file, lineNumber, column, methodName } = originalStackFrame Log[type === 'warning' ? 'warn' : 'error']( `${file} (${lineNumber}:${column}) @ ${methodName}` ) if (src === COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer) { err = err.message } if (type === 'warning') { Log.warn(err) } else if (type) { Log.error(`${type}:`, err) } else { Log.error(err) } console[type === 'warning' ? 'warn' : 'error'](originalCodeFrame) usedOriginalStack = true } } } catch (_) { // failed to load original stack using source maps // this un-actionable by users so we don't show the // internal error and only show the provided stack } } if (!usedOriginalStack) { if (type === 'warning') { Log.warn(err) } else if (type) { Log.error(`${type}:`, err) } else { Log.error(err) } } } // override production loading of routes-manifest protected getCustomRoutes(): CustomRoutes { // actual routes will be loaded asynchronously during .prepare() return { redirects: [], rewrites: { beforeFiles: [], afterFiles: [], fallback: [] }, headers: [], } } private _devCachedPreviewProps: __ApiPreviewProps | undefined protected getPreviewProps() { if (this._devCachedPreviewProps) { return this._devCachedPreviewProps } return (this._devCachedPreviewProps = { previewModeId: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'), previewModeSigningKey: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), previewModeEncryptionKey: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), }) } protected getPagesManifest(): undefined { return undefined } protected getAppPathsManifest(): undefined { return undefined } protected getMiddleware() { return this.middleware } protected getEdgeFunctions() { return this.edgeFunctions ?? [] } protected getServerComponentManifest() { return undefined } protected getServerCSSManifest() { return undefined } protected getFontLoaderManifest() { return undefined } protected async hasMiddleware(): Promise { return this.hasPage(this.actualMiddlewareFile!) } protected async ensureMiddleware() { return this.hotReloader!.ensurePage({ page: this.actualMiddlewareFile!, clientOnly: false, }) } protected async ensureEdgeFunction({ page, appPaths, }: { page: string appPaths: string[] | null }) { return this.hotReloader!.ensurePage({ page, appPaths, clientOnly: false }) } generateRoutes() { const { fsRoutes, ...otherRoutes } = super.generateRoutes() // In development we expose all compiled files for react-error-overlay's line show feature // We use unshift so that we're sure the routes is defined before Next's default routes fsRoutes.unshift({ match: getPathMatch('/_next/development/:path*'), type: 'route', name: '_next/development catchall', fn: async (req, res, params) => { const p = pathJoin(this.distDir, ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) return { finished: true, } }, }) fsRoutes.unshift({ match: getPathMatch( `/_next/${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/${DEV_CLIENT_PAGES_MANIFEST}` ), type: 'route', name: `_next/${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/${DEV_CLIENT_PAGES_MANIFEST}`, fn: async (_req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') res .body( JSON.stringify({ pages: this.sortedRoutes, }) ) .send() return { finished: true, } }, }) fsRoutes.unshift({ match: getPathMatch( `/_next/${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/${DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST}` ), type: 'route', name: `_next/${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/${DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST}`, fn: async (_req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') res.body(JSON.stringify(this.getMiddleware()?.matchers ?? [])).send() return { finished: true, } }, }) fsRoutes.push({ match: getPathMatch('/:path*'), type: 'route', name: 'catchall public directory route', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { pathname } = parsedUrl if (!pathname) { throw new Error('pathname is undefined') } // Used in development to check public directory paths if (await this._beforeCatchAllRender(req, res, params, parsedUrl)) { return { finished: true, } } return { finished: false, } }, }) return { fsRoutes, ...otherRoutes } } // In development public files are not added to the router but handled as a fallback instead protected generatePublicRoutes(): never[] { return [] } // In development dynamic routes cannot be known ahead of time protected getDynamicRoutes(): never[] { return [] } _filterAmpDevelopmentScript( html: string, event: { line: number; col: number; code: string } ): boolean { if (event.code !== 'DISALLOWED_SCRIPT_TAG') { return true } const snippetChunks = html.split('\n') let snippet if ( !(snippet = html.split('\n')[event.line - 1]) || !(snippet = snippet.substring(event.col)) ) { return true } snippet = snippet + snippetChunks.slice(event.line).join('\n') snippet = snippet.substring(0, snippet.indexOf('')) return !snippet.includes('data-amp-development-mode-only') } protected async getStaticPaths({ pathname, originalAppPath, }: { pathname: string originalAppPath?: string }): Promise<{ staticPaths?: string[] fallbackMode?: false | 'static' | 'blocking' }> { // we lazy load the staticPaths to prevent the user // from waiting on them for the page to load in dev mode const __getStaticPaths = async () => { const { configFileName, publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig, httpAgentOptions, experimental: { enableUndici }, } = this.nextConfig const { locales, defaultLocale } = this.nextConfig.i18n || {} const pathsResult = await this.getStaticPathsWorker().loadStaticPaths({ distDir: this.distDir, pathname, config: { configFileName, publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig, }, httpAgentOptions, enableUndici, locales, defaultLocale, originalAppPath, isAppPath: !!originalAppPath, }) return pathsResult } const { paths: staticPaths, fallback } = ( await withCoalescedInvoke(__getStaticPaths)(`staticPaths-${pathname}`, []) ).value return { staticPaths, fallbackMode: fallback === 'blocking' ? 'blocking' : fallback === true ? 'static' : fallback, } } protected async ensureApiPage(pathname: string): Promise { return this.hotReloader!.ensurePage({ page: pathname, clientOnly: false }) } protected async findPageComponents({ pathname, query, params, isAppPath, appPaths, }: { pathname: string query: ParsedUrlQuery params: Params isAppPath: boolean appPaths?: string[] | null }): Promise { await this.devReady const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError(pathname) if (compilationErr) { // Wrap build errors so that they don't get logged again throw new WrappedBuildError(compilationErr) } try { await this.hotReloader!.ensurePage({ page: pathname, appPaths, clientOnly: false, }) // When the new page is compiled, we need to reload the server component // manifest. if (!!this.appDir) { this.serverComponentManifest = super.getServerComponentManifest() this.serverCSSManifest = super.getServerCSSManifest() } this.fontLoaderManifest = super.getFontLoaderManifest() return super.findPageComponents({ pathname, query, params, isAppPath }) } catch (err) { if ((err as any).code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } return null } } protected async getFallbackErrorComponents(): Promise { await this.hotReloader!.buildFallbackError() // Build the error page to ensure the fallback is built too. // TODO: See if this can be moved into hotReloader or removed. await this.hotReloader!.ensurePage({ page: '/_error', clientOnly: false }) return await loadDefaultErrorComponents(this.distDir) } protected setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res: BaseNextResponse): void { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, must-revalidate') } private servePublic( req: BaseNextRequest, res: BaseNextResponse, pathParts: string[] ): Promise { const p = pathJoin(this.publicDir, ...pathParts) return this.serveStatic(req, res, p) } async hasPublicFile(path: string): Promise { try { const info = await fs.promises.stat(pathJoin(this.publicDir, path)) return info.isFile() } catch (_) { return false } } async getCompilationError(page: string): Promise { const errors = await this.hotReloader!.getCompilationErrors(page) if (errors.length === 0) return // Return the very first error we found. return errors[0] } protected isServeableUrl(untrustedFileUrl: string): boolean { // This method mimics what the version of `send` we use does: // 1. decodeURIComponent: // // // 2. resolve: // let decodedUntrustedFilePath: string try { // (1) Decode the URL so we have the proper file name decodedUntrustedFilePath = decodeURIComponent(untrustedFileUrl) } catch { return false } // (2) Resolve "up paths" to determine real request const untrustedFilePath = pathResolve(decodedUntrustedFilePath) // don't allow null bytes anywhere in the file path if (untrustedFilePath.indexOf('\0') !== -1) { return false } // During development mode, files can be added while the server is running. // Checks for .next/static, .next/server, static and public. // Note that in development .next/server is available for error reporting purposes. // see `packages/next/server/next-server.ts` for more details. if ( untrustedFilePath.startsWith(pathJoin(this.distDir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(pathJoin(this.distDir, 'server') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(pathJoin(this.dir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(pathJoin(this.dir, 'public') + sep) ) { return true } return false } }