import wd from 'wd' import getPort from 'get-port' import waitPort from 'wait-port' const doHeadless = process.env.HEADLESS !== 'false' let driverPort = 9515 let webdriver = async function (appPort, pathname) { if (typeof appPort === 'undefined') { throw new Error('appPort is undefined') } const url = `http://localhost:${appPort}${pathname}` console.log(`> Start loading browser with url: ${url}`) // Sometimes browser won't initialize due to some random issues. // So, we need to timeout the initialization and retry again. for (let lc = 0; lc < 5; lc++) { try { const browser = await getBrowser(url, 5000) console.log(`> Complete loading browser with url: ${url}`) return browser } catch (ex) { console.warn(`> Error when loading browser with url: ${url}`) // Try restarting chromedriver max twice if (lc < 2) { const chromedriver = require('chromedriver') console.log('Trying to restart chromedriver with random port') driverPort = await getPort() chromedriver.stop() chromedriver.start([`--port=${driverPort}`]) // await waitPort({ port: driverPort, timeout: 1000 * 30 // 30 seconds }) continue } if (ex.message === 'TIMEOUT') continue throw ex } } console.error(`> Tried 5 times. Cannot load the browser for url: ${url}`) throw new Error(`Couldn't start the browser for url: ${url}`) } function getBrowser (url, timeout) { const browser = wd.promiseChainRemote(`http://localhost:${driverPort}/`) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeouted = false const timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => { timeouted = true const error = new Error('TIMEOUT') reject(error) }, timeout) browser.init({ browserName: 'chrome', ...(doHeadless ? { chromeOptions: { args: ['--headless'] } } : {}) }).get(url, err => { if (timeouted) { try { browser.close(() => { // Ignore errors }) } catch (err) { // Ignore } return } clearTimeout(timeoutHandler) if (err) { reject(err) return } resolve(browser) }) }) } if (global.isBrowserStack) { webdriver = (...args) => global.bsWd(...args) } export default webdriver