import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' // we use this trick to fool static analysis at build time, so we can build a // middleware that will return a body at run time, and check it is disallowed. class MyResponse extends Response {} export async function middleware(request, ev) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream() const url = request.nextUrl const writer = writable.getWriter() const encoder = new TextEncoder() const next = // this is needed for tests to get the BUILD_ID if (url.pathname.startsWith('/_next/static/__BUILD_ID')) { return } // Header based on query param if (url.searchParams.get('nested-header') === 'true') { next.headers.set('x-nested-header', 'valid') } // Ensure deep can append to this value if (url.searchParams.get('append-me') === 'true') { next.headers.append('x-append-me', 'top') } // Ensure deep can append to this value if (url.searchParams.get('cookie-me') === 'true') { next.headers.append('set-cookie', 'bar=chocochip') } // Sends a header if (url.pathname === '/header') { next.headers.set('x-first-header', 'valid') return next } if (url.pathname === '/two-cookies') { const headers = new Headers() headers.append('set-cookie', 'foo=chocochip') headers.append('set-cookie', 'bar=chocochip') return new Response(null, { headers }) } // Streams a basic response if (url.pathname === '/stream-a-response') { ev.waitUntil( (async () => { writer.write(encoder.encode('this is a streamed ')) writer.write(encoder.encode('response ')) writer.close() })() ) return new MyResponse(readable) } if (url.pathname === '/bad-status') { return new Response(null, { headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Secure Area"' }, status: 401, }) } // Sends response if (url.pathname === '/send-response') { return new MyResponse(JSON.stringify({ message: 'hi!' })) } return next }