import loaderUtils from 'next/dist/compiled/loader-utils3' import { resizeImage, getImageSize } from '../../../server/image-optimizer' const BLUR_IMG_SIZE = 8 const BLUR_QUALITY = 70 const VALID_BLUR_EXT = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'avif'] // should match next/client/image.tsx function nextImageLoader(content) { const imageLoaderSpan = this.currentTraceSpan.traceChild('next-image-loader') return imageLoaderSpan.traceAsyncFn(async () => { const { isServer, isDev, assetPrefix, basePath } = this.getOptions() const context = this.rootContext const opts = { context, content } const interpolatedName = loaderUtils.interpolateName( this, '/static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]', opts ) const outputPath = assetPrefix + '/_next' + interpolatedName let extension = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this, '[ext]', opts) if (extension === 'jpg') { extension = 'jpeg' } const imageSizeSpan = imageLoaderSpan.traceChild('image-size-calculation') const imageSize = await imageSizeSpan.traceAsyncFn(() => getImageSize(content, extension).catch((err) => err) ) if (imageSize instanceof Error) { const err = imageSize = 'InvalidImageFormatError' throw err } let blurDataURL let blurWidth let blurHeight if (VALID_BLUR_EXT.includes(extension)) { // Shrink the image's largest dimension if (imageSize.width >= imageSize.height) { blurWidth = BLUR_IMG_SIZE blurHeight = Math.max( Math.round((imageSize.height / imageSize.width) * BLUR_IMG_SIZE), 1 ) } else { blurWidth = Math.max( Math.round((imageSize.width / imageSize.height) * BLUR_IMG_SIZE), 1 ) blurHeight = BLUR_IMG_SIZE } if (isDev) { // During `next dev`, we don't want to generate blur placeholders with webpack // because it can delay starting the dev server. Instead, we inline a // special url to lazily generate the blur placeholder at request time. const prefix = 'http://localhost' const url = new URL(`${basePath || ''}/_next/image`, prefix) url.searchParams.set('url', outputPath) url.searchParams.set('w', blurWidth) url.searchParams.set('q', BLUR_QUALITY) blurDataURL = url.href.slice(prefix.length) } else { const resizeImageSpan = imageLoaderSpan.traceChild('image-resize') const resizedImage = await resizeImageSpan.traceAsyncFn(() => resizeImage(content, blurWidth, blurHeight, extension, BLUR_QUALITY) ) const blurDataURLSpan = imageLoaderSpan.traceChild( 'image-base64-tostring' ) blurDataURL = blurDataURLSpan.traceFn( () => `data:image/${extension};base64,${resizedImage.toString('base64')}` ) } } const stringifiedData = imageLoaderSpan .traceChild('image-data-stringify') .traceFn(() => JSON.stringify({ src: outputPath, height: imageSize.height, width: imageSize.width, blurDataURL, blurWidth, blurHeight, }) ) if (isServer) { this.emitFile( `../${isDev ? '' : '../'}${interpolatedName}`, content, null ) } return `export default ${stringifiedData};` }) } export const raw = true export default nextImageLoader