import { webpack, isWebpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { trace, stackPush, stackPop, Span } from '../../../telemetry/trace' const pluginName = 'ProfilingPlugin' export const spans = new WeakMap() function getNormalModuleLoaderHook(compilation: any) { if (isWebpack5) { // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable return webpack.NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader } return compilation.hooks.normalModuleLoader } export class ProfilingPlugin { compiler: any apply(compiler: any) { this.traceTopLevelHooks(compiler) this.traceCompilationHooks(compiler) this.compiler = compiler } traceHookPair( spanName: string, startHook: any, stopHook: any, attrs?: any, onSetSpan?: (span: Span) => void ) { let span: Span | undefined startHook.tap(pluginName, () => { span = stackPush(this.compiler, spanName, attrs) onSetSpan?.(span) }) stopHook.tap(pluginName, () => { // `stopHook` may be triggered when `startHook` has not in cases // where `stopHook` is used as the terminating event for more // than one pair of hooks. if (!span) { return } stackPop(this.compiler, span) }) } traceLoopedHook(spanName: string, startHook: any, stopHook: any) { let span: Span | undefined startHook.tap(pluginName, () => { if (!span) { span = stackPush(this.compiler, spanName) } }) stopHook.tap(pluginName, () => { stackPop(this.compiler, span) }) } traceTopLevelHooks(compiler: any) { this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compile', compiler.hooks.compile, compiler.hooks.done, () => { return { name: } }, (span) => spans.set(compiler, span) ) this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-prepare-env', compiler.hooks.environment, compiler.hooks.afterEnvironment ) if (compiler.options.mode === 'development') { this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-invalidated', compiler.hooks.invalid, compiler.hooks.done, () => ({ name: }) ) } } traceCompilationHooks(compiler: any) { if (isWebpack5) { this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compilation', compiler.hooks.beforeCompile, compiler.hooks.afterCompile, () => ({ name: }) ) } compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginName, (compilation: any) => { compilation.hooks.buildModule.tap(pluginName, (module: any) => { const compilerSpan = spans.get(compiler) if (!compilerSpan) { return } const moduleType = (() => { if (!module.userRequest) { return '' } return module.userRequest.split('.').pop() })() const span = trace( `build-module${moduleType ? `-${moduleType}` : ''}`, ) span.setAttribute('name', module.userRequest) spans.set(module, span) }) getNormalModuleLoaderHook(compilation).tap( pluginName, (loaderContext: any, module: any) => { const parentSpan = spans.get(module) loaderContext.currentTraceSpan = parentSpan } ) compilation.hooks.succeedModule.tap(pluginName, (module: any) => { spans.get(module)?.stop() }) this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compilation-chunk-graph', compilation.hooks.beforeChunks, compilation.hooks.afterChunks ) this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compilation-optimize', compilation.hooks.optimize, compilation.hooks.reviveModules ) this.traceLoopedHook( 'webpack-compilation-optimize-modules', compilation.hooks.optimizeModules, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeModules ) this.traceLoopedHook( 'webpack-compilation-optimize-chunks', compilation.hooks.optimizeChunks, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeChunks ) this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compilation-optimize-tree', compilation.hooks.optimizeTree, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeTree ) this.traceHookPair( 'webpack-compilation-hash', compilation.hooks.beforeHash, compilation.hooks.afterHash ) }) } }