import { stringify } from 'querystring' import path from 'path' import { webpack, sources } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { getInvalidator, entries, EntryTypes, } from '../../../server/dev/on-demand-entry-handler' import type { CssImports, ClientComponentImports, NextFlightClientEntryLoaderOptions, } from '../loaders/next-flight-client-entry-loader' import { APP_DIR_ALIAS, WEBPACK_LAYERS } from '../../../lib/constants' import { COMPILER_NAMES, EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST, } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { FlightCSSManifest, traverseModules } from './flight-manifest-plugin' import { ASYNC_CLIENT_MODULES } from './flight-manifest-plugin' import { isClientComponentModule } from '../loaders/utils' interface Options { dev: boolean isEdgeServer: boolean fontLoaderTargets?: string[] } const PLUGIN_NAME = 'ClientEntryPlugin' export const injectedClientEntries = new Map() export const serverModuleIds = new Map() export const edgeServerModuleIds = new Map() // TODO-APP: ensure .scss / .sass also works. const regexCSS = /\.css$/ // TODO-APP: move CSS manifest generation to the flight manifest plugin. const flightCSSManifest: FlightCSSManifest = {} export class FlightClientEntryPlugin { dev: boolean isEdgeServer: boolean fontLoaderTargets?: string[] constructor(options: Options) { = this.isEdgeServer = options.isEdgeServer this.fontLoaderTargets = options.fontLoaderTargets } apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyFactories.set( (webpack as any).dependencies.ModuleDependency, normalModuleFactory ) compilation.dependencyTemplates.set( (webpack as any).dependencies.ModuleDependency, new (webpack as any).dependencies.NullDependency.Template() ) } ) compiler.hooks.finishMake.tapPromise(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation) => { return this.createClientEntries(compiler, compilation) }) compiler.hooks.afterCompile.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation) => { traverseModules(compilation, (mod) => { // The module must has request, and resource so it's not a new entry created with loader. // Using the client layer module, which doesn't have `rsc` tag in buildInfo. if (mod.request && mod.resource && !mod.buildInfo.rsc) { if (compilation.moduleGraph.isAsync(mod)) { ASYNC_CLIENT_MODULES.add(mod.resource) } } }) const recordModule = (id: number | string, mod: any) => { const modResource = mod.resourceResolveData?.path || mod.resource if ( mod.resourceResolveData?.context?.issuerLayer === WEBPACK_LAYERS.server ) { return } if (typeof id !== 'undefined' && modResource) { // Note that this isn't that reliable as webpack is still possible to assign // additional queries to make sure there's no conflict even using the `named` // module ID strategy. let ssrNamedModuleId = path.relative(compiler.context, modResource) if (!ssrNamedModuleId.startsWith('.')) { // TODO use getModuleId instead ssrNamedModuleId = `./${ssrNamedModuleId.replace(/\\/g, '/')}` } if (this.isEdgeServer) { edgeServerModuleIds.set( ssrNamedModuleId.replace(/\/next\/dist\/esm\//, '/next/dist/'), id ) } else { serverModuleIds.set(ssrNamedModuleId, id) } } } compilation.chunkGroups.forEach((chunkGroup) => { chunkGroup.chunks.forEach((chunk: webpack.Chunk) => { const chunkModules = compilation.chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable( chunk ) as Iterable for (const mod of chunkModules) { const modId = compilation.chunkGraph.getModuleId(mod) recordModule(modId, mod) // If this is a concatenation, register each child to the parent ID. // TODO: remove any const anyModule = mod as any if (anyModule.modules) { anyModule.modules.forEach((concatenatedMod: any) => { recordModule(modId, concatenatedMod) }) } } }) }) }) } async createClientEntries(compiler: any, compilation: any) { const promises: Array< ReturnType > = [] // Loop over all the entry modules. function forEachEntryModule( callback: ({ name, entryModule, }: { name: string entryModule: any }) => void ) { for (const [name, entry] of compilation.entries.entries()) { // Skip for entries under pages/ if (name.startsWith('pages/')) continue // Check if the page entry is a server component or not. const entryDependency: webpack.NormalModule | undefined = entry.dependencies?.[0] // Ensure only next-app-loader entries are handled. if (!entryDependency || !entryDependency.request) continue const request = entryDependency.request if ( !request.startsWith('next-edge-ssr-loader?') && !request.startsWith('next-app-loader?') ) continue let entryModule: webpack.NormalModule = compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(entryDependency) if (request.startsWith('next-edge-ssr-loader?')) { entryModule.dependencies.forEach((dependency) => { const modRequest: string | undefined = (dependency as any).request if (modRequest?.includes('next-app-loader')) { entryModule = compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(dependency) } }) } callback({ name, entryModule }) } } // For each SC server compilation entry, we need to create its corresponding // client component entry. forEachEntryModule(({ name, entryModule }) => { const internalClientComponentEntryImports = new Set< ClientComponentImports[0] >() for (const connection of compilation.moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections( entryModule )) { const layoutOrPageDependency = connection.dependency const layoutOrPageRequest = connection.dependency.request const [clientComponentImports] = this.collectClientComponentsAndCSSForDependency({ layoutOrPageRequest, compilation, dependency: layoutOrPageDependency, }) const isAbsoluteRequest = layoutOrPageRequest[0] === '/' // Next.js internals are put into a separate entry. if (!isAbsoluteRequest) { clientComponentImports.forEach((value) => internalClientComponentEntryImports.add(value) ) continue } const relativeRequest = isAbsoluteRequest ? path.relative(compilation.options.context, layoutOrPageRequest) : layoutOrPageRequest // Replace file suffix as `.js` will be added. const bundlePath = relativeRequest.replace(/\.(js|ts)x?$/, '') promises.push( this.injectClientEntryAndSSRModules({ compiler, compilation, entryName: name, clientComponentImports, bundlePath, }) ) } // Create internal app promises.push( this.injectClientEntryAndSSRModules({ compiler, compilation, entryName: name, clientComponentImports: [...internalClientComponentEntryImports], bundlePath: 'app-internals', }) ) }) // After optimizing all the modules, we collect the CSS that are still used // by the certain chunk. compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeModules.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { const cssImportsForChunk: Record = {} function collectModule(entryName: string, mod: any) { const resource = mod.resource if (resource) { if (regexCSS.test(resource)) { cssImportsForChunk[entryName].push(resource) } } } compilation.chunkGroups.forEach((chunkGroup: any) => { chunkGroup.chunks.forEach((chunk: webpack.Chunk) => { // Here we only track page chunks. if (! return if (!'/page')) return const entryName = path.join(compiler.context, if (!cssImportsForChunk[entryName]) { cssImportsForChunk[entryName] = [] } const chunkModules = compilation.chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable( chunk ) as Iterable for (const mod of chunkModules) { collectModule(entryName, mod) const anyModule = mod as any if (anyModule.modules) { anyModule.modules.forEach((concatenatedMod: any) => { collectModule(entryName, concatenatedMod) }) } } const entryCSSInfo: Record = flightCSSManifest.__entry_css__ || {} entryCSSInfo[entryName] = cssImportsForChunk[entryName] Object.assign(flightCSSManifest, { __entry_css__: entryCSSInfo, }) }) }) forEachEntryModule(({ entryModule }) => { for (const connection of compilation.moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections( entryModule )) { const layoutOrPageDependency = connection.dependency const layoutOrPageRequest = connection.dependency.request const [, cssImports] = this.collectClientComponentsAndCSSForDependency({ layoutOrPageRequest, compilation, dependency: layoutOrPageDependency, }) Object.assign(flightCSSManifest, cssImports) } }) }) compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap( { name: PLUGIN_NAME, // Have to be in the optimize stage to run after updating the CSS // asset hash via extract mini css plugin. stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_HASH, }, (assets: webpack.Compilation['assets']) => { const manifest = JSON.stringify(flightCSSManifest) assets[FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST + '.json'] = new sources.RawSource( manifest ) as unknown as webpack.sources.RawSource assets[FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST + '.js'] = new sources.RawSource( 'self.__RSC_CSS_MANIFEST=' + manifest ) as unknown as webpack.sources.RawSource } ) const res = await Promise.all(promises) // Invalidate in development to trigger recompilation const invalidator = getInvalidator() // Check if any of the entry injections need an invalidation if (invalidator && res.includes(true)) { invalidator.invalidate([COMPILER_NAMES.client]) } } collectClientComponentsAndCSSForDependency({ layoutOrPageRequest, compilation, dependency, }: { layoutOrPageRequest: string compilation: any dependency: any /* Dependency */ }): [ClientComponentImports, CssImports] { /** * Keep track of checked modules to avoid infinite loops with recursive imports. */ const visitedBySegment: { [segment: string]: Set } = {} const clientComponentImports: ClientComponentImports = [] const serverCSSImports: CssImports = {} const filterClientComponents = ( dependencyToFilter: any, inClientComponentBoundary: boolean ): void => { const mod: webpack.NormalModule = compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(dependencyToFilter) if (!mod) return // Keep client imports as simple // native or installed js module: -> raw request, e.g. next/head // client js or css: -> user request const rawRequest = mod.rawRequest // Request could be undefined or '' if (!rawRequest) return const isFontLoader = this.fontLoaderTargets?.some((fontLoaderTarget) => mod.userRequest.startsWith(`${fontLoaderTarget}?`) ) const modRequest: string | undefined = !rawRequest.endsWith('.css') && !rawRequest.startsWith('.') && !rawRequest.startsWith('/') && !rawRequest.startsWith(APP_DIR_ALIAS) ? isFontLoader ? mod.userRequest : rawRequest : mod.resourceResolveData?.path // Ensure module is not walked again if it's already been visited if (!visitedBySegment[layoutOrPageRequest]) { visitedBySegment[layoutOrPageRequest] = new Set() } if ( !modRequest || visitedBySegment[layoutOrPageRequest].has(modRequest) ) { return } visitedBySegment[layoutOrPageRequest].add(modRequest) const isCSS = isFontLoader || regexCSS.test(modRequest) const isClientComponent = isClientComponentModule(mod) if (isCSS) { const sideEffectFree = mod.factoryMeta && (mod.factoryMeta as any).sideEffectFree if (sideEffectFree) { const unused = !compilation.moduleGraph .getExportsInfo(mod) .isModuleUsed( this.isEdgeServer ? EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK : 'webpack-runtime' ) if (unused) { return } } serverCSSImports[layoutOrPageRequest] = serverCSSImports[layoutOrPageRequest] || [] serverCSSImports[layoutOrPageRequest].push(modRequest) } // Check if request is for css file. if ((!inClientComponentBoundary && isClientComponent) || isCSS) { clientComponentImports.push(modRequest) return } compilation.moduleGraph .getOutgoingConnections(mod) .forEach((connection: any) => { filterClientComponents( connection.dependency, inClientComponentBoundary || isClientComponent ) }) } // Traverse the module graph to find all client components. filterClientComponents(dependency, false) return [clientComponentImports, serverCSSImports] } async injectClientEntryAndSSRModules({ compiler, compilation, entryName, clientComponentImports, bundlePath, }: { compiler: any compilation: any entryName: string clientComponentImports: ClientComponentImports bundlePath: string }): Promise { let shouldInvalidate = false const loaderOptions: NextFlightClientEntryLoaderOptions = { modules: clientComponentImports, server: false, } // For the client entry, we always use the CJS build of Next.js. If the // server is using the ESM build (when using the Edge runtime), we need to // replace them. const clientLoader = `next-flight-client-entry-loader?${stringify({ modules: this.isEdgeServer ? => importPath.replace('next/dist/esm/', 'next/dist/') ) : clientComponentImports, server: false, })}!` const clientSSRLoader = `next-flight-client-entry-loader?${stringify({ ...loaderOptions, server: true, })}!` // Add for the client compilation // Inject the entry to the client compiler. if ( { const pageKey = COMPILER_NAMES.client + bundlePath if (!entries[pageKey]) { entries[pageKey] = { type: EntryTypes.CHILD_ENTRY, parentEntries: new Set([entryName]), bundlePath, request: clientLoader, dispose: false, lastActiveTime:, } shouldInvalidate = true } else { const entryData = entries[pageKey] // New version of the client loader if (entryData.request !== clientLoader) { entryData.request = clientLoader shouldInvalidate = true } if (entryData.type === EntryTypes.CHILD_ENTRY) { entryData.parentEntries.add(entryName) } } } else { injectedClientEntries.set(bundlePath, clientLoader) } // Inject the entry to the server compiler (__sc_client__). const clientComponentEntryDep = ( webpack as any ).EntryPlugin.createDependency(clientSSRLoader, { name: bundlePath, }) // Add the dependency to the server compiler. await this.addEntry( compilation, // Reuse compilation context. compiler.context, clientComponentEntryDep, { // By using the same entry name name: entryName, // Layer should be undefined for the SSR modules // This ensures the client components are layer: undefined, } ) return shouldInvalidate } // TODO-APP: make sure dependsOn is added for layouts/pages addEntry( compilation: any, context: string, entry: any /* Dependency */, options: { name: string layer: string | undefined } /* EntryOptions */ ): Promise /* Promise */ { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { compilation.entries.get(, options) compilation.addModuleTree( { context, dependency: entry, contextInfo: { issuerLayer: options.layer }, }, (err: Error | undefined, module: any) => { if (err) {, options, err) return reject(err) }, options, module) return resolve(module) } ) }) } }