import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { apiResolver } from '../../../../server/api-utils' import { getUtils, vercelHeader, ServerlessHandlerCtx } from './utils' import { DecodeError } from '../../../../shared/lib/utils' export function getApiHandler(ctx: ServerlessHandlerCtx) { const { pageModule, encodedPreviewProps, pageIsDynamic } = ctx const { handleRewrites, handleBasePath, dynamicRouteMatcher, normalizeDynamicRouteParams, } = getUtils(ctx) return async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => { try { // We need to trust the dynamic route params from the proxy // to ensure we are using the correct values const trustQuery = req.headers[vercelHeader] const parsedUrl = handleRewrites(req, parseUrl(req.url!, true)) if (parsedUrl.query.nextInternalLocale) { delete parsedUrl.query.nextInternalLocale } handleBasePath(req, parsedUrl) let params = {} if (pageIsDynamic) { const result = normalizeDynamicRouteParams( trustQuery ? parsedUrl.query : (dynamicRouteMatcher!(parsedUrl.pathname) as Record< string, string | string[] >) ) params = result.params } await apiResolver( req, res, Object.assign({}, parsedUrl.query, params), await pageModule, encodedPreviewProps, true ) } catch (err) { console.error(err) if (err instanceof DecodeError) { res.statusCode = 400 res.end('Bad Request') } else { // Throw the error to crash the serverless function throw err } } } }