import { getLocationOrigin } from '../../utils' import { searchParamsToUrlQuery } from './querystring' /** * Parses path-relative urls (e.g. `/hello/world?foo=bar`). If url isn't path-relative * (e.g. `./hello`) then at least base must be. * Absolute urls are rejected with one exception, in the browser, absolute urls that are on * the current origin will be parsed as relative */ export function parseRelativeUrl(url: string, base?: string) { const globalBase = new URL( typeof window === 'undefined' ? 'http://n' : getLocationOrigin() ) const resolvedBase = base ? new URL(base, globalBase) : globalBase const { pathname, searchParams, search, hash, href, origin } = new URL( url, resolvedBase ) if (origin !== globalBase.origin) { throw new Error(`invariant: invalid relative URL, router received ${url}`) } return { pathname, query: searchParamsToUrlQuery(searchParams), search, hash, href: href.slice(globalBase.origin.length), } }