import { createNext } from 'e2e-utils' import { NextInstance } from 'e2e-utils' import { fetchViaHTTP, renderViaHTTP } from 'next-test-utils' import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs-extra' const locales = ['', '/en', '/sv', '/nl'] describe('i18n-ignore-rewrite-source-locale with basepath', () => { let next: NextInstance beforeAll(async () => { next = await createNext({ files: { 'pages/api/hello.js': ` export default function handler(req, res) { res.send('hello from api') }`, 'public/file.txt': 'hello from file.txt', }, dependencies: {}, nextConfig: { basePath: '/basepath', i18n: { locales: ['en', 'sv', 'nl'], defaultLocale: 'en', }, async rewrites() { return { beforeFiles: [ { source: '/:locale/rewrite-files/:path*', destination: '/:path*', locale: false, }, { source: '/:locale/rewrite-api/:path*', destination: '/api/:path*', locale: false, }, ], afterFiles: [], fallback: [], } }, }, }) }) afterAll(() => next.destroy()) test.each(locales)( 'get public file by skipping locale in rewrite, locale: %s', async (locale) => { const res = await renderViaHTTP( next.url, `/basepath${locale}/rewrite-files/file.txt` ) expect(res).toContain('hello from file.txt') } ) test.each(locales)( 'call api by skipping locale in rewrite, locale: %s', async (locale) => { const res = await renderViaHTTP( next.url, `/basepath${locale}/rewrite-api/hello` ) expect(res).toContain('hello from api') } ) // build artifacts aren't available on deploy if (!(global as any).isNextDeploy) { // chunks are not written to disk with TURBOPACK ;(process.env.TURBOPACK ? it.skip.each : it.each)(locales)( 'get _next/static/ files by skipping locale in rewrite, locale: %s', async (locale) => { const chunks = ( await fs.readdir(path.join(next.testDir, '.next', 'static', 'chunks')) ).filter((f) => f.endsWith('.js')) await Promise.all( (file) => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, `/basepath${locale}/rewrite-files/_next/static/chunks/${file}` ) // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect expect(res.status).toBe(200) }) ) } ) } })