import chalk from 'chalk' import findUp from 'find-up' import os from 'os' import { basename, extname } from 'path' import { CONFIG_FILE } from '../lib/constants' import { execOnce } from '../lib/utils' const targets = ['server', 'serverless', 'experimental-serverless-trace'] const defaultConfig: { [key: string]: any } = { env: [], webpack: null, webpackDevMiddleware: null, distDir: '.next', assetPrefix: '', configOrigin: 'default', useFileSystemPublicRoutes: true, generateBuildId: () => null, generateEtags: true, pageExtensions: ['tsx', 'ts', 'jsx', 'js'], target: 'server', poweredByHeader: true, compress: true, devIndicators: { buildActivity: true, autoPrerender: true, }, onDemandEntries: { maxInactiveAge: 60 * 1000, pagesBufferLength: 2, }, amp: { canonicalBase: '', }, exportTrailingSlash: false, experimental: { ampBindInitData: false, cpus: Math.max( 1, (Number(process.env.CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL) || (os.cpus() || { length: 1 }).length) - 1 ), css: false, documentMiddleware: false, granularChunks: false, modern: false, profiling: false, publicDirectory: false, sprFlushToDisk: true, deferScripts: false, workerThreads: false, }, future: { excludeDefaultMomentLocales: false, }, serverRuntimeConfig: {}, publicRuntimeConfig: {}, reactStrictMode: false, } const experimentalWarning = execOnce(() => { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + chalk.bold('You have enabled experimental feature(s).') ) console.warn( `Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. ` + `Use them at your own risk.` ) console.warn() }) function assignDefaults(userConfig: { [key: string]: any }) { Object.keys(userConfig).forEach((key: string) => { if ( key === 'experimental' && userConfig[key] && userConfig[key] !== defaultConfig[key] ) { experimentalWarning() } if (key === 'distDir' && userConfig[key] === 'public') { throw new Error( `The 'public' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be set as the 'distDir'.` ) } const maybeObject = userConfig[key] if (!!maybeObject && maybeObject.constructor === Object) { userConfig[key] = { ...(defaultConfig[key] || {}), ...userConfig[key], } } }) return { ...defaultConfig, ...userConfig } } function normalizeConfig(phase: string, config: any) { if (typeof config === 'function') { config = config(phase, { defaultConfig }) if (typeof config.then === 'function') { throw new Error( '> Promise returned in next config.' ) } } return config } export default function loadConfig( phase: string, dir: string, customConfig?: object | null ) { if (customConfig) { return assignDefaults({ configOrigin: 'server', ...customConfig }) } const path = findUp.sync(CONFIG_FILE, { cwd: dir, }) // If config file was found if (path && path.length) { const userConfigModule = require(path) const userConfig = normalizeConfig( phase, userConfigModule.default || userConfigModule ) if ( && !targets.includes( { throw new Error( `Specified target is invalid. Provided: "${ }" should be one of ${targets.join(', ')}` ) } if (userConfig.amp && userConfig.amp.canonicalBase) { const { canonicalBase } = userConfig.amp || ({} as any) userConfig.amp = userConfig.amp || {} userConfig.amp.canonicalBase = (canonicalBase.endsWith('/') ? canonicalBase.slice(0, -1) : canonicalBase) || '' } if ( && !== 'server' && ((userConfig.publicRuntimeConfig && Object.keys(userConfig.publicRuntimeConfig).length !== 0) || (userConfig.serverRuntimeConfig && Object.keys(userConfig.serverRuntimeConfig).length !== 0)) ) { // TODO: change error message tone to "Only compatible with [fat] server mode" throw new Error( 'Cannot use publicRuntimeConfig or serverRuntimeConfig with target=serverless' ) } return assignDefaults({ configOrigin: CONFIG_FILE, ...userConfig }) } else { const configBaseName = basename(CONFIG_FILE, extname(CONFIG_FILE)) const nonJsPath = findUp.sync( [ `${configBaseName}.jsx`, `${configBaseName}.ts`, `${configBaseName}.tsx`, `${configBaseName}.json`, ], { cwd: dir } ) if (nonJsPath && nonJsPath.length) { throw new Error( `Configuring Next.js via '${basename( nonJsPath )}' is not supported. Please replace the file with 'next.config.js'.` ) } } return defaultConfig } export function isTargetLikeServerless(target: string) { const isServerless = target === 'serverless' const isServerlessTrace = target === 'experimental-serverless-trace' return isServerless || isServerlessTrace }