import type { ComponentType } from 'react' import type { RouteLoader } from './route-loader' import { addBasePath, addLocale, interpolateAs, } from '../shared/lib/router/router' import getAssetPathFromRoute from '../shared/lib/router/utils/get-asset-path-from-route' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic' import { parseRelativeUrl } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-relative-url' import { removeTrailingSlash } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash' import { createRouteLoader, getClientBuildManifest, getMiddlewareManifest, } from './route-loader' function normalizeRoute(route: string): string { if (route[0] !== '/') { throw new Error(`Route name should start with a "/", got "${route}"`) } if (route === '/') return route return route.replace(/\/$/, '') } declare global { interface Window { __DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST?: [location: string, isSSR: boolean][] __DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST?: { pages: string[] } __SSG_MANIFEST_CB?: () => void __SSG_MANIFEST?: Set } } export type StyleSheetTuple = { href: string; text: string } export type GoodPageCache = { page: ComponentType mod: any styleSheets: StyleSheetTuple[] } export default class PageLoader { private buildId: string private assetPrefix: string private promisedSsgManifest: Promise> private promisedDevPagesManifest?: Promise private promisedMiddlewareManifest?: Promise< [location: string, isSSR: boolean][] > public routeLoader: RouteLoader constructor(buildId: string, assetPrefix: string) { this.routeLoader = createRouteLoader(assetPrefix) this.buildId = buildId this.assetPrefix = assetPrefix this.promisedSsgManifest = new Promise((resolve) => { if (window.__SSG_MANIFEST) { resolve(window.__SSG_MANIFEST) } else { window.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB = () => { resolve(window.__SSG_MANIFEST!) } } }) } getPageList() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return getClientBuildManifest().then((manifest) => manifest.sortedPages) } else { if (window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST) { return window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST.pages } else { if (!this.promisedDevPagesManifest) { // TODO: Decide what should happen when fetching fails instead of asserting // @ts-ignore this.promisedDevPagesManifest = fetch( `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/static/development/_devPagesManifest.json` ) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((manifest: { pages: string[] }) => { window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST = manifest return manifest.pages }) .catch((err) => { console.log(`Failed to fetch devPagesManifest`, err) }) } // TODO Remove this assertion as this could be undefined return this.promisedDevPagesManifest! } } } getMiddlewareList() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return getMiddlewareManifest() } else { if (window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST) { return window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST } else { if (!this.promisedMiddlewareManifest) { // TODO: Decide what should happen when fetching fails instead of asserting // @ts-ignore this.promisedMiddlewareManifest = fetch( `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/static/${this.buildId}/_devMiddlewareManifest.json` ) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((manifest: [location: string, isSSR: boolean][]) => { window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST = manifest return manifest }) .catch((err) => { console.log(`Failed to fetch _devMiddlewareManifest`, err) }) } // TODO Remove this assertion as this could be undefined return this.promisedMiddlewareManifest! } } } /** * @param {string} href the route href (file-system path) * @param {string} asPath the URL as shown in browser (virtual path); used for dynamic routes * @returns {string} */ getDataHref({ href, asPath, ssg, flight, locale, }: { href: string asPath: string ssg?: boolean flight?: boolean locale?: string | false }): string { const { pathname: hrefPathname, query, search } = parseRelativeUrl(href) const { pathname: asPathname } = parseRelativeUrl(asPath) const route = normalizeRoute(hrefPathname) const getHrefForSlug = (path: string) => { if (flight) { return path + search + (search ? `&` : '?') + '__flight__=1' } const dataRoute = getAssetPathFromRoute( removeTrailingSlash(addLocale(path, locale)), '.json' ) return addBasePath( `/_next/data/${this.buildId}${dataRoute}${ssg ? '' : search}`, true ) } const isDynamic: boolean = isDynamicRoute(route) const interpolatedRoute = isDynamic ? interpolateAs(hrefPathname, asPathname, query).result : '' return isDynamic ? interpolatedRoute && getHrefForSlug(interpolatedRoute) : getHrefForSlug(route) } /** * @param {string} route - the route (file-system path) */ _isSsg(route: string): Promise { return this.promisedSsgManifest.then((manifest) => manifest.has(route)) } loadPage(route: string): Promise { return this.routeLoader.loadRoute(route).then((res) => { if ('component' in res) { return { page: res.component, mod: res.exports, styleSheets: => ({ href: o.href, text: o.content, })), } } throw res.error }) } prefetch(route: string): Promise { return this.routeLoader.prefetch(route) } }